The Dragon Reborn: Chapter 14
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Author: Val a'Shain
Chapter Icon: A black head on a white background facing a white head on a black background
Point of View: Egwene
Setting: The White Tower
Characters: Egwene, Nynaeve, Siuan
Siuan tells Egwene and Nynaeve that she wants them to hunt the Black Ajah.
After Elayne and Leane leave, the Amyrlin tells about her efforts to keep the connection between the murders and the Black Ajah secret. Nynaeve wants to know if there will be additional punishment. The Amyrlin tells them some would look at it that way. She wants them to find out if any of the Black Ajah stayed behind in the Tower.
Nynaeve and Egwene protest that they are no match for fully trained Aes Sedai and that they have no time left between their studies and punishment but the Amyrlin simply tells them to find time. Egwene wants to know why Elayne is not part of it. Siuan replies that she doesn't want to endanger the relations with Caemlyn any further. After a short discussion between Egwene and Nynaeve both decide to accept. Verin is to see to it that they get the information on the Black Ajah and the ter'angreal they took.
Egwene wants to know how they can work within the limitations of an Accepted. Siuan tells them they should find a way. But she does give them a letter signed by the Amyrlin saying the bearer should be obeyed like she is the Amyrlin herself. The letter is for emergencies only. Egwene brings up Mat before the conversation is over. The Amyrlin says she'll send word to them and sends them off.
Visions and Prophecy
- Egwene
- At least she was sure the Amyrlin did not know that she had dreamed of him (Rand) last night, running from Moiraine.
Character Development
- Nynaeve
- Already as strong as any in the Tower.
- She still thinks Moiraine is not to be trusted.
- Siuan says she was ready to sever Nynaeve if she even looked like embracing saidar
Can someone who isn't embracing the source be severed, or was this just a figure of speech? This relates to how people are gentled. It's also a bit extreme - shielding would be far more appropriate
- Liandrin is the strongest of the Black Ajah who fled
- Animals
This section contains Notes on this Chapter which may contain spoilers. Please expand to view.
- Siuan says she has spent her life denying Darkfriends in the Tower and will not let them be there
However, she has known about it since Rand was born.
- She mentions Verin as one of the women she should be able to trust
Of course, Verin is in fact Black Ajah, but possibly trustworthy despite that.
- Siuan doesn't see the pattern the girls see in the Black Ajah
This is a little odd, as seeing patterns was one of her strengths and why she was put to work for the Blue Eyes and Ears