Community Page: San d'ma Shadar HQ

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  • Founded by Paedrig al'Dar|
  • Currently Lead by Soronhen Ciryaher as Company Commander
  • Mazarin Ashinar as Honor Guard
  • Founded In 2001


Of the four companies, the San d'Ma Shadar are known as the 'muscle' of the White Tower. This is an oversimplification of an important characteristic lying just beneath the surface... survival. The SDS are the survivors: the jack-of-all-trades, master of none. They adapt and do what must be done to complete the task at hand, whether it be organizing others for an offensive or protecting one's Aes Sedai from harm. All this must be accomplished by utilizing what is readily available to its fullest potential. San d'Ma Shadar provides some of the best Warders the Tower has to offer. We are the Slayers of the Shadow!


Listing of current members, as well as a listing of former and current leaders


Gaidin of San D'ma Shadar

Aes Sedai

Aes Sedai of San D'ma Shadar

Aspirant Soldiers of San d'ma Shadar

Aspirants of San D'ma Shadar


Company Commanders

Honor Guard

External Links