WoT Horoscopes: February 2012

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Author: Taelinn Dolivras

From the desk of an amateur star reader...

Is there any justice in this world? Don't look to the stars for answers, my dears, as they are fond of predicting injustice and turmoil in our lives. Have you ever noticed how they seem to twinkle with mirth all the time? After reading them for so long, I'm starting to think that it's their way of laughing at us poor mortals and the difficulties we must endure...

Taisham - December 22 to January 18

Love is something that no one will ever understand, so forget about buying that self-help book that claims to explain the mysteries of a happy love life. Itís pure ****. (Please forgive the stars for their use of profanity! Sometimes they just can't restrain themselves.)

Jumara - January 19 to February 15

Take extra care when making purchases this month. There is something called buyers guilt and trust the stars when they say that you do not want to be afflicted with multiple sessions this month. Oh and your stockings are inside out.

Saban - February 16 to March 15

You are much too concerned with your physical appearance. Imperfection is valued in this world. Besides, no one wants anything flawless anymore, except diamonds!

Aine - March 16 to April 12

You need reading glasses. Either that or you've been looking directly into the sun lately. Whatever the case, squinting is so not good for you when it comes to wrinkles. Save yourself from the baggy skin look and cave in. After all, glasses can be fashionable if worn correctly!

Adar - April 13 to May 10

Try to eat healthier this month. Add more leafy greens and fibre to your diet. Not only will you feel better, but youíll have a less difficult time when it comes to certain bodily functions!

Saven - May 11 to June 7

Sometimes it's better to let sleeping dogs lie, so try to keep that in mind when feeling particularly inquisitive. Remember, curiosity killed the cat! Also, refrain from stating animal-based proverbs this month.

Amadaine - June 8 to July 6

You are going to face endless frustration this month. Just remember that when itís all over, it's not our fault! Keep your faith in the stars and things will look better next month.

Tammaz - July 7 to August 3

The good-looking stranger who you thought was winking at you in the pub today had something in his eye. Sorry to burst your bubble.

Maigdhal - August 4 to August 31

Enjoy the company of someone older this month. Though you may get bored of tall tales about former Warders and rambling reminiscence about the progression of Tower Law over the past few century, the food will be worth it. Trust me.

Choren - September 1 to September 28

Smile more often. It brightens up your day and has a positive effect on others. Be sure to check between your teeth after meals if you intend on smiling more; otherwise, youíll go around for an entire afternoon with something big, green and leafy between your front teeth.

Shaldine - September 29 to October 26

When was the last time you did something nice for someone else? It gives you a sense of accomplishment that you canít get anywhere else and in thinking of someone besides yourself, it improves your image. Try not to get too pompous about it though. No one likes a braggart.

Nesan - October 27 to November 23

Give yourself a day off. You've been working hard lately and deserve a break. Kick back, relax and enjoy life for a little while because youíre going to have to deal with a lot of stress when a close friend has an accident and all their tasks fall to you!

Danu - November 24 to December 21

Try to get a lot of your work done over the next few days because you're going to have an accident and all your duties will fall to your Nesan friend, and they will not thank you for it. Get back into their good graces by buying them a gift when you recover.