The Dragon Reborn: Chapter 6

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Author: Val a'Shain

Wheel and Serpent Chapter Icon.png

The Hunt Begins

Chapter Icon: Wheel and Serpent

Point of View: Perrin

Setting: The Mountains of Mist

Characters: Perrin, Moiraine, Lan, Loial, Min, Uno, Masema


The camp wakes to find Rand gone. After learning that many have been dreaming of Callandor, Moiraine realizes he must be heading for Tear.


Perrin goes to find his bed after the battle with a band of Trollocs. He is woken by Lan telling him Rand disappeared that night. Perrin gets up and walks to Moiraine's hut to find out what is going on. On his way there he is stopped by Masema wanting to know why the Dragon left his followers. Perrin thinks the signs of religious madness in Masema are disturbing.

When he arrives at Moiraine's hut he finds Moiraine, Loial and Min there already. He shares his opinion on Masema with the others but of course there are more important matters to discuss. Moiraine doesn't know yet how Rand left but the guards didn't see him go. Rand left a cryptic message mentioning his dreams. Moiraine is worried about Rand, she doesn't believe he is ready to face all the dangers the world holds for him. Perrin and Moiraine get in a decidedly unpleasant conversation about the Forsaken.

When the conversation comes back to dreams again, Uno and Lan enter. Moiraine wants to know what dreams Perrin has had. He reluctantly describes them. Moiraine immediately recognizes the Stone of Tear and Callandor from what Perrin tells her. She sends Lan and Uno out to ask about the dreams the other men in the camp had. People strong in spirit can force their dreams on others. While Lan is gone she tells them about how drawing Callandor, the sword that is not a sword, the sword that cannot be touched, is an important part of the prophecies. The prophecies say the Stone of Tear will not fall until the Dragon holds Callandor. The Tairens, who want nothing to do with the One Power, placed Callandor in the Stone to prevent the Dragon from taking it. Rand will have to solve this paradox.

Lan returns with news that almost all the men in the camp shared at least part of Rand's dream. Moiraine now knows which way Rand is heading. Uno reports the valley where Rand caused an earthquake now has another exit. He most likely left that way. Moiraine tells Uno to get his men to Ghealdan and the name of a contact there. They are in no condition for a hard ride. She tells Min to carry a message to the Amyrlin Seat for her. Min first refuses but after Moiraine insists she promises to go. The Aes Sedai asks Loial and Perrin to join her. They agree to do so.

Moiraine sends them all out of the hut to make preparations. Min asks Lan if he has a message for Nynaeve. He says he doesn't, to Min's surprise. She tells Perrin after he had made the decision to go with Moiraine she had a viewing about him. She saw a caged Aiel man, a Tinker with a sword and a falcon and a hawk, both female. She doesn't know what it means. She also warns him that if he meets the most beautiful woman he ever saw he should run as fast as his legs can carry him.


Visions and Prophecy


  • An Aiel man in a cage.
  • A Tuatha'an with a sword.
  • A falcon and a hawk, perching on your shoulders. Both female, I think.
  • And all the rest, of course. What is always there. Darkness swirling 'round you, and -"
  • He should run from a beautiful woman.

The Karaethon Cycle

  • He shall 'slay his people with the sword of peace, and destroy them with the leaf'?
  • He shall bind the nine moons to serve him?
  • He shall heal 'wound of madness and cutting of hope' has he healed?

This could be a suggestion that Rand will cleanse saidin

  • What chains has he broken, and who put into chains?
  • Rand is expected to break the nations and shatter the world.

Character Development

  • Uno refers to him as "Lord Perrin".


What did Perrin see in the Portal Stone worlds that convinced him his life was tied to Rand's?


First Mention

Asmodean, Be'lal, Rahvin, Sammael


Loial says Ogier always dream of the stedding, when they are away from it.


This section contains Notes on this Chapter which may contain spoilers. Please expand to view.

Common Themes

Overconfidence in their own knowledge/Acting on poor information
  • Moiraine dismisses Perrin's concerns about Masema. While not directly assuming that knowledge another person has must be false, it is related, in that she simply dismisses it without giving it any real thought.This is a failing of hers, that she frequently focuses so much on one thing, she misses other important things. She acknowledges it with regard to Mat and Perrin.


The Prophet
  • Masema feels he must go out into the world and spread the word of Rand's coming. This is the start of a plotlne that will run till Knife of Dreams.

Visions and Prophecy


  • An Aiel man in a cage.

This is Gaul

This is Aram

  • A falcon and a hawk, perching on your shoulders. Both female, I think.

Faile and Berelain, both of whom are later important to Perrin

  • And all the rest, of course. What is always there. Darkness swirling 'round you, and -"
  • He should run from a beautiful woman.

She would be Lanfear, which is somewhat ironic as it is Perrin that eventually kills her when he has become Cyndane.

The Karaethon Cycle
  • He shall 'slay his people with the sword of peace, and destroy them with the leaf'?

This seems to be the Aiel, as be let them know they used to follow the Way of the Leaf. This didn't destroy them though and Moiraine quotes this section when trying to persuade the nations they must follow the Dragon's Peace.

  • He shall bind the nine moons to serve him?

The Court of the Nine Moon is the Seanchan court, though Rand didn't really bind them to serve him. This line is disputed as the Seanchan prophecies had it the other way round.

  • He shall heal 'wound of madness and cutting of hope' has he healed?

Rand cleansed saidin.

  • What chains has he broken, and who put into chains?

Rand later interprets the putting into chains to be when he captures Asmodean, unless this refers to a different chaining.

  • Rand is expected to break the nations and shatter the world.

It's not clear to what extent Rand does break the nations - the majority seem intact after the Dark One is defeated

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