The Fires of Heaven: Chapter 55
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Author: Val a'Shain

Chapter Icon: Ancient Aes Sedai Symbol
Rand's Point of View:
Setting: Caemlyn, the World of Dreams
Rand chases Rahvin through the Royal palace, stopping only to kill the Shadowspawn that get in his way. The damage to the palace is considerable. In the void thoughts of Lews Therin bubble up. And thoughts of those who died already in this attack. Rand counters anything Rahvin uses against him. To Rand's surprise that includes balefire.
Rand comes to the residue of a gateway. Not the same as the one he uses but he recognizes it anyway. Rand follows Rahvin to a reflection of the Royal Palace. Rand begins to explore this new place and find out the rules that apply here. He starts looking for Rahvin. He wants to see him dead.
Nynaeve's Point of View:
Setting: Caemlyn, the World of Dreams
Characters: Nynaeve, Moghedien
Nynaeve takes cover from the weaves Rand and Rahvin are throwing at each other. She feels Moghedien's fear through the a'dam. Moghedien tells her that the others are here in the flesh and that they can wield much more of the Power that way. Whatever Nynaeve and she can muster will pale in comparison. Nynaeve wants to push on anyway. Moghedien refuses and Nynaeve uses the a'dam to make her go on. Moghedien is terrified but has no choice but to go on.
Rand's Point of View:
Setting: The World of Dreams
The gateway was a trap and Rand walked into it. Rahvin is doing something to Rand and he feels the source slipping away from him. Still he has the power for one more strike. But where? Roaring the Forsaken's name Rand tries to draw him out.
Nynaeve's Point of View:
Setting: Caemlyn, the World of Dreams
Characters: Nynaeve, Moghedien
The reflection of the palace is shaken to the core by the battle between Rand and Rahvin. Nynaeve is terrified but pushes on looking for Rahvin anyway. When she spots him she draws all the Power Moghedien can muster. Rahvin is distracted by Rand and doesn't notice her at first. She throws everything she has against Rahvin. The fear she feels through the a'dam is replaced by something else now. Nynaeve feels resignation. The Forsaken expects to die here.
Rand's Point of View:
Setting: The World of Dreams
Not understanding what is happening to Rahvin, Rand seizes the chance and balefires him with every scrap of the Power he can draw.
Nynaeve's Point of View:
Setting: The World of Dreams
Characters: Nynaeve, Rand, Moghedien
Nynaeve is trying to maintain the weave as Rand's balefire hits Rahvin. Relief floods through the a'dam. Nynaeve goes to meet Rand. She Heals him of his wounds, except the old one on his side. Then she tells him he must leave now. Being in the World of Dreams in the flesh is dangerous. Rand passes on Lan's message to Nynaeve and adds to tell Elayne the same. He has found someone else, it's too dangerous to love him. Then he leaves the World of Dreams.
The problem of what to do with Moghedien remains. Nynaeve can't just kill her. An idea comes to her. She makes the Forsaken drink forkroot. Before Moghedien falls asleep she tells her that Moghedien has given her some clues of her location in the real world. They will see each other in Salidar soon.
Rand's Point of View:
Setting: Caemlyn
Characters: Rand, Aviendha, Mat, Asmodean, Sulin, Bael
Rand runs through the Royal Palace. The damage seems somehow less than it looked the last time he passed through. Outside the fighting is still going on. Rand sees fireballs being used against the Shadowspawn. Rand channels tiny flows of balefire and kills a number of Fades and Trollocs. This tips the battle, the Shadowspawn break and run. Running down into the plaza Rand finds Aviendha, Mat and Asmodean alive. It takes him a moment to understand that the huge bar of balefire that killed Rahvin must have undone their deaths. Too many others are still dead though. Rand hugs Aviendha, glad she is still alive. Bael and Sulin come up to him to report. The Trollocs are running and the Royal Guard have joined the fight against them. Rand gives orders to pursue the Trollocs. They shouldn't be allowed to roam the countryside.