The Dragon Reborn: Chapter 46

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A Message Out of the Shadow

Val a'Shain

Characters: Mat, Gaebril, Comar, Tallanvor, Morgase

Setting: Royal Palace, Caemlyn, Andor.

Point of view: Mat

Mat remembers Rand telling him how he ended up in the garden of the Royal Palace. He only half believes it but it is worth a try. He makes his way to the back of the palace and find the wall Rand described. Soon he finds himself in the garden. He manages to evade the guards until he reaches the palace wall. Then he hears people coming his way and he has to hide for a moment.

From his hiding place he overhears a conversation between a man named Comar and another man Comar addresses as Great Master. It seems three untrained girls, Mat guesses Egwene, Nyneave and Elayne are headed for Tear. This could ruin their plans since they may fall into the hands of a competitor. The man addressed as Great Master doesn't want to interfere directly, his opponent will find out, so he gives Comar orders to have all three killed. Comar says he will take care of it personally.

Mat makes his way into the palace while he wonders what the three of them are doing in Tear. Inside he runs into an officer of the guard. Before the man can speak Mat tells him he has a letter from Elayne. The officer wants to know how Mat managed to get into the palace. When Mat tells him the officer, Guardsman-Lieutenant Tallanvor, makes it clear that if he tries to hurt the Queen his head will come of in a second. Mat swears he is a loyal Andorman and that he would follow Morgase and Gaebril anywhere. For some reason this doesn't seem to please Tallanvor. He takes Mat to see the Queen though.

When Morgase reads the letter her response is mixed. Pride at Elyane being raised to accepted so soon but also anger at the lack of information. Mat wants to tell Morgase what he overheard in the garden but Lord Gaebril silences him. Mat recognizes his voice as the voice of the 'Great Master'. It seems luck is with him again. When Morgase questions him again he pretends to be a simple farm boy who went to Tar Valon to see his sister. Gaebril considers putting Mat to the question but Morgase stops him. She gives Mat a message for the next time he sees Elayne. She says she will not remove her from the Tower before time. Mat says he means to return to his father's farm but Morgase seems to doubt that. Gaebril gives him a heavy purse and tells him to go see something of the world before he goes back to milking his father's cows. Then Gaebril turns the conversation to Morgase's claim to the Sun Throne and Tallanvor indicates he is dismissed.

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