Community Page: Green Ajah HQ

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Welcome to the Green Ajah Headquarters!

An Introduction to the Green Ajah

"In the Trolloc Wars we were often called the Battle Ajah. We were the counter to the Dreadlords. And now we stand ready, for the Trollocs to come south again, for Tarmon Gai’don, the Last Battle. That is what it means to be Green." (The Dragon Reborn)

All true, of course, in Randland. But being Green here at means much more. Greens are all about passion and strength. Our passion has often – erroneously – been equated with promiscuity, a parallel that does a real injustice to our passion’s many facets. We do love men, of course; they are our equals, our brothers-in-arms, our friends, and, for many of us, our lovers and mates. Green passion, though, is giving everything you have to everything to do. When a Green offers love, compassion, friendship, or help, she does it with her whole heart and soul. When we fight for what we believe in, when we defend others and ourselves, we do so passionately.

Green passion is tempered by strength. That strength is about speaking up when there is a need, particularly when it involves an unpopular opinion, and having the courage to keep doing that – and to help your sisters and brothers-in-arms keep doing that – even when you want to give up, and even when they want to give up. Greens fall in battle; sometimes we are knocked down, sometimes we fall from weariness. But what Greens always do, always, without fail, is get back up again. We may need a helping hand – and we will always find one of our sisters’ hands ready and able – but we never, ever give up, we never, ever run away. This is why, even though most of life’s wars are fought off the battlefield, if we do choose the military we make excellent soldiers. It is the core of what we are. It is why we do not choose Green, we simply are Green.

- Wen Sedai of the Green Ajah

Green Mottos

"al dival, al kiserai, al mashi!"' - translated from the Old Tongue to mean "for light, glory and love!"

"We will be there."

VIP's of the Green Ajah

Head of the Green Ajah: Melisande Arneil
Heart of the Green Ajah: Lireina Dormerus t'al'Bearach
Sitters for the Green Ajah: Aleita Taviah and Loraella Melodie

Current Executive and Administrative Tower Involvement

Koyn Amyrlin and Board Member: Eleyan Teyal Al'Landerin
Amyrlin's Assistant: Tian el'Nvidia
Board Member: Dralyn Montsier
Director of Community Outreach: Tree al'Rotture
Outreach Activities Coordinator: Jenalla Selar
Headmistress: Aryela Dashtahd
Green Ajah (Time Served)

Green Ajah News

  • Thursday, October 11, 2012 by Loraella Melodie

Congratulations to Morrighan, winner of the Keeper's Award for best Moderator!

  • Sunday, September 30, 2012 by Loraella Melodie

Welcome home to our newest Aspirant, Kassidy Rose!

  • Tuesday, August 28, 2012 by Loraella Melodie

Congratulations to Morrighan Sedai our newest Sister! Welcome home!

  • Tuesday, August 28, 2012 by Loraella Melodie

Congrats to our new Head Monkey Aleita, Head Ibis Kessa, Green Herald Lauraine and Librarian Loraella!

More Green Ajah News

Green Ajah in Tar Valon Times

Green Gazette
February 2012: What's been happening with the Greens?
April 2012: Green Water?!
June 2012: Ajah Superpowers
August 2012: British Invasion!

Explore the Green Ajah