The Eye of the World: Chapter 50

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Chapter 50: Meetings at the Eye

Val a'Shain

Characters: Rand, Mat, Perrin, Moiraine, Lan, Nynaeve, Egwene, Loial, the Green Man, Aginor, Balthamel.

Setting: the Blight

Point of view: Rand

As the Green Man leads them to the Eye he tells them of how it was created druing the time of madness, how 100 Aes Sedai, men and women, died in creating this essential part of the Dark Ones prison. Once they arrive at the eye the Green Man who now feels his end approaching leaves them to do what they came for. As the company steps in the find what could be described as the essence of Saidin, untainted by the Dark One. Rand backs away as far as he can, Saidin is making his skin crawl. Moiraine can't tell them why the Aes Sedai created it. Nynaeve wants to know why Moiraine took them there. As the company steps outside Moiraine explains the ta'veren will have to face the Dark One's power here.

Outside two men come up to them. They look old beyond belief and one of them doesn't seem to be able to speak. The other man tells them Mat guided them to the company and that they now found what they came for. Lan want's to know who they are and the man that does speak introduces the couple as Aginor and Balthamel. Two of the Forsaken. Lan hesitates one moment, torn between protecting his Aes Sedai and Nynaeve. Then he attacks Aginor who fends him of with contemptious ease. Nynaeve tries to attack Aginor as well but Balthamel steps in and stops her. Rand quickly tackles Egwene before she too is caught by the two forsaken.

Aginor now tells Rand that he should get used to being on his knees before the Forsaken. At that moment the Green Man returns he is outraged by what he finds and demands the Forsaken to leave. Aginor tells he to live out the rest of his daysand be glad he is not worthy of their attention. The Green Man attacks and kills Balthamel and dies in the process.

Moiraine now tries to attack Aginor with the one power and tells the rest of the company to run. The flee in all directions. Rand and Egwene run last. Moiraine's screams pursue them as the try to get away.

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