Unofficial SDS

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These women are people who have always belonged in SDS but for various reasons are not officially part of the company. They are always invited to our toasts and any other official events, and completely welcomed as one of us.

Addelyn al'Vera Addelyn al'Vera

Rum Sister and Esteban's partner

Arie Davion Arie Davion

Wife of James Davion

Bio: Arie is an unapologetic coffee addict, but her other vices include cookies, strawberries, and rum (albeit not together). She prefers cats to dogs, loves the color Sapphire, and has the odd habit of not sharpening pencils but going out to buy new ones instead. She has eclectic tastes in friends, music, and books, with knitting on Thursdays with her knit group and enjoying a good dice tossing game on the weekends. Married to James Davion with no pets but with their first kid on the way, she does not hold a job for legal reasons her time is often pretty frivolous at best but always excited to be pulled into the next crazy plot.

On TarValon.Net, Arie is very active member of the Gray Ajah, holding a few positions within the Gray Ajah but also in Marketing. A powerhouse as Marketing's Product (and Project) Manager Admin, she works with the Graphic Development team and tends to badger them to keep things done on time. Arie also currently serves as Sitter in the Hall, Historian and is a random minion in Technology.

Karassa Souladrin Karassa Souladrin

Blue Ass and Forever SDS

Rhed al'Tere Rhed al'Tere

Rum Sister and Forever SDS

Bio: Rhed, known as Red, used to be known as Adriana. She has been a member of the site since 2002. She has been a fixture at most Anni's and Dragon-Con's as well as several Fall Ball Events where she is frequently on the receiving end of motor boating from straight members of both sexes as well as gay members of the opposite sex. She currently serves as the Head of the Red Ajah and has previously served as Director of Communication as well as a Sitter of the Red Ajah. She was forced to bond Esteban Diego briefly to protect the honor of her cow.

In real life, Rhed lives in the Atlanta area with her husband and two cats.

Tian el'Nvidia Tian el'Nvidia

Forever SDS

Tree al'Rotture Tree al'Rotture

Atreyu's partner and Forever SDS

Tyeslan Al'Monhan Tyeslan Al'Monhan

Wife of Roland

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