A Crown of Swords: Chapter 16
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Chapter Icon: Flame of Tar Valon
Point of View: Mat
Setting: Ebou Dar
Characters: Adeleas, Beslan, Joline, Mat, Teslyn, Tylin
Mat meets Beslan and Tylin.
Mat goes to the palace to see Elayne and Nynaeve. He is passed from servant to servant until he encounters Teslyn and Joline. They tell him that Elayne and Nynaeve are in trouble and he should stop them. They also tell him that he shouldn't have left the protection of the Tower. Adeleas arrives with Sareitha and Merilille, who try to take him from the other two Aes Sedai. They bicker amongst themselves over him and general standing.
He is saved by a summons from Tylin, who he greets in the Old Tongue without realizing. She gives him pen and paper and he writes a note telling them about Carridin entertaining Darkfriends, thinking it polite. Tylin tells him she knows he is ta'veren and that he makes the Aes Sedai uneasy. They are interrupted by Beslan, who has accidentally killed a man in a duel. Tylin hopes Mat will befriend Beslan, and though Mat tries to get out of it, Beslan is keen.