The Road to A Memory of Light

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The time has come boys and girls. As advertised on, it is at long last the 'Year of the Dragon' according to the Chinese Calendar, and the saga of The Wheel of Time is coming to a close. Brandon Sanderson completed the first draft a few days before Christmas, and is now working hard on draft number two while fans all around the world look forward to late 2012 when we can finally hold the conclusion in our own hands. As the weeks and months pass in anticipation of that moment, the officers and senior executives here at TarValon.Net are going to be starting a journey of our own as we look through each book from NEW SPRING through TOWERS OF MIDNIGHT and share with you our thoughts on each volume. For each book, we'll be sticking with our own focus and look at the position of the White Tower; we'll speak to their influence and position, how they are viewed by other people and political entities, as well as what may yet be resolved in the final volume A MEMORY OF LIGHT. You'll also find a bit of what we love about each particular book, or perhaps what The Wheel of Time means for us personally.

Each of our postings will be released 3 weeks apart on a Wednesday, and our tech department is working on getting you a header at the top of this page so that you can find the blog posts directly. Even more exciting, however, is that we have been approached to also host a giveaway of each book in order! Macmillan Audio (for Tor) releases the audio version of each book at the same time as the print version - which means there will be no wait to get it after the print version goes on sale later this year. The narrators (Kate Reading and Michael Kramer) do an amazing job of bringing the series to life and making the listening experience truly wonderful. In conjunction with our blog series, we'll be giving away the audio books after each set of 3! So keep an eye out for more information to come about how you can enter to have one of these great books sent directly to your home. The first set of 3 (NEW SPRING, EYE OF THE WORLD and THE GREAT HUNT to be given to 3 different individuals) will be available in March, which isn't too far away now.

We here at TarValon.Net are so excited to have you all take this journey with us over the next 9-10 months, and I can't wait to see where the Wheel ultimately takes us. Enjoy the ride!
