Terms Glossary T

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A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W, X, Y, Z

Ta'veren A person chosen by the Pattern to mend it and set things on their correct course.

Taardad: An Aiel Clan

Tain Shari: True Bloods, an Aiel Warrior society.

Taint, the: The backstroke by the Dark One as he was sealed in his prison that for over three thousand years caused any man who touched saidin to go mad

Tairen: A person from Tear.

Taisham: The first month of the year

Talent: A specific ability with the One Power

Talidar: The site of a battle against Shadowspawn in Artur Hawkwing's time

Tammaz: The eighth month of the year

Ta'maral'ailen: The great Pattern

Tandar: A festival of reconcilement.

Tamyrlin: The ring worn by the leader of the Aes Sedai in the Age of Legends

Tarchot Root

Tel Norwin: A battle during the trolloc wars

Tel'aran'rhiod: The world of dreams

Ten Nations: The nations that formed after the Breaking and were destroyed by the Trolloc wars

Ter'angreal: An object that allows a person to use the One Power for a specific purpose

Tevan, Feast of: An Illianer celebration in the month of Amadaine

Tirish Adar: A celebration in Adar in most norhtern countries

Three Oaths: The Oaths sworn by Aes Sedai on the oath rod

Thunder Walkers: Sha'mad Conde an Aiel Warrior Society

Tiganza: A dance performed by Tuatha'an women

Time of Madness: The time after the Dark One was sealed in the bore when the male Aes Sedai went mad and destroyed the world



Tora Shan



Traveling People

Tree Killer



Trolloc Wars

True Bloods

True Power

True Source


Tsorov'ande Doon:
