The True Power

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Author: Kyria d'Oreyn


The True Power is, like the One Power, a force a channeler can tap into to create weaves. It is drawn directly from the Dark One and both males and females alike can channel it, although not without consequences that grow with each use, as it is even more dangerous and addictive than the One Power (ACoS, Ch. 20).

Among the Forsaken, it is considered a great distinction and an honor to be granted its use. They are the only ones living who know how to tap it, but they won't do it except in direst need (ACoS, Ch. 25; WH, Ch. 13).

The True Power can neither be seen or detected, except by the one wielding it. When filled with it, the user hears noises as though the world is screaming (ACoS, Ch. 20) and feels great ecstasy that amounts to pain (TPoD, Prologue), similar to the glory one feels when in Shayol Ghul, kneeling beneath the Dark One. With extensive use, tiny black flecks, known as saa, will appear in the wielder's eyes every time he or she taps the True Power. First, there will be only one floating straight across one eye "and then across the other in the same line" (ACoS, Ch. 25). The more the True Power is used, the more saa will appear (WH, Ch. 13).

At the end of the Age of Legends, the True Power was discovered when a team of researchers from the Collam Daan was looking for a source of power to bypass the "natural limitations of saidar and saidin." They found a thinning in the Pattern that apparently covered "an undivided source of the One Power separate from the True Source." This energy wasn't subject to conventional restrictions like the One Power and the researchers assumed it was equally accessible by men and women, which raised their hopes of uniting "in ways previously impossible" and being able "to perform feats well beyond existing capabilities" (TWoRJTWoT).


Moghedien mentions a final price that is different from the saa, "but no less terrible." She doesn't give further information, but it is believed that Ishamael paid it. When Rand meets him in the World of Dreams, he notes that "just for an instant, his mouth and eyes became openings into endless caverns of flame" (TEotW, Ch. 14). Either this is what happens when one channels the True Power too often and Ishamael was using it right then or he used Illusion tinged with warmth (the flames out of his eyes and mouth have real heat).

The only weave formed with the True Power we know is Traveling. Moridin rips a hole in the fabric of reality to step outside the Pattern (ACoS, Ch. 20; TPoD, Ch. 2). However, that is also how regular male channelers Travel. With this piece of information the question arises of whether the True Power is really as different from the One Power as the researchers in the Age of Legends presumed (TWoRJTWoT). If the way to create a gateway is the same no matter which Power is used, maybe the same holds true for all the other weaves. In that case, the True Power would have the same restrictions for the genders as the One Power has, and is only lacking designations like saidar and saidin. Presumably though, there are no "halves" and the feel of the True Power (ecstasy and roaring) is the same for both male and female, even if they have to use different weaves. This is only speculation though, as there hasn't been a female channeler who uses the True Power in the series. Perhaps these differences in weaving could be worked out and a way could be found for both genders to accomplish a task using the same method.

Moghedien notes that only the Chosen know how to tap it, but most wouldn't use it unless there was no other way. However, she is not allowed to use it (ACoS, Ch. 25). Only Moridin has the Great Lord's blessing (WH, Ch. 13). Either the Dark One can enable or disable a person to be able to use it or not or the person not allowed to channel it will be severely punished. The second option seems more likely, as Moghedien thinks: "The True Power washed around her, so strong here that attempting to channel it would fry her to a cinder. Not that she had any desire to pay the price elsewhere either" (ACoS, Ch. 25).


  • Moridin thinks that the glory he feels while using the True Power is worth the pain (ACoS, Ch. 20).
  • Moghedien remarks that there have been only twenty-nine aside from Moridin who have ever been allowed to use the True Power (ACoS, Ch. 25).
  • In Shayol Ghul, the True Power is so strong that Moghedien thinks "attempting to channel it would fry her to a cinder" (ACoS, Ch. 25).
  • Moridin balefires a part of Mashadar, touching Rand's balefire in the process. Both of them momentarily lose their equilibrium sense and have a ringing in their ears (ACoS, Ch. 41). When Rand later sees an image of Moridin in his mind, he thinks the balefires touching must have created some sort of link between them (KoD, Ch. 18).
  • When Moridin learns that the weather is about to be changed with the Bowl of the Winds, he seizes the True Power and bends the wrought-iron grilles across the windows to let out his anger. He is unaware that he kills his minion, Madic, in the process until he turns around (TPoD, Ch. 2).
  • The gholam can sense the True Power, even if they do not know what it is. It makes them itch, but not quite like the One Power does (TPoD, Ch. 2).
  • Demandred has never used the True Power except in great need and now, only Moridin is granted the right to use it (WH, Ch. 13).


"An honor with a bite, as any of the Chosen knew. In the long run, the True Power was far more addictive than the One Power; a strong will could hold down the desire to draw more saidar or saidin, but she herself did not believe the will existed strong enough to resist the True Power, not once the saa appeared in your eyes. The final price was different, but no less terrible." (Moghedien on the True Power; A Crown of Swords, Chapter 25)

"A black speck floated across Moridin's blue eyes, then another, in a steady stream. The man must have been using the True Power exclusively since he last saw him to gain so many saa so quickly. He himself had never touched the True Power except at need. Great need. Of course, only Moridin had that privilege now, since his... anointing. The man truly was insane to use it so freely. It was a drug more addictive than saidin, more deadly than poison." (Demandred; Winter's Heart, Chapter 13)]