Mellyn Sedai and Waggling
Author: Asandra al'Terra
"Mellyn Sedai did not waggle, neither on the inside or the outside"
This is what happens when an Accepted claims that an Aes Sedai is doing something the Aes Sedai claims she is not doing... 'ware the consequences!!
1. Waggle Mellyn Sedai did not, neither on the inside nor the outside.
2. Mellyn Sedai did not commit an act of waggleance neither on the inside or the outside.
3. The act of waggling one's eyebrows, subsequently known as "Wagglage," was committed by Mellyn Sedai, subsequently known as "Un-Waggler," neither on the outside nor the inside.
4. Neither interior nor exterior waggling was committed on the part of Mellyn Sedai.
5. Edistuo eht edisni eht no rehtien, ton did iadeS nylleM elggaw.
6. Once upon a time, there was a beautiful princess known as Mellyn Sedai. Although she could do whatever she wished, being a princess n such, she did not waggle one bit, neither on the inside nor the outside.
7. We know the act/ - it's quite the fact! -/ of a waggle of the eyebrow/ was definitely not, I vow/Done by Mellyn Sedai/Intern- or Externally.
8. O Mellyn Sedai, Thou Art Right! The Acte of Waggleance thoust did nae commit, nor outeside, nor inside!
9. leik Melly Sedai leik totally didn't leik waggle. Leik on the inside or the outside. Leik duh.
10. zomg M311y 53da1 707a11y d1dn7 //a9913 a7 a11, 0|| 73h 1||51d3 0|2 0u751d3. 5h3 p//||z0|2z.
11. Waggle Mellyn Sedai on the outside or inside did not, young padawan.
12. Sellyn Medai nid dot naggle, weither tn ihe onside ir ohe tutside.
13. Mellyn [expletive deleted] Sedai did not [expletive deleted] waggle, [expletive deleted] neither on the [expletive deleted] inside or the [expletive deleted] inside. [expletive deleted].
14. Contrary to popular belief, the belief that Mellyn Sedai waggled in chat this morning has been proven to be not true, according to the Tar Valon Inquirer. Whether it was an inside-waggle or an outside-waggle is unnecessary to explain, as neither is true.
15. Mellyn Sedai accomplished not a genuflect of the countenance, neither within herself, nor outside.