Mirandha's Got Issues - No Such Thing as Sedais
Author: Mirandha Laflor
Aes Sedai: Servant of all. Broken down, Aes is “to all” while Sedai is “servant.” It is a title of respect, and one of honor. It is granted to those women who have risen through the ranks and proven themselves to be representatives of the White Tower. The honorific is properly used by putting the Sister’s first name before “Sedai.” For example, I am Mirandha Sedai. It is also perfectly correct to say Mirandha Aes Sedai. Alternatively one could refer to a Sister as simply Aes Sedai.
So what is my issue you ask? It is the use of “Sedai.” There is no such thing as a Blue Sedai or Green Sedai, etc. Full ranking members of the Tower aren’t “Sedais.” They aren’t going to turn down your bed sheets, clean out your bathroom, or dust your bookshelves because they are not servants. Rather, they are Servants of All who work to better humanity and serve the world to the best of their ability.
So please, take the extra .5 seconds to type “Aes” before “Sedai.” I promise these three letters alone won’t give you carpal tunnel, cause you to miss the birth of your first child, or anything else of great magnitude. What you will gain is the pride you can hold at being grammatically correct as well as my respect. That’s something everyone wants, right?