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This is a transcript of Leora Sedai's class on Book and Community Ajah, which took place between October, 2010 and March, 2011.

Please be advised that this transcript might include spoilers up until Book 12: The Gathering Storm.


Hi everybody! I'm so excited to be back and the classroom, and to be covering one of my favorite topics: Ajahs! In this class, we'll be talking about each of the Ajahs in two different ways. First, we'll be covering the Book Ajahs. I'll give a short "lecture" and then we'll discuss what we know about them and their roles, traditions, members, etc. We'll also have "pop quizzes"--in other words, questions I'm going to throw out you'll need to find the answer to. We'll also discuss assumptions and prejudices characters have about the Ajahs. Then, we'll move on to a sort of compare/contrast with our Community Ajahs. Our goal will be to get to know them better. After a short "lecture" from me, we're going to brainstorm interview questions for members of that Ajah and then interview people. At the end of the interviews, we'll talk about what we learned: both what we expected and what surprised us.

I put the Ajahs into a random list generator, and the order we will cover them will be:

  • Gray
  • Brown
  • White
  • Green
  • Red
  • Yellow
  • Blue

I want this class to be a place where y'all can discuss things freely. So please don't be afraid to post things and ask questions, even if they're things like "Reds are scary" or "I heard this Ajah is intimidating for guests" etc etc. We are definitely not going to be Ajah bashing but I feel we can cover questions and topics like that in a productive and respectful way.

So, ready? Go ahead and let me know if you're out there and will participate! Since this class is discussion based, you can join at any point. The first lesson on the Gray Ajah in the books will be up Saturday!

The Gray Ajah

The Gray Ajah is the first of the seven official Ajahs of the White Tower we'll be discussing. The book Grays are focused primarily on political negotiations and mediating disputes between nations. Others say, somewhat contemptuously, that Grays believe any problem can be solved by "talking long enough". Book Grays consider these negotiations/mediations as their territory and they do not take kindly to Aes Sedai from any other Ajah who try to "help".

In "The Big White Book", the Grays are described as being "mesmerized" by war and threats of war because of the function they perform. They are also described as always striving to increase their own influence.

Because of the kind of job they are expected to perform, book Grays must be familiar with the laws of every land. Many nations use Gray Aes Sedai to ensure their treaties hold, even though they fear the treaties ultimately serve the White Tower's interests more than the nations'. Other Aes Sedai recognize that every time a Gray's skill ends a war, they increase the influence of all Aes Sedai, but the increase the influence of Grays most of all.

Gray Ajahs share many customs with other Ajahs. They have an eyes and ears network; they also traditionally only bond one Warder at a time.

The Grays are lead by a single woman, known as the Head Clerk. Traditionally, Sitters are selected by the Ajah at large. The Grays will discuss candidates until a few can be settled on, and then the candidates are voted on by secret ballot. Winner gets the seat in the Hall.

The Gray Ajah is the third largest Ajah in the books. There have been nine Amyrlins raised from the Gray Ajah. There are 4 Grays that are either known or presumed to actually be Black Ajah.

Gray Amyrlins

  • Dalaine Ndaye (36-64 NE) Nothing more known
  • Medanor Eramandos (142-171 NE) Nothing more known
  • Elise Strang (223-244 NE) Nothing more known
  • Serenia Latar (276-306 NE) The only Amyrlin seat to have been hanged by the Whitecloaks, and she was already did when they did it. A picture of her hanging adorns the Dome of Truth
  • Cerilla Marodred (454-476 NE) Nothing more known
  • Gerra Kishar (601-638 NE) Considered a strong Amyrlin; she raised the prestige of the Tower. She controlled the Tower by playing factions against each other.
  • Cemaile Sorenthaine (681-705 NE) Considered an embarassment to the Tower, Cemaile dreamed of returning the Tower to the position of power it'd had before the Trolloc Wars. She had grandiose plans of the White Tower approving all rulers, etc. Her plans died and she became nothing more than a figurehead. The Ajah Heads actually ruled the Tower.
  • Parenia Demalle (817-866 NE) Nothing more known
  • Sierin Vayu (979-984 NE) Raised after Tamra Ospenya is murdered by the Black Ajah. She herself was killed by the Black Ajah after she found out about them.

Gray Aes Sedai

  • Adrielle: Sides with Elaida; sent as part of Elaida's delegation to the Black Tower that does not end well
  • Akoure Vayet: Sides with Elaida; sent as part of Elaida's delegation to the Black Tower that does not end well
  • Andaya Forae: Sides with Elaida and selected to sit in the Hall of the Tower even though she is very "young" in Aes Sedai terms.
  • Aisha Raveneos: Sent by Tamra Ospenya to search for the Dragon Reborn, she is murdered by the Black Ajah.
  • Annoura Larisen: Acting as advisor to Berelain, the First of Mayene. Thus, her appearances are part of Perrin's storyline.
  • Ashmanaille: Sides with the Salidar Aes Sedai. Her job in the Tower was to keep track of the tributes nations paid the Tower. She uses that knowledge to help the Salidar Aes Sedai gain much needed funds.
  • Beonin Marinya: From Tarabon. "Nothing surprised Beonin, though. She would not believe the sun came up in the morning until she saw for herself, yet if one morning it did not, Elayne doubted that Beonin would turn a hair. It would just confirm that she had been right to demand proof." She believes simple courtesies have value and learns the names of all the common folk who surround her. She believes negotiation and mediation are very important and pushes Egwene to engage Elaida this way. She sides with the Salidar Aes Sedai initially.
  • Berisha Terakuni: sides with Elaida.
  • Coiren Saeldain: Known as a good negotiator, she sides with Elaida. Coiren leads the delegation from Elaida to Rand that ends in the disaster at Dumai's Well.
  • Jennet: Sides with the Salidar Aes Sedai but is sent on a mission to the Tower to try and spread rumors about the Red Ajah.
  • Kiyoshi: sides with Elaida
  • Kwamesa: Youngest Salidar Sitter, she is from Arafel and puts a great store in ceremony.
  • Larelle Tarsi: From Arad Doman, she is one of Moiraine's teachers as a novice and Accepted. She asked tough questions you didn't want to answer and is viewed as a "perfect sister" that they aspire to be like.
  • Mabriam en Shereed: Aes Sedai of the Gray Ajah and Queen of Aramaelle, she was instrumental in bringing about the Compact of Ten Nations.
  • Marya Somares: Served as the Tower's representative to The Grand Alliance of nations that battled the Aiel during the Aiel War.
  • Meidani: Sides with the Salidar Aes Sedai but is sent on a mission to the Tower to try and spread rumors about the Red Ajah.
  • Melavaire Someinellin: sides with Elaida.
  • Merana Ambrey: Sides with Elaida; sent as part of the delegation to Rand that ends in the Dumai's Well disaster after which her loyalty shifts to Rand. She helps him negotiate with the Sea Folk and other factions. Min sees her as one who can be trusted.
  • Merilille Ceandevin: From Cairhien, the Salidar Aes Sedai send her to Cairhien to be their ambassador. She is then sent as an emissary to Ebou Dar and Queen Tylin. She helps in the search for the Bowl of Winds. She performs various other duties such as meeting with the Borderlanders and teaching the Sea Folk before disappearing from the city.
  • Naorise Cambral: Sides with the Salidar Aes Sedai and eventually becomes a Sitter.
  • Niande Moorwyn: advisor to King Galldrian of Cairhien.
  • Nisain: Sides with the Salidar Aes Sedai; very knowledgeable in the law and treaties. Is sent to investigate the happenings at Shadar Logoth.
  • Serancha Colvine: current Head Clerk; sides with Elaida.
  • Tiana Noselle: sides with the Salidar Aes Sedai and serves as their Mistress of Novices
  • Varilin: sides with the Salidar Aes Sedai; serves in the Hall and helps negotiate with Elaida
  • Yukiri: sides with Elaida; she is also a Sitter. Considered a rebel and very stubborn, she is the last one to join a consensus if she wants to do something different. Eventually helps hunt for the Black Ajah.


  • What does the title of "Head Clerk" tell you about how the Gray Ajah views itself?
  • What kinds of attributes do you think a book Gray would need to be successful?
  • What is your impression of the book Grays? How do you think other characters view them?
  • Which non-Aes Sedai character in the books do you think would make a good Gray? Why?

Here's what you all came up with to describe the Gray Ajah. A number outside the word/phrase means it was said more than once.

How the Grays See Themselves
  • Organized (3)
  • Bureaucratic (2)
  • Structured (2)
  • Orderly, systematic, mediators, record-keepers, no-nonsense, administrative, Head Clerk is a servant of her Ajah
What it Takes to be a Book Gray
  • Patient (5)
  • Be able to all sides of an argument (3)
  • Fair (3)
  • Even-tempered (3)
  • Have a good memory (2)
  • Empathy (2)
  • Communicate clearly, good listener, ability to know what people mean even when they don't articulate it, quick thinking, good with words, being able to see the truth of a situation, diplomatic, listen to both sides without passing judgment, understanding, firm, knowledge of psychology, economics, languages, customs and politics, good memory, organized
How you view the Grays

Political, law enforcers, can come off as snobs but are actually understanding, the "middle ground" of the Ajahs, competent, professional, manipulative, some of the most normal people in the Tower,

How others view the Grays

Mediators, rigid, pushy, they trust the successful ones but not the inexperienced, cold, not as interesting as other Ajahs, afraid of a fight, all talk and no action

Non-Aes Sedai who would make a good Gray
  • Balwer
  • Flinn (2)
  • Perrin (2)
  • Thom Merrilin
  • Zaida din Parede Blackwing
  • Harine din Togara Two Winds
  • Min
  • Elyse

The Gray Ajah at TarValon.Net

Ok, the Gray Ajah at Tar Valon! As you should all know, the Ajahs here do not have a focused "mission" like we see in the books. Instead, Ajahs here tend to be more a collection of women with similar values and outlooks on life.

The resource for this "lecture" is the Gray Ajah page in the Library: Community Page: Gray Ajah HQ

The Head Clerk is Velaris Sedai The Heart of the Ajah is Addelyn Sedai The Sitters of the Ajah are Lijena Sedai and Alyria Sedai Their site lists a number of other unofficial positions within the Ajah

Their page lists 28 Aes Sedai, 9 Warders and 8 Aspirants!

Magdalenna Sedai, a former head of Ajah, describes the difference between book and site Grays:

In terms of philosophy or ideal, we're fairly similar. We strive for peace and for balance. For the Grays in the books, it was the peace of nations. For the Grays here at TV.net, it's the peace of everyday relationships. We aren't as political as the book Grays are; we work on a more microscopic scale, with relationships instead. And many of our members have been known to say that they know all the rules inside and out so that they know how to get around them.

One of the main differences between the Grays of the books and the Grays of the site is demeanor. None of the main Aes Sedai in the books are Gray. Until the last couple of books, the Grays are largely overlooked. And when you finally get to spend more time with a Gray character, you find that many of those characters are either painfully flawed in some way or they're Black Ajah. For many of the TV.net Grays, we didn't even consider the Gray Ajah in the first place, probably because of the representation of the Grays in the books.

And, of course, there's the pie and wheelbarrow things, which the book Grays definitely don't have.

In their page, the Grays describe themselves this way

The Gray Ajah is a very diverse and very close group of women here at TarValon.net. Our members are scattered around the world, in South Africa, Australia, Israel, Serbia, Sweden, Scotland, Bulgaria, England, Canada, and the USA. The age of the Ajah is across the board, with our youngest member in high school, and our oldest mothers to children in high school. We are very different in many ways, but we are all alike in our regard and care for each other, and in our desire for peace, love, and understanding. The women of the Gray Ajah believe that most anything can be prevented or solved by open, clear, and honest communication. We all live by a No Drama policy, both on the boards and in our real lives. In sharing this ideal, we connect on a deeper level that creates an environment of trust and acceptance. We care about each other and are as communicative on the boards as we are via text message, phone call, and the occasional meeting in real life. As a whole, we are a rather spammy Ajah, though we have many ongoing threads in our forums where we get to know each other better. We are an active Ajah, releasing a newsletter and hosting a Gray Chat weekend each month, as well as planning site-wide games and activities. We like to make new members and guests to our Ajah feel welcome, because we know how important it was to us to have people welcome us when we were new to the site. The Grays are always looking for a fun time, and we enjoy making others laugh.

So, here's how the "homework" goes for this part of the discussion. I want you to all-together brainstorm and come up with a list of at least 5 questions (it can be more) that you would like to use to interview an Aes Sedai of the Gray Ajah. Your lists of questions do not have to be identical; for instance, if you wanted to know where the Gray Ajah tradition of the wheelbarrow came from, you probably only need to ask that question to one person.

Your list of questions should be finalized by Wednesday morning (USA time). You will receive specific instructions at that point on how to interview people. Ready?

Now, those of you with your questions ready, I want you to go ahead and use them to interview a Gray Aes Sedai.

Each Gray may only answer ONE students questions. This a great opportunity for y'all to talk to someone outside your normal circle of friends, so consider interviewing someone you don't know so well. However, you can interview whichever Gray you like, so long as no one else has already done so. If you have a problem getting responses, please PM me and I will help you out. Questions? If not, go forth and interview!

The Brown Ajah

The Brown Ajah is the second of the seven official Ajahs of the White Tower we'll be discussing. Compared to some of the other Ajahs, we don't know a whole lot about the inner workings of the Browns. The mission of the Browns is to "forsake involvement in the mundane world and dedicate itself to seeking knowledge". Thus, the Browns are often scholars and many work in the Library of the White Tower. In fact, the Brown Sisters who maintain the top-secret 13th Depository in the White Tower's Library, are the only ones outside of the Amyrlin, Sitters and Heads of Ajah who are aware of its existence--for anyone else to know about it is a crime! To many outsiders, Browns come across as naive and out of touch with the real world.

Moiraine observes in New Spring that the Browns' quarters are plainly decorated. We also know from her that while not enemies, the Blues and Browns are at odds over some particular issue. The Browns support the Whites against the Blue in this issue but support the Blues against the Yellows. Traditionally, the Browns do have a network of eyes-and-ears and only bond one Warder at a time.

The Brown Ajah differs from other Ajahs in that it is run by a Council composed of a group of Browns--we're not sure how many there are. We do know that there is a Head of the Brown Ajah Council but what her power limitations are, how she gets the position, or how anyone makes it onto the Council in the first place is a mystery. There are five known or suspected members of the Black Ajah masquerading as Browns. We know of 5 Amyrlins raised from the Brown Ajah.

Brown Amyrlins

  • Balladare Arandaille(115-142 NE) The Kavarthen wars took place during her tenure
  • Doniella Alievin(306-332NE) Nothing more known
  • Igaine Luin(476-520 NE) Nothing more known
  • Zeranda Tyrim(797-817 NE) Nothing more known
  • Kirin Melway: (922-950 NE) Nothing more known

Brown Aes Sedai

  • Adeleas Namelle: An Aes Sedai who had retired to Tifan's Well with her sister and her Warder, where she had been occupying herself with the creation of a history of the world since the Breaking.
  • Aiden: Aiden is one of the few Sea Folk Aes Sedai, relatively weak in the Power and works in the Tower Library. After the split, she sides with the White Tower and is one of two Aes Sedai Alviarin passes on her return from Tremalking during the events of Crossroads of Twilight.
  • Akarrin: One of the Aes Sedai sent by the Hall in Salidar to investigate what happened at Shadar Logoth, since, though relatively weak in the One Power, she is an expert at reading residues.
  • Amylia: Amylia is an Aes Sedai who was convinced by Zaida to teach the Windfinders.
  • Bennae Nalsad:A Shienaran Aes Sedai who remained in the Whiter Tower after the split and is one of Egwene's teachers upon her return, instructing her in History.
  • Dalevien: An Aes Sedai who sided with the White Tower after the split. She and Felaana are the Aes Sedai guarding Leane's upon Egwene's first visit during the events of Knife of Dreams.
  • Danelle: An Aes Sedai who was instrumental in Elaida's rise to power. She remains in the Tower and acts as part of Elaida's council, though is gradually pushed aside.
  • Demira Eriff: An Aes Sedai from Arad Doman, who is a part of the Salidar delegation to Rand. On her way from a meeting with the absent Milam Harnder in Caemlyn, she is attacked by short black-haired "Aiel" who warn her to stay away from the Dragon Reborn. She is interested in the seals of the Dark One's prison and wants to research them in detail.
  • Doraise Mesianos: During the events of A Crown of Swords, she was one of the Aes Sedai rewarded by Elaida at Alviarin's urging, creating strife between the Ajahs.
  • Elin Warrel: An Andoran who is three years older than Moiraine, she is the Novice on duty in the Anteroom at Gitara Moroso's death during the events of New Spring. She is, according to Elayne, forty years old but looks twenty and is described as slender, skinny and of average height.
  • Escaralde: An Aes Sedai from Far Madding. She stands for Egwene and voted for and proposed an Alliance with the Black Tower.
  • Felaana Bevaine: One of the Aes Sedai who capture Egwene at Southharbour during the events of Knife of Dreams.
  • Gabrelle: One of the fifty Aes Sedai who were sent by Elaida to the Black Tower, she was forcibly bonded by Logain Ablar.
  • Janya Frende: She is a Sitter for the Brown Ajah at Salidar, stands for Egwene and voted affirmatively on both a war with Elaida and an alliance with the Black Tower. It is likely she was the only original sitter to flee who was not sent by her head of Ajah.
  • Jesse Bilal:The head of the ruling Council of the Brown Ajah in the White Tower.
  • Juilaine Madome: Juilaine was elected as a Sitter of the Hall in the White Tower after the split, she has been Aes Sedai for around seventy years.
  • Kumira: A Shienaran and weak in the One Power, she has aligned herself with Cadsuane. During the events of Winter's Heart, she links with Verin and Shalon and is killed in a fight at Shadar Logoth.
  • Lairain: An Aes Sedai of the Brown Ajah who was loyal to Elaida during the The Split.
  • Maenadrin: a Saldaean Aes Sedai of the Brown Ajah who remained with the Tower during the split
  • Masuri Sokawa: An Aes Sedia sent by the rebels as an embassy to Rand. After having been forced to swear fealty, she joins forces with Perrin and Faile during the events of Lord of Chaos. She participated in the battle at Malden during the events of Knife of Dreams.
  • Morvrin: Afer the split with the White Tower, she is established as part of the ruling council in Salidar. She is one of the Sisters who swore fealty to Egwene during The Path of Daggers and seems continually astonished by it. Her Warder is Jori.
  • Namine Tasil: An Aes Sedai of the Brown Ajah who is originally from Arad Doman. Cadsuane felt that she had an unusually keen understanding of current events,
  • Negaine: An Aes Sedai who sided with the White Tower after the split, she and Felaana discover the disguised Beonin wandering the halls of the White Tower during the events of Knife of Dreams and take her to see Elaida.
  • Nesune Bihara: Nesune is one of the Aes Sedai in Elaida's delegation to Rand, a mission she would have been happy to volunteer for as she is planning to write a paper on the Dragon Reborn. She has a Warder who's name is unknown and has sworn allegiance to Rand.
  • Nyein: Having sided with the White Tower after the split, Nyein is one of the few Sea Folk Aes Sedai. In addition to being relatively weak in the Power, she works in the Tower Library where she spends most of her time in the upper levels with Zemaille and Aiden.
  • Phaedrine: An Aes Sedai who sides with Salidar. She was one of many Aes Sedai who taught Egwene's novice classes and is so weak in the power that she and Shemari have to work together to be able to create a gateway.
  • Saerin Asnobar: A Sitter for the Brown Ajah for forty years, Saerin remained in the White Tower after the split. She was an innkeeper's daughter, who was trained by the Daughters of Silence before being called to the Tower. She was one of the Aes Sedai plotting to reveal the Black Ajah in the White Tower, and became a strong supporter of Egwene.
  • Sareitha Tomares: A Tairen Aes Sedai who was part of the group of Salidar Aes Sedai who worked on the Bowl of the Winds and accompanied Elayne to Andor during The Path of Daggers.
  • Serafelle:An Aes Sedai who accompanied the Amyrlin to Fal Dara. She was also one of the Aes Sedai who healed Mat after his fateful encounter with the ruby dagger.
  • Shemari: An Aes Sedai who joins the Salidar Aes Sedai after the split. Not much is known about her other than the fact that she is barely strong enough to form a gateway while linked with Phaedrine.
  • Shevan: An Aes Sedai who remains n the White tower after the split and is chosen one of the Sitters for the Brown Ajah. She supports the notion of negotiating with the Salidar Aes Sedai.
  • Takima: A Sitter who was didn't vote to depose Siuan and was sent to Salidar by Jesse. Despite having aligned herself with Lelaine, she does not support the notion of war with the White Tower and hopes to negotiate with Elaida instead. In addition, she is violently opposed to the idea of cooperating with the Black Tower.
  • Theodrin Dabei: A woman raised to full Aes Sedai during the events of Lord of Chaos, she swore fealty to Egwene. She was one of the Aes sedai sent to the Black Tower to discuss bonding Asha'man.
  • Valera Gorovni: One of the searchers sent out by Tamra Ospenya during the events of New Spring, Valera was murdered by the Black Ajah.
  • Verin Mathwin: An Aes Sedai of the Brown Ajah who has significant and ongoing interaction with all the main characters throughout the books.
  • Zemaille: One of the Sea Folk Aes Sedai, she is described as being tall, thin and very dark, with a lean face and straight black hair to her waist and tattoos on her hands. She works in the Tower Library and tends to stay in the upper levels where the secret records are kept.


  • Why do you think the Brown Ajah chose to have a council run the Ajah instead of a single woman? What are the advantages and disadvantages of having a council versus a single head of the Ajah?
  • What kinds of attributes do you think a book Brown would need to be successful?
  • What is your impression of the book Browns? How do you think other characters view them?
  • This question contains a significant spoiler from The Gathering Storm: Verin: Truly Brown or Truly Black?
  • Which non-Aes Sedai character in the books do you think would make a good book Brown (can be male or female)? Why?

Here's what you all came up with to describe the Brown Ajah. A number outside the word/phrase means it was said more than once.

What it takes to be a Book Brown
  • Thirst/hunger/love for knowledge (5)
  • go the distance for knowledge (2)
  • unbiased
  • pragmatic
  • know lots of different languages (2)
  • patience (2)
  • love libraries
  • know how to work with old texts
  • be willing to travel to acquire knowledge
How you view the Browns
  • Have more knowledge than they let on
  • absent-minded
  • focused deeply on one issue
  • scatterbrained
  • bookworms
  • scholars
  • secluded
  • intelligent
  • lacking common sense
  • passionate about learning
  • reading as much as they can so they can intellectually know their world
How others view the Browns
  • Out of touch (2)
  • scatterbrained (2)
  • bookworms
  • scholars
  • aloof but knowledgeable
  • stuffy
  • brainy
  • intellectual
Non-Aes Sedai who would make a good Brown
  • Loial (3)
  • Ogier in general
  • Herid Fel

The Brown Ajah at TarValon.Net

Ok, the Brown Ajah at Tar Valon!

The resource for this "lecture" is the Brown Ajah page in the Library: http://library.tarvalon.net/index.php?t ... wn_Ajah_HQ

The Head of Ajah is Adolla Sedai The Heart of the Ajah is Rinwyn Sedai The Sitters of the Ajah are Ayendra Sedai and Viola Sedai Their site lists a number of other unofficial positions within the Ajah

I counted 35 Aes Sedai, 10 Warders and 1 Aspirant!

The official description attributed to "The Browns of tarvalon.net"

Browns are curious by nature. This is a big part of being Brown. We like to know things, but it doesn't mean that we're all scholars. What makes you Brown is what you really want to do with the knowledge. For most of us, it's enough to know. We don't seem to feel the need to charge out and do something with it necessarily.

The other very big part of Brown here at TarValon.Net is attitude. We may not have the most active forums. We may not feel the need to constantly share the innermost workings of our hearts with each other. However, if a Sister or Aspirant wishes to, we are all there for her and will listen, give advice or a good swift kick in the pants if needed.

It's about a kind of laid back attitude and a feeling of acceptance. We don't always agree with each other. But we don't feel the need to argue each other down over our disagreements. We're curious about how one or another views something, but if we disagree, we disagree. We accept people for who they are and appreciate what they have to offer to the group.

If someone has been gone for a while and comes back, we love it! There's no castigation, however mild. Just a gladness that a long lost Sister has returned.

In their page, the Browns describe themselves this way

If you ask 3 Browns that question, you'll get at least 4 answers. We're not sure how to summarize that essential part of ourselves that drew us to the Brown Ajah. The core value of the Brown Aes Sedai is her love of knowledge and learning. We have a desire to know more about the world around us than we did yesterday, and to share what we know with others. Ask a Brown about her passion, and you'll get more information than you ever dreamed was out there!

Some Browns seek to study whatever catches their interest, others focus solely on trying to find knowledge that has been lost, from the Age of Legends, or later. (The Great Hunt)

The Browns here at TarValon.net are no strangers to study. Many of us continue our education both in universities and in personal research; each finding our own niche and interests. Many of the Browns enjoy writing as well as research, several are bilingual, and we all enjoy learning from not just books but the people around us as well.

The Brown Ajah is not only about the quest for knowledge. It is also filled with Sisters, Warders, and Aspirants that are compassionate, thoughtful, and caring. We seek to learn not only about the world and history but about each other too. We are a close knit group that is calm and mellow and there is very little drama among us, unless we are rallying against a book burning of course! Many of us are quiet, and even a little shy, while others are a bit more outgoing. No matter their personality the Brown Ajah is filled with members that are kind and sincere and truly care for one another.

The Brown Ajah also has its own personal quirks and traditions. We are known for our love of cheese as well as indulging now and again in the spirit of Rum. We each have our own dust bunny that helps us to keep our books tidy, and many of the Sisters have a tendency to “Brown Out” on occasion.

You should also read the Brown FAQ in the Library: Community Page: Brown Ajah HQ

So, like last time, I want you to brainstorm a list of at least 5 questions to use to interview a Brown Aes Sedai. Then contact them, let them know their answers will be shared with the class and interview them, then post your answers! Only one student may interview a particular Aes Sedai. If you have problems, PM me!

The White Ajah

The White Ajah article in our library is the main resource for this lesson. Click to read the full article.

We know of four Amyrlins raised from the White; there are five known or suspected members of the Black Ajah masquerading as Whites.

White Amyrlins

  • Rabayn Marushta: Amyrlin Seat 5-36 NE, raised from the White Ajah.
  • Aliane Senican: Amyrlin Seat 332-355 NE, raised from the White Ajah.
  • Beryl Marle: Amyrlin Seat 520-533 NE, raised from the White Ajah.
  • Sereille Bagand: Mistress of Novices and a sister of the White before being raised to the Amyrlin Seat 866 - 890 NE. Egwene is often referred to as “becoming as tough as Sereille Bagand,”.

White Aes Sedai

  • Aledrin: A Taraboner Aes Sedai who went to Salidar after the split of the White Tower, where she became a Sitter for the White Ajah. An Accepted during the events of New Spring, she is the second youngest of the uncommonly young Sitters appointed in Salidar after the split.
  • Alviarin Freidhen: Elaida's Keeper of the Chronicles and an instrumental player in her rise to power.
  • Astrelle: Astrelle is an arithmetist who sided with the White Tower after the split.
  • Ayako Norsoni: Ayako was one of fifty Aes Sedai sent with Toveine to the Black Tower.
  • Berana: A Sitter for the White Ajah in Salidar. She is one of the Sitters in Salidar thought to be uncommonly young to hold such a position.
  • Bernaile Gelbarn: Bernaile is one of ten Aes Sedai sent to spy in Tar Valon for Salidar and help spread the tale about Logain’s set-up by the Red Ajah.
  • Brendas: One of the Aes Sedai who was an Accepted in New Spring, Brendas took part in the Healing of Mat. She sides with Salidar after the split.
  • Carlinya: An Accepted in New Spring, Carlinya sided with Salidar.She is described as extremely ambitious.
  • Daigian Moseneillin: A Cairhienin Aes Sedai from a minor noble house Daigian was extremely weak in the Power and spent the longest time in Tower memory as novice and Accepted before finally earning the shawl.
  • Ferane Neheran: A Domani Aes Sedai who serves as the First Reasoner in the Tower.
  • Meilyn Arganya: An Aes Sedai murdered by the Black Ajah after they learned she was involved in the search for the Dragon Reborn.
  • Merym: An Aes Sedai who sided with the White Tower after the split
  • Nagora: An Aes Sedai who sides with the White Tower after the split, Nagora is one of the three Aes Sedai Egwene encounters guarding Leane's White Tower cell in Knife of Dreams.
  • Norine Dovarna: Norine is one of the three Aes Sedai Egwene encounters guarding Leane's White Tower cell in Knife of Dreams.
  • Ramesa: An Aes Sedai who sides with the White Tower after the split
  • Sarene Nemdahl: A Taraboner Aes Sedai was an Accepted in New Spring and later sided with the White Tower after the split. She is a little younger than Moiraine and is part of the delegation Elaida sends to Rand in Lord of Chaos.
  • Saroiya: A Domani Aes Sedai who was one of the Sitters not involved in the decision to depose Siuanand was sent to Salidar by Ferane.
  • Seaine Herimon: A Murandian Aes Sedai who was a Sitter before the split and did not vote for Siuan to be deposed. She took on the task of rooting out the Black Ajah.
  • Shana: An Aes Sedai who sided with the rebels during the split, she is an expert at reading residues.
  • Tesan: A Taraboner Aes Sedai who sided with the White Tower after the split. She is an arithmetist.
  • Turanna Norill: One of the Aes Sedai taken captive after Dumai's Well.
  • Valinde Nathenos: An Illianer Aes Sedai who sided with Salidar after the split and is a part of their delegation to Rand.
  • Velina Behar: Velina was a Sitter of the Hall before the split and voted for Siuan to be deposed.
  • Zerah Dacan: An Aes Sedia who sided with Salidar after the split and is one of ten Aes Sedai sent to spy in Tar Valon and spread rumours of the Red Ajah's dealings with Logain.


  • Why do you think the White Ajah is so small in the books?
  • What kinds of qualities would a person need to be a good book White?
  • What do these things tell you about the Whites: That they are the smallest Ajah? That there are few Warders? That they call their Head the First Reasoner? That they have plainly decorated quarters?
  • Compare and contrast the book Whites' stereotype vs. how you actually think they are. Is there much of a difference?
  • Which non-Aes Sedai character, male or female, do you think would make a good book White?

All right, now that the American holiday weekend is almost over, let's finish up the Whites!

Here's what you said it takes to be a good book White
  • Logical thinking (x4)
  • Emotionless thought
  • Ability to suppress emotion (x2)
  • Passionless
  • Love of scientific learning
  • No life outside the Ajah :-)lol)
  • Disinterest in the mundane things
  • Well informed so she can make the most logical decision (x2)
  • Calm
  • Intelligent
  • Curious
  • Even-tempered
And which non-Aes Sedai character you thought would be a good book White
  • Mat
  • Lan (x3)
  • Pedron Niall
  • Tuon

Interesting that only person chose a female character

The White Ajah at TarValon.Net

Description by Dralyn Sedai, former Head of the White Ajah and current Keeper of the Chronicles

"...Whites consider the questions of truth with implacable logic." (TDR, Ch. 23) In the Wheel of Time Series, the White Ajah is solely devoted to questions of philosophy and truth, while shunning the world and the value of worldly knowledge. This stereotype is a difficult one to overcome -- that of a cold and unfeeling woman who sees only the absolute. The Sisters and Accepted of the White at TarValon.net do it with flying colors! We are a diverse group of women who are warriors, lovers, peace-makers, seekers, crusaders, healers and above all, sisters. In all our endeavors we strive to let logic and reason guide us, to acknowledge and enjoy our passions without letting them rule us. We strive to bring both common sense and laughter everywhere we go, often causing those around us to go tilt their heads in confusion. This is the way we like it. So as you wanders our hallways and see us on the boards, please keep in mind that there is more to us than meets the eye!

The White Ajah here at TarValon.net is quite a fun group, what with their lab experiments that go hilariously wrong and the bubble blowing. :D Please read the White Ajah FAQ at their webpage. It has some good info.

The First Reasoner of the White Ajah is Natalya Sedai.
The Heart of the White Ajah is Elin Sedai.
The Sitters for the White Ajah are Lyara Sedai and Loira Sedai.
Unofficial Positions within the White Ajah are described here.

Their pages lists 39 Aes Sedai, 3 Aspirants and 7 Warders. The Whites have several members who play significant roles in our community, including Zhareen Sedai who is the Director of Technology, Ubahsur Sedai the Director of Administration, and of course, Dralyn Sedai, our longstanding Keeper.

Interview Assignment

Like the last times, your job is to interview a White Aes Sedai. You are encouraged to talk to someone you don't know very well as this is a great chance for you to meet new people! You are still free to interview whomever you like, of course, but each White may only answer one student's questions. You must think of at least 5 questions but may do more. Please post your questions here and who you will be interviewing. Make sure you tell your Aes Sedai that their answers will be posted publicly. Please share your responses when you're done!

The Green Ajah

The Green Ajah article in our library is the main resource for this lesson. Click to read the full article.

The Green Ajah, also known as the Battle Ajah, is the second largest Ajah in the White Tower. During the Trolloc Wars, they fought with the armies in almost every battle; today, they are ready and prepared to do the same at Tarmon Gai'don, the Last Battle. While they wait for Tarmon Gai’don to approach, Green sisters are seekers of justice, fighting “for justice where it often could be obtained only through their Warders’ swords”.

They are often described as fiery, flamboyant, and intense. Green sisters are known for their love of men, and for the fact that they belong to the only Ajah that traditionally bonds more than one Warder at a time. Some Green sisters only have one Warder, but these are usually married to that Warder. Most cases of Aes Sedai marrying their Warders are from the Green Ajah.

The head of the Green Ajah is called the “Captain-General.” When electing Sitters, Green sisters usually nominate their choices for the Captain-General to choose among.

The Green and Blue Ajahs have had an alliance for a thousand years, since the time of Artur Hawkwing. According to Moiraine, “they [have] all but spoken with one voice” during this time. There have been few breaks in this alliance.

Traditionally, the relationship between the Green and Red Ajahs has not been strong; not only are their attitudes towards men completely different, but so are their views on the very purpose of Aes Sedai, to the point that a Red and a Green can barely speak to each other without coming to shouts. However, recently, there has been an apparent alliance between the two Ajahs; Siuan thinks that it might have something to do with her being the fifth Blue raised to the Amyrlin Seat in a row, and that perhaps the Green Ajah feels that “the Blue way of thinking no longer suffices in a world full of false Dragons”.

The quarters that the Green sisters live in at the White Tower are flamboyant. On each of the floorstones, which are white, there are impressions of full-sized swords; there are a couple dozen different styles, with swords that are single-edged, double-edged, curved and straight. In addition, each door is carved with a sword that is point-up; the rooms of Sitters have swords that are gilded, and others have swords that are silvered or lacquered. The walls are adorned with tapestries of battles, alternating with battle standards from ancient lands that have been preserved with the One Power. There are gilded stand-lamps that have bases that look like stacked halberds. Green Warders often live in the same apartments as their Aes Sedai, rather than having rooms in the Guards’ barracks or the city, as Warders from other Ajahs often do.

We know of 8 Amyrlins raised from the Green; there are 6 known or suspected members of the Black Ajah masquerading as Greens.

Green Amyrlins

  • Aleis Romlin: she was Amyrlin Seat from 890 NE to 922 NE.
  • Kiyosa Natomo: she was Amyrlin Seat from 171 NE to 197 NE.
  • Myriam Copan: she was Amyrlin Seat from 754 NE to 797 NE.
  • Nirelle Coidevwin: she was Amrylin Seat from 396 NE to 419 NE.
  • Rashima Kerenmosa: A historical character who lived during the Trolloc Wars; she was Amyrlin Seat from 1251 AB to 1301 AB. She died at the Battle of Maighande along with her five Warders.
  • Selame Necoine: she was Amyrlin Seat from FY 1084 to 5 NE.
  • Shein Chunla: A historical character; she was Amrylin Seat from 578 to 601 NE. She was a weak Amyrlin and was eventually deposed in secret. Initially she was exiled, but following plots to restore her to the Amyrlin Seat, she was murdered.
  • Varuna Morrigan: she was Amyrlin Seat from 638 NE to 681 NE.

Green Aes Sedai

  • Adelorna Bastine: The Captain-General of the Green Ajah in the White Tower
  • Aisling Noon: Aligned with Elaida’s Aes Sedai. She was the advisor of King Easar Togita of Shienar before all Aes Sedai were called back to the White Tower. She is one of the Tuatha’an.
  • Alanna Mosvani: Aligned with the Salidar Aes Sedai. She is from Arafel.
  • Beldeine Nyram: Aligned with Elaida’s Aes Sedai. She is sent as part of the group who is supposed to bring Rand to Tar Valon
  • Bera Harkin: Aligned with the Salidar Aes Sedai. She is sent into the Aiel Waste with Kiruna Nachiman to find Rand.
  • Bharatine: Aligned with the Salidar Aes Sedai.
  • Cadsuane Melaidhrin: A legendary Green Aes Sedai. She is the oldest living Aes Sedai. She is from Far Madding.
  • Caraighan Maconar: A historical Aes Sedai who lived between 212 AB and 373 AB. She did a number of legendary deeds.
  • Chowin Tsao: A historical Aes Sedai; she served as Artur Hawkwing’s advisor.
  • Eleyan al'Landerin: A historical Green Aes Sedai. She is named after the Amyrlin Seat of TarValon.Net.
  • Erian Boroleos: Aligned with Elaida’s Aes Sedai. She is from Illian. She is sent as part of the group who is supposed to bring Rand to Tar Valon.
  • Faeldrin Harella: Aligned with the SalidarAes Sedai. She is from Tarabaon.
  • Faiselle: A Sitter in the SalidarHall, where she was sent by Adelorna. She is from Arad Doman.
  • Hattori: Aligned with Elaida’s Aes Sedai. She is sent as part of the group who is supposed to bring Rand to Tar Valon.
  • Irgain Fatamed: Aligned with Elaida’s Aes Sedai. She is sent as part of the group who is supposed to bring Rand to Tar Valon.
  • Jala Bandevin: Aligned with Elaida’s Aes Sedai.
  • Joline Maza: Aligned with Elaida’s Aes Sedai. She was formerly a Sitter. Along with Teslyn Baradon, she is sent by Elaida to be an ambassador to Tylin Quintara, the Queen of Altara.
  • Josaine: Aligned with Elaida’s Aes Sedai.
  • Kera: Aligned with Elaia’s Aes Sedai. She is from Tear.
  • Kerene Nagashi: A Green Aes Sedai in New Spring. She is one of Tamra Ospenya’s searchers for the Dragon Reborn.
  • Kiruna Nachiman: Aligned with the Salidar Aes Sedai. She is sent into the Aiel Waste with Bera Harkin to find Rand. She is the sister of Paitr Nachiman, King of Arafel.
  • Malind Nachenin: A Sitter in the Salidar Hall.
  • Marthera: Aligned with Elaida’s Aes Sedai.
  • Merise Haindehl: A Green Aes Sedai who is loyal to Cadsuane.
  • Moradri: Aligned with Elaida’s Aes Sedai.
  • Myrelle Berengari: The Captain-General of the Salidar Greens.
  • Nacelle Kayama: Aligned with the Salidar Aes Sedai. She is from Malkier.
  • Nelavaire Demasiellin: Aligned with Elaida’s Aes Sedai.
  • Rina Hafden: A Sitter in the Hall; she is aligned with Elaida’s Aes Sedai
  • Rubinde: A Sitter in the Hall; she is aligned with Elaida’s Aes Sedai. She is from Mayene.
  • Samalin: A Sitter in the Salidar Hall. She is from Murandy.
  • Seonid Traighan: Aligned with the Salidar Aes Sedai. She is from Cairhien.
  • Vandene Namelle: Aligned with the Salidar Aes Sedai.
  • Vasha: Aligned with Elaida’s Aes Sedai. She is sent as part of the group who is supposed to bring Rand to Tar Valon.


  • Why do you think the Green Ajah is so large in the books, second only to the Red? How is that two Ajahs with such different philosophies in the books are the largest?
  • Do you think the book Greens deserve their reputations as man-hungry flirts? :p
  • What things would make a good book Green? What kinds of specific traits would a book Green need in her Warders?
  • What non-Aes Sedai character, male or female, do you think would make a good Green?

Here's what you all came up with to describe the Green Ajah. A number outside the word/phrase means it was said more than once.

What it takes to be a Book Green
  • Combat skills (x2)
  • Likes men
  • Protective
  • Outgoing (x2)
  • Passionate
  • Determined (x2)
  • Confident (x2)
  • Strong (x2)
  • Flexible
  • Strategic
  • Calculating
Non-Aes Sedai who would make a good Green
  • Berelain (x2)
  • Elayne
  • Morgase (x2)
  • Birgitte

The Green Ajah at TarValon.Net

Ok, the Green Ajah at Tar Valon!

The resource for this "lecture" is the Green Ajah page in the Library: Community Page: Green Ajah HQ

The Head of Ajah is Jodea Sedai
The Heart of the Ajah is Xylina Sedai
The Sitters of the Ajah are Avery Sedai and Ne'Mireth Sedai

Their site lists a number of other unofficial positions within the Ajah that you should read about here: Community Page: Positions within the Green Ajah

I counted 51 Aes Sedai, 26 Warders and 9 Aspirant!

Wen Sedai describes the Green Ajah this way:

"In the Trolloc Wars we were often called the Battle Ajah. We were the counter to the Dreadlords. And now we stand ready, for the Trollocs to come south again, for Tarmon Gai’don, the Last Battle. That is what it means to be Green." (The Dragon Reborn)

All true, of course, in Randland. But being Green here at TarValon.net means much more. Greens are all about passion and strength. Our passion has often – erroneously – been equated with promiscuity, a parallel that does a real injustice to our passion’s many facets. We do love men, of course; they are our equals, our brothers-in-arms, our friends, and, for many of us, our lovers and mates. Green passion, though, is giving everything you have to everything to do. When a Green offers love, compassion, friendship, or help, she does it with her whole heart and soul. When we fight for what we believe in, when we defend others and ourselves, we do so passionately.

Green passion is tempered by strength. That strength is about speaking up when there is a need, particularly when it involves an unpopular opinion, and having the courage to keep doing that – and to help your sisters and brothers-in-arms keep doing that – even when you want to give up, and even when they want to give up. Greens fall in battle; sometimes we are knocked down, sometimes we fall from weariness. But what Greens always do, always, without fail, is get back up again. We may need a helping hand – and we will always find one of our sisters’ hands ready and able – but we never, ever give up, we never, ever run away. This is why, even though most of life’s wars are fought off the battlefield, if we do choose the military we make excellent soldiers. It is the core of what we are. It is why we do not choose Green, we simply are Green.

The Greens also had The Annual Green Awards this year, with these results:

Winner of the Most Helpful Green Aes Sedai Award Liathiana Sedai

Winner of the Most Humorous Green Award Sorcha Sedai

Winner of the Green Most Likely To Bite Your Head Off Award Eireann Sedai

Winner of the Green I Would Most Likely Want To Have At My Side At The Last Battle Award Jodea Sedai

Winner of the Best Green Warder Award Jaim al'Bearach Gaidin

Winner of the Green Warder Most Likely To Tell His Aes Sedai What He Really Thinks Award A three way tie: Azrael, Moah and Toral

Winner of the Aspirant Most Likely To PM A Guest And Welcome Them Award Avery

Winner of the Green With The Hottest Tattoo Award Vallah Sedai

Winner of the Best FMBs Award Again a three way tie: Liathiana Sedai, Aryawnah Sedai and Tree Sedai

Winner of the Green Who Has Donated So Much Time To The Ajah And The Tower Award Cealestis Sedai

Winner of the Green Most Likely To Take Over The Tower Award Melana Sedai

So, like last time, I want you to brainstorm a list of at least 5 questions to use to interview a Green Aes Sedai. Then contact them, let them know their answers will be shared with the class and interview them, then post your answers! Only one student may interview a particular Aes Sedai. If you have problems, PM me!

The Red Ajah

The Red Ajah article in our library is the main resource for this lesson. As I wrote it, I have no problem copying it in its entirety here. (please click the link to read the article)

We know of 3 Amyrlins raised from the Red; there are 5 known or suspected members of the Black Ajah masquerading as Red.

Red Amyrlins

  • Bonwhin Meraighdin: One of three Amyrlins to be stripped of the staff and stole, Bonwhin tried to manipulate Artur Hawkwing to control the world.
  • Tetsuan: Tetsuan was an Amyrlin, predating Bonwhin. She was stripped of staff and stole. She is rumored to have been involved in the betrayal of Manetheren during the Trolloc Wars.
  • Elaida do Avriny a'Roihan: A minor Murandian noble who took against Siuan Sanche when she thought Siuan had got her in trouble when Siuan was an accepted. She organised the coup that deposed Siuan and was raised Amyrlin herself.

Red Aes Sedai

  • Amira Moselle: She was Sitter but stepped down and was replaced by Elaida.
  • Barasine: Barasine is mentioned by Logain as one of the sisters who persuaded him to declare himself the Dragon Reborn.
  • Cariandre: Cariandre is one of the Aes Sedai that guards Mattin Stepaneos.
  • Chisaine Nurbaya: Chisaine was one of the sisters sent by Elaida to capture Rand.
  • Covarla Baldene: Covarla was one of the sisters sent by Elaida to kidnap Rand.
  • Desala Nevanche: Desala was one of the Sisters at Southharbor who captured Leane. She was one of the Red Sisters sent to the Black Tower.
  • Duhara Basaheen: Duhara is a Sitter for the Red Ajah. She is described as having coppery skin and big dark eyes.
  • Gyldan: Egwene saw Gyldan in her Accepted test. Gyldan was Black Ajah, and Elaida's closest confidante. (She is likely fictional)
  • Innina Darenhold: Innina was part of Elaida's embassy to capture Rand.
  • Janine Pavlara: Janine was part of Elaida's embassy to capture Rand.
  • Jenare: Jenare was with Toveine on their way to the Black Tower.
  • Javindhra Doraille: A sitter for the Red. She is overseeing the task of returning those who fled the Tower after Elaida deposed Suian Sanche. She was one of the Red Sisters sent to the Black Tower.
  • Jezrail: She was one of the Red Sisters sent to the Black Tower.
  • Laigin Arnault: Laigin was a part of the embassy to capture Rand.
  • Lemai: Lemai was in Toveine's party to the Black Tower.
  • Lirene Doirellin: Lirene was exiled from the Tower at the same time as Toveine Gazal. Before exile, she had been a Sitter. Elaida called her back to the Tower after 15 years; Lirene is now a meek and nervous woman.
  • Melare: She was one of the Red Sisters sent to the Black Tower.
  • Memara: Memara is sent by the White Tower to be an advisor to Queen Tenobia of Saldaea.
  • Notasha: An Aes Sedai of the Red Ajah present in the Tower when it was attacked
  • Patrinda: Patrinda is an Aes Sedai of the Red Ajah who is one of the sisters to maintain Egwene's shield after Elaida beats her and declares her a darkfriend.
  • Pevara Tazanovni: A Sitter for the Red Ajah, Pevara is recruited by Seaine (White) to help search for the Black Ajah in the White Tower.
  • Sashalle Anderly: She was at Dumai's Wells stilled by Rand.
  • Silviana Brehon: Silviana was Mistress of Novices under Elaida until being imprisoned after demanding Elaida be deposed.
  • Tarna Feir: Tarna was Elaida's Keeper after Alviarin.
  • Tesien Jorhald: Tesien is an older Aes Sedai; she was very senior to Pevara when Pevara was first raised. Tesien cut Pevara off from friends outside the Red Ajah.
  • Teslyn Baradon: Teslyn is Illianer who was a Red Sitter before Elaida forced her to resign and go to Ebou Dar with Jolene. She was captured by the Seanchan and made damane, before being rescued by Mat.
  • Toveine Gazal: An Aes Sedai who was exiled from the White Tower for fifteen years due to "some unpleasantness after the Aiel War." until Elaida assigns Toveine to lead a group of sisters to the Black Tower to detain the men there.
  • Tsutama Rath: The Head of the Red Ajah. Tsutama was exiled from the White Tower at the same time as Toveine Gazal. Before exile, she had been a Sitter. Elaida called her back to the Tower after fifteen years; Tsutama was thought to be a meek, nervous woman, but has shown herself strong and controlling since taking control of the Reds.
  • Turese: An Aes Sedai of the Red Ajah without the Ageless look that guards Egwene while Egwene is a prisoner.
  • Vayelle Kamsa: Vayelle was part of the embassy that captured Rand.


  • Book Reds: Evil man-hating bitches or women trying to save the world the best they know how?
  • Reds consider their Head of Ajah on par with the Amyrlin. What does this tell you about how the Reds view themselves?
  • What things would make a good book Red?

So I definitely think that the book Reds are probably the book Ajah that have one of the strongest negative perceptions in the WoT fandom--and I can't say it's completely unjustified. It's not. :p Elaida being a terrible human being, plus the general malice towards our heroes from her and a bunch of other Reds = easy to not like the Reds in the books. However! Do you think we could call, say, Pevara, the same hate-filled, bigoted, man-loathing etc etc type of woman that we could call Elaida? I personally don't think so. Certainly, the Reds in general have a misguided perception of how to deal with Rand (they don't have the advantage of our perspective), but I find it hard to say that all Reds are so very terrible. Just like I find it hard to say that all Browns are out of touch with the real world (see: Verin) or that all Greens are man-hungry flirts (see: Cadsuane) or that all Yellows are touchy-feely Healing types (see: Romanda). Certainly, stereotypes come from some place, but one thing I think the series is really good at is showing us the stereotype, and then showing us it's never 100% accurate.

With that in mind, take a look at your answers and think carefully. If you were a book Red, you would believe you were protecting the world from another Breaking. In order to do that, what kinds of traits would it be good for you to have?

Also, per our normal question: which non-Aes Sedai character, male or female, would make a good book Red?

Things that make a good book Red
  • Confidence (x2)
  • Tough (x3)
  • Stubborn (x4)
  • Decisive
  • Self-satisfied
  • Active
  • Determination
  • Individualism
  • Proud
  • Courage
  • Shrewd
  • Aggressive
  • No-nonsense
  • No sympathy for male channelers (x2)
  • Able to take care of herself (x2)
  • Combative
  • Hatred
  • Fear-mongering
  • Dislikes men / wariness of men (x2)
  • Power hungry

Interestingly, I think the book Reds is one of the groups where the answers varied so very much :lol

Who would make a good book Red?
  • Galad (x4)
  • Daise Congar
  • Padan Fain
  • Suroth (x2)
  • Rand

The Red Ajah at TarValon.Net

Red Ajah Headquarters here: Community Page: Red Ajah HQ

Sooooo, Reds at the site. I am the current RedHead (as we call our HoA) but that will change soon as I am moving towards officially assuming the role of Keeper in about 5 weeks. Our heart is Relinya and our current Sitters are Anirfyan and Eveanyn. We don't really have any other unofficial positions because, frankly, we are not large enough for them (although we have tried out having them in the past). We have 23 Aes Sedai, 4 Aspirants and no Warders.

I think this time around I'll encourage you to read our page in the library and poke through the member interviews. I'll give you a bit of my take on what it means to be a Red here. You are welcome to ask me any questions you like but you may not use me as your official interviewee this go-round. Please create a list of at least 5 questions and find a Red to interview here. As always, let them know their answers will be shared publicly and then post the answers here when you get them. Only one student may interview each Red.


So, the Reds here at TarValon.net are an interesting group. We are stubborn and hard-headed and, frankly, are not really big on major site changes. We need time to adjust to them. :p But at the same time, I love the Reds because we are fiercely loyal to one another, even when we aren't necessarily BFFs. We have all types in Red--students to mothers to professionals to soldiers; liberals and conservatives; married and not-married; gay and straight; sarcastic and not-as-sarcastic :p. We value brutal honesty with each other. This means we don't always agree. And it means that sometimes what your Red sister tells you stings. But she tells you because she knows you value honesty from her; sometimes you need a hug at the end of the day, and sometimes you need to be told to STFU and quit whining. We are also all, in our own way, very independent and we strongly value our ability to stand on our own, even if our choice or decision is not a popular one.

One particular thing I'll quote from our webpage:

Whips, Wax, Chains, Bites, etc One of the stereotypes is evil, violent Reds. To play with that, some Reds joke around about whipping, waxing, biting, chaining, etc and use pictures of those type things in their sigs. It's a way of mocking the stereotype. Some Reds don't feel comfortable with this and don't do it. Whether or not a Red does this is completely up to her.

Questions for the teacher

Q: Do you feel that the site Reds should follow the book Reds and the way they view Warders?
A: I confess to not knowing exactly what this means. If you mean, do I think the site Reds should eventually bond men, well, that will happen! There will be provisions with the new merit badge system where some of our members will earn the ability to bond someone. And when that day comes, it will be a huge change for us, but it is one I will support. Mostly because I know my sisters will only bond someone who is awesome. :p Can you imagine the kind of man it will take to sign up to be the first Red Warder on this site? :lol

Q: Would you be in the Red Ajah in the books? If not, what Ajah would you belong to? A: Probably not. I'd definitely be a book Gray as the politics/law/mediation career thing suits me to a T. :)

Q: Leora Sedai, I'd like to know why you chose the Red Ajah (especially since you told Taelinn that you'd be a book Gray). I'd also like to know what you find the most fun about being in the Red Ajah. A: The Reds were just home for me here, even from my citizen days. I was always drawn to their sense of humor and I like that the ideas of strength, independence, standing on one's own, honesty, etc were things I value in my own "real" life. I've said this elsewhere, but there was no guesting back in my days. So I did a massive PM campaign with the AS and Aspirants of the other Ajahs to try and get a feel for who they were and what they valued. I saved Red for last b/c those were the ones I'd already talked to the most. Once I got done with the other 6, as lovely as the ladies were, Red was still my #1 pick. I was raised live at 5th Anni to Accepted, Aspired Red right away, and here I am.

I was surprised that Red was my home; I figured I'd be Blue, Gray or Brown here as those were the book Ajahs I identified with the most. Then I started talking to everyone and found something to admire, and good people in, all the Ajahs. I ended up with a couple groups much higher on my list of possibilities than I thought they'd be! But I kept coming back to Red. The thing that is just so true here at the Tower is that the site Ajahs do not necessarily correspond with the book ones. Yes, there are similarities; but they aren't identical. I encourage everyone to keep an open mind because sometimes you will be surprised by how much you enjoy an Ajah you didn't think you would. Some great advice I got from my mentor (Sela Sedai of the Browns) was to consider which Ajah I would be sad to not be a part of. Put in that light, my decision was easy.

The most fun thing about being in the Reds is that we can just be silly with each other. We often have threads devoted to gluing each other to various people and things, inevitably someone dumps glitter on the glue mess and it devolves from there. I love that we feel comfortable enough with each other to just be silly and goofy when the mood strikes. We can be QUITE silly and we indulge in that often. And, I must say, most of my sisters have a very quick wit; they keep me laughing.

The Yellow Ajah

The Yellow Ajah article in our library is the resource for this lesson. Large parts copied here.

The purpose of the Yellow Ajah is Healing, and the Ajah contains the best Healers in the White Tower (TSR, Ch. 34; TWoRJTWoT, Ch. 24). While the Yellow Ajah also technically devotes itself to finding new cures to illnesses, many of the sisters believe that the methods that exists now is ideal and have used the same method for as long as can be remembered (TWoRJTWoT, Ch. 24; ACoS, Ch. 24).

Yellow sisters are often described to be arrogant (TPoD, Ch. 25; WH, Ch. 13). They are also decribed throughout the series as haughty (NS, Ch. 14), overweening (TPoD, Ch. 26) and self-assured (CoT, Ch. 17; Ch. 30). They are often viewed as being flamboyant (NS, Ch. 2).

Some Yellow sisters think that their Ajah is the only one whose purpose truly matters. These sisters view the other Ajahs as “adjuncts” to the Yellow Ajah (CoT, Ch. 17; KoD, Ch. 23).

The head of the Yellow Ajah is called the First Weaver. The Yellow Ajah is the one of the smaller Ajahs, with only the Blue and White being smaller (TWoRJTWoT, Ch. 24).


For as long as can be remembered, Yellows have done their Healing by weaving Spirit, Water and Air (LoC, Ch. 30; ACoS, Ch. 24). They think that it is dangerous to play around with the weaves, as a mistake in the weaving can kill both the sister and her patient. According to Moghedien, the Healing that the Yellow Ajah does today “was only the crudest hasty battlefield work” in the Age of Legends (LoC, Prologue), meaning that much has been lost. Despite being devoted to the maintaining of health, Yellows will generally only use the One Power in their endeavors; they are contemptuous of herbs, and Nynaeve thinks to herself that they seem interested only in the illnesses and injuries that are worth being cured with the One Power (LoC, Ch. 12; CoT, Ch. 30).

It is said that some Yellows will try to Heal almost anything (TSR, Ch. 5). Despite this, however, they seem quite set in their opinions of what can and cannot be done. Although all Yellows are good at Healing, there are some among them that are better than others. Not all of the Healing that the Yellow Ajah focuses on is physical. Some Yellow sisters are interested in studying diseases of the mind (ACoS, Ch. 12).


For the past hundred years, the Yellow Ajah has had a tense relationship with the Blue Ajah. This is due to an incident that occurred in Altara, with sisters of each Ajah interfering with sisters of the other (NS, Ch. 14). The Brown Ajah supports the Blue Ajah against the Yellow (NS, Ch. 14). Lately, there has been tension between the Yellow Ajah and the Green Ajah (TPoD, Ch. 26; CoT, Prologue).

The Yellow Ajah, like all Ajahs with the exception of the White, has its own network of eyes-and-ears. It is considered to be a rather “pitiful thing,” as Aes Sedai tend to believe that there is nothing that can be learned of Healing from those who do not have the ability to channel (TFoH, Prologue). The eyes-and-ears also, however, keep an eye out for outbreaks of disease (TWoRJTWoT, Ch. 24).


The Yellow quarters are flamboyant (NS, Ch. 12) with yellow the dominant colour (NS, Ch. 3).. Yellows seldom marry their Warders (CoT, Ch. 23).

Yellow Amyrlins

There are three Amyrlins who have been raised from Yellow

  • Years 197 – 223 NE: Catala Lucanvalle, raised from the Yellow Ajah
  • Years 549 – 578 NE: Alvera Ramosanya, raised from the Yellow Ajah
  • Years 705 – 732 NE: Marasale Jureen, raised from the Yellow Ajah

Yellow Aes Sedai

There are 2 known or suspected members of the Black Ajah masquerading as Yellows.

  • Ananda: While Min is in the White Tower, she saw Ananda's halo, which was sickly brown, shriveled, and split by rotting fissures that collapsed and widened as they decayed.
  • Annharid : joined the rebel Aes Sedai in Salidar. She was sent, as part of a group of infiltrators, back to the White Tower to spread the rumor that the Red Ajah set up Logain as a false Dragon.
  • Beldemaine is Arafellin, and is described as plump with bells in her hair. Her loyalty lies with Egwene.
  • Berenicia Morsad, also plump, has grave eyes indicative of somberness and introspection. As a Shienararian, she is impressed that Lord Agelmar received Rand. She joined the Salidar Aes Sedai.
  • Carniele: Carniele remained loyal to the White Tower in Tar Valon. She is one of fifty Aes Sedai sent by Elaida to the Black Tower.
  • Corele Hovian is Murandian, and although boyishly slim is still considered beautiful. Thick black eyebrows fit her raven hair, and an upturned nose is matched with sparkling blue eyes. Corele is known to be dressed neatly anytime and is usually in good humor, although she can tend to arrogance.
  • Desandre, a willowy woman, is loyal Elaida. She is part of Elaida's envoy to the Black Tower.
  • Edesina Azzedin, slender and handsome with waist length black hair, is loyal to the Salidar Aes Sedai. When Min, Siuan, and Leane arrived in Salidar, and she stopped Faolain from pestering Min.
  • Farellien: remained in the White Tower, being loyal to Elaida. At Alviarin's urging, she, Doraise, and Kiyoshi are rewarded with a fine horse; they had been exemplory models of preserving the law. This favoritism by Elaida created strife and discord among the Ajahs.
  • Gelarna: she joined the Aes Sedai in Salidar. She intends to break Nynaeve's block.
  • Ludice Daneen: lean and grim-faced, wove bright beads into her long Taraboner braids and was reputed to have a strict interpretation of the law. Chosen by Tamra to search for the Dragon Reborn, she was the fourth seeker to leave the Tower; the Black Ajah murdered her shortly after. She had worn the shawl over an hundred years.
  • Magla Daronos: has blacksmith's shoulders and is Illianer by her accent. A Sitter before the split, she retained her position when she joined the Aes Sedai in Salidar.
  • Musarin: An Aes Sedai of the Yellow Ajah who remained with the Tower during the split. She is short.
  • Narenwin Bardais a slight woman with a square face. The typical Aes Sedai serenity is not associated with her, but she is kind and quiet. One day a week, she encourages children to bring pets to the Tower so that she can Heal them.
  • Nisao Dachen is diminutive with hard eyes and is known for frowning. Fascinated with mental illnesses, she nervously aided Myrelle Heal Lan when he arrived in Salidar. Together, they concealed his presence for twenty days, until Egwene discovered them.
  • Pritalle Nerbaijan, Saldean, but with only a slight Saldean nose, has green eyes. She is loyal to Elaida, and is noted as having no Warder. She is close with Atuan, another Yellow sister.
  • Romanda Cassin, solid and handsome, she wears her white-streaked gray hair twisted into a bun. She has dark eyes and a soprano voice, but rarely smiles. It is thought that she may be as old as Cadsuane. In 973 N.E., she resigned her Seat in the Hall, a rank she had held for almost eighty years. She again sat in the Hall, and was the oldest Sitter in the rebel Hall.
  • Ryma Galfrey is a slim, elegant woman that carried herself regally with pale blue eyes, dark hair, and haughty face. A similar height to Moiraine, she was an Accepted with her, Siuan and Sheriam. She announced both the Aiel retreat from the Shining Walls and Tamra Ospenya's death.
  • Salita Toranes, younger than seventy, has been an Aes Sedai for thirty-five years. Tairen, with a round face, her skin is almost as dark as one of the Sea Folk. Loyal to Egwene, she was a Sitter for the Yellow in the rebel Hall
  • Sedore, round-faced, frosty, and elegant, her arrogance is notable even among the Yellow. A Sitter before the breaking of the Tower, she retained her Seat in the White Tower. Even though she was loyal to Elaida, she was forced to scrub floors and work as a laundress for five days as penance. Elaida thought of more punishments for her arrogance, including sending her to the Mistress of Novices Silviana or cleaning the cesspits.
  • Shanelle has a dark, pretty face, and striking pale blue eyes; she joined the rebel Aes Sedai after the breaking of the Tower.
  • Shemerin is a slightly plump woman who never mastered the serenity of an Aes Sedai, and anxiety can often be discerned in her yes. She can be flighty and fluttery by Aes Sedai standards, and taught Nynaeve the Yellow Ajah signs, sure that Nynaeve would choose Yellow.
  • Suana Dragand, as Head of the Yellow Ajah, is called First Weaver by Yellow sisters. She served as Sitter for forty years before she stepped down; when the Tower breaks she chooses to remain in Tar Valon and reclaims her Seat in the Hall, which was an unusual decision especially for one who had recently stepped down.
  • Therva Maresis, with her long nose and slender form, is relatively weak but is an expert at reading residues. She is loyal to Egwene. Because of her skill, she was part of those sent to investigate the One Power eruption.
  • Yuan, a slim woman with gray eyes, represented the Yellow Ajah during Moiraine's testing for the shawl. She was displeased with Elaida because of the sister's attempt to cause Moiraine's failure during the last stage of the test.
  • Zenare Ghodar, slightly plump and haughty, joined the rebel Aes Sedai in Salidar.


  • What things would make a good book Yellow?
  • Other characters view book Yellows as arrogant and haughty. Do you share that perception?
  • If you could Heal anything, what would you want to Heal?
  • Which non-Aes Sedai character, male or female, do you think would make a good book Yellow? Why?

Ok! Here's a summary of your answers:

Things that would make a good book Yellow
  • Desire to fix things (x3)
  • Wanting things to be whole
  • Empathy (x4)
  • Caring
  • Compassionate (x2)
  • Perseverance (x2)
  • Passion
  • Patience
  • Desire to help
  • Strong stomach (x4)
  • Inquisitive
  • Interest in what makes people tick
  • Concentration
  • No-nonsense attitude
  • Talent in Healing weaves
Character that would make a good book Yellow
  • Min (x3)
  • Gareth Bryne
  • Damer Flinn
  • Rand
  • Nynaeve
  • Any village Wisdom

The Yellow Ajah at TarValon.Net

Yellows at TarValon.net! Community Page: Yellow Ajah HQ

Their introductory quote:

Salutations!!!! The Yellow Ajah welcomes you to our Headquarters!!

In the world of Robert Jordan, the Yellow Ajah was dedicated to healing through the use of the One Power. Here on TarValon.net we are also dedicated to healing, although in different ways. Our paths to that dedication are as myriad as the women that make up this cozy and eclectic group. Our passionate nature allows us to include all who visit with us, especially our Gaidin, who we love and trust with our hearts and souls. They are our equals in our journey to serve all. We have among us, those trained in Western medical professions, those involved in alternative and complimentary modalities and a good number of women that are the rock in the storm and the shoulder to lean on for many.

Being a Yellow is about being a compassionate heart ready and willing to be there for another. We are dedicated to raising the hearts of others through our individual talents, skills, presence and love.

For many of us, being Yellow isn't just about healing. It's about having the passion to change things, to fix things that you can see are broken, and about standing by the Ajah even when you feel alone inside it, because there will always be someone there to lend a hand.

"All Ajahs are families, however Yellows pride themselves on really providing the love and close-knit relationships that make up real life families. They are always on the fore-front of any problem you may have, sending a helping hand, kind thoughts, advice, or just a hug if you need it. I've always admired anybody who does this in their day to day lives, and I've also been the person my friends or colleagues come to in times of need. So, really, I just saw a part of myself in the Ladies who had gathered under the banner of the Yellow Ajah." ~ Analaiya na'Imrath

"I would say “our” goals are to continue and always try to improve in the support to the members of TarValon as well as in the growth of our own Ajah and in ourselves." ~ Cimorene Traconnen

"I chose the Yellow Ajah because it fulfills a part of my life that is important to me. It has helped me to focus and define that portion of myself that always desires to reach out to others and the impetus I have to leave behind me seeds of healing, love and hope. My interests in herbs, nutrition and holistic philosophy is a part of my personal definition of being a Yellow." ~ Estalia Walburga

"Yellow sisters tend to be friendly women who enjoy the company of others and assisting in any way needed." ~ Caiti na Shaheen

"Yellow for me is a place I can be myself, or be anyone I feel like being, and know that there will always be someone to love me for doing just that." ~ Sa'areah Britthorn The current head of the Yellow Ajah is Sa'areah Sedai, the Heart is Vallen Sedai and the Sitters are Khisanth Sedai and Niere Sedai!

I counted 38 Aes Sedai, 4 Yellow Aspirants and 11 Yellow Warders

You should also read about the Unofficial Yellow Ajah Positions and The Yellow FAQ


You know the drill! Create a list of at least 5 questions to interview a Yellow Aes Sedai with. Make sure they know their answers will be shared publicly and then post your answers to your questions here when you get them! Each Aes Sedai may only be interviewed by one student.

The Blue Ajah

The Blue Ajah article in our library is the resource for this lesson. Please click the link to read the article

Blue Amyrlins

More Amyrlins have been raised from the Blue than any of the other Ajahs.

  • Comarra Zepava: A historical character; she was the Amyrlin Seat from 244 NE to 276 NE.
  • Deane Aryman: A historical character; she was the Amyrlin Seat from FY 992 to FY 1084. She was Bonwhin Meraighdin’s successor. She was one of the strongest Amyrlin Seats in recorded history. Her hometown of Salidar is used by the rebels as a gathering spot.
  • Edarna Noregovna: A historical character; she was Amyrlin Seat from 64 NE to 115 NE. She was the most politically skilled Amyrlin in recorded history.
  • Eldaya Tolen: A historical character; she was Amyrlin Seat from 533 NE to 549 NE.
  • Ishara Nawan: A historical character; she was Amyrlin Seat from 419 NE to 454 NE.
  • Feragaine Saralman: A historical character; she was Amrylin Seat from 732 NE to 754 NE.
  • Marith Jaen: The Amyrlin Seat from 984 NE to 988 NE.
  • Noane Masadim: The Amyrlin Seat from 950 NE to 973 NE.
  • Siuan Sanche: The Amyrlin Seat at the beginning of the series (from 988 NE to 998 NE)
  • Suilin Escanda: A historical character; she was Amyrlin Seat from 355 NE to 396 NE.
  • Tamra Ospenya: The Amyrlin Seat from 973 NE to 979 NE. She was killed by the Black Ajah, who tortured her to find out information on the Dragon Reborn.

Blue Aes Sedai

There are 5 known or suspected members of the Black Ajah masquerading as Blues.

  • Adine Canford: An Aes Sedai from Andor.
  • Aeldene Stonebridge: The head of the Blue Ajah’s eyes-and-ears. She is Andoran.
  • Aeldra Najaf: Tamra Ospenya’s second Keeper of the Chronicles.
  • Anaiya: A member of Egwene’s council. She was bonded to Setagana.
  • Anlee: A Sitter for the Blue Ajah during New Spring.
  • Cabriana Mecandes: An Aes Sedai of the Blue Ajah.
  • Cetalia Delarme: The head of the Blue Ajah’s eyes-and-ears network during New Spring.
  • Eadyth: The First Selector of the Blue Ajah during New Spring. She was also a Sitter.
  • Gitara Moroso: Tamra Ospenya’s first Keeper of the Chronicles. She had the ability to Foretell the future, and had a Foretelling regarding the rebirth of the Dragon Reborn. She died immediately following this Foretelling.
  • Kairen Stang: An Aes Sedai from Andor.
  • Leane Sharif: Siuan Sanche’s Keeper of the Chronicles.
  • Lelaine Akashi: A Sitter. She is bonded to Burin Shaeren. She wanted to be Amyrlin among the rebels
  • Lyrelle: A Sitter. She is from Cairhien. She is one of Lelaine’s followers.
  • Maigan: Maigan becomes a member of Egwene’s council. She is one of Lelaine’s followers.
  • Moiraine Damodred: A Cairhienin noblewoman of high rank; she is the niece of the former king of Cairhien, Laman Damodred. She is the one to locate the Dragon Reborn. She was bonded to Lan Mandragoran
  • Natasia: An Aes Sedai from Saldaea.
  • Rafela Cindal: An Aes Sedai from Tear. She is bonded to Mahiro Shukosa. She was one of the Aes Sedai that the rebels sent as an embassy to Rand.
  • Reiko: An Aes Sedai from Arafel.


  • What things would make a good book Blue?
  • Moiraine: Awesome or Awesome? :look Seriously, though, Moiraine is my favorite character in the series. How do Moiraine's actions influence our perceptions of all Aes Sedai throughout the series? Do you think she makes a good Blue?
  • Why do you think there are so many Blue Amyrlins?
  • Which non-Aes Sedai character, male or female, do you think would make a good book Blue? Why?

So, I totally forgot to finish this up before heading on vacation, so if anyone's still hanging around, I shall do so now! We can't leave the Blues unfinished. :D

Words Used to Describe Blues
  • Determined (x2)
  • Dedication
  • Passion (x2)
  • Level-head (x2)
  • Adaptable
  • Able to manipulate others/knowledge of Game of Houses (x2)
  • Persistance
  • Focus (x2)
  • No-nonsense
  • Self-Confidence
  • Cares about people and causes
  • One-Pointed
  • Pro-Active
Would Make a Good Blue
  • Lan
  • Sorilea
  • Tylin (x3)
  • Rand

The Blue Ajah at TarValon.Net

Blues at TarValon.Net! Here's their library page: Community Page: Blue Ajah HQ

For such a small book Ajah, the Blues are on of the largest Ajahs on the site. I counted 63 Aes Sedai, 24 Warders and 8 Aspirants. Blues serve in many different capacities around the site. Their is a list linked on the Blue Ajah webpage which you should look through. The current head is Kerna Sedai, the Heart is Jadira and the Sitters are Alwyn and Kytheria! They also have two "unofficial" positions listed: the Soul, Erin, and the Voice, Aavyn.

Blues have many traditions, some off the top of my head I can think of are s'redit, brownies and of course, Blue Story Time at RL gatherings.

From their library page:

What is Blue? "The primary focus of the Blue Ajah is to champion worthy causes (thought worthy by Aes Sedai standards) and to promote justice. Skilled at political maneuvering, Blues are also able administrators. Since Artur Hawkwings time, more Amyrlins have been raised from the Blue than from any other Ajah." The World of Robert Jordan's "The Wheel of Time" - Chapter 24

The Blue Ajah of TarValon.net carries some but not all of the characteristics of their book equivalents. Significantly larger than our counterparts, the ladies of the Blue Ajah are strong independent women who work both alone and together for their causes.

"I see you all as a family. And like most families, there are a bunch of distant cousins I barely know. But that doesn't mean that if you needed support I wouldn't be there for you. We all have fears and insecurities of some sort, we all have things in our past (or present) we're not proud of. In short, we are all human. I have never been prouder to have you all as sisters." ~ Padraigin al'Teirik, Aes Sedai of the Blue Ajah, who passed away in 2010.

Blues are renowned for their ability to plot - but this isn't as negative as the term suggested. The ladies of the Blue often pull together to pull surprises for each other - whether it be a new baby gift, an Ajah birthday present or a thread to cheer someone up, these ladies take pride in their ability to look out for themselves and each other.

And, an important point:

One of the oldest Ajahs at TarValon.net, the Blue Ajah is the only Ajah to never have been headed by Eleyan al'Landerin. The original Blue Aes Sedai, Gwendolyne Manshiera, founded the tower with the Amyrlin over a bottle of Goldshlager.


You know the drill! Create a list of at least 5 questions to interview a Blue Aes Sedai with. Make sure they know their answers will be shared publicly and then post your answers to your questions here when you get them! Each Aes Sedai may only be interviewed by one student.

Final Question

So, I think that's about everybody!

One final question: What thing(s) did you learn during the class that surprised you the most? It can be book or site related.

The class is over already??? :blink

I learned that the different Ajah all have lots of wonderful women in them. Each Ajah is special in their own way, and each has a lot to offer. It was really nice getting to know more about Ajah on the site, and I think that it helped me a lot in my guesting process, too.

Thanks so much for teaching this class, Leora Sedai!

I learned that, though there are some site Ajahs more likely than others to be my home, that I can't rule any of them out based on their book counterparts, as the site Ajahs can be much more diverse and unique and awesome than the book Ajahs. I also learned that Blue is a very popular Ajah for the Amyrlin in the books.

I learned... that there is still so much I have to learn about the Ajah's! And that we have so many amazing ladies on this site

I've learned that having insight into an Ajah before guesting with them is helpful to understanding the dynamic in their Sitting Room. I've also learned that some of the preconceived ideas I had about the Ajahs before I took this class were too exaggerated. And I enjoyed learning about the similarities and differences between the book and site Ajahs, and how some of the more negative traits of the book Ajahs has been turned into something positive here on the site.

Graduated Students