Hafeen Bakuvun
From Tar Valon Library
Author: Toral Delvar
Hafeen Bakuvun is a Domani mercenary that Elayne hires to defend Caemlyn. He is stout and greying, but his movements suggest muscle below the fat (KoD, Ch. 16).
- During the siege of Caemlyn, Elayne meets with Bakuvun, Evard Cordwyn and Aldred Gomaisen in the Blue reception room. She thinks that Reene Harfor probably chose that room to insult them (KoD, Ch. 16).
- The three ask for and are refused compensation for their losses (KoD, Ch. 16).
- When Gomaisen and some other companies turn to Arymilla, Bakuvun and his men are the only reason the city is able to hold (KoD, Ch. 32).
- After the battle, he asks for and is refused a reward for staying loyal (KoD, Ch. 35).
- He recognizes Mellar, but claims to have only seen him three times at most in the past (KoD, Ch. 16).
"Ah, Captain-General, but you forget the death-money that has to be paid to widows and orphans." (To Birgitte when he wants to be paid more money; Knife of Dreams, Chapter 16)