Author: Estyrien al'Halien
Janira was a Kinswoman and a member of the Knitting Circle. She was also a Wise Woman (ACoS, Ch. 38). She was from Saldaea (ACoS, Ch. 38).
Janira was greying and had high cheekbones and a hooked nose. She had dark, tilted eyes (ACoS, Ch. 38) and was lean (ACoS, Ch. 31).
- 1000 NE: Janira is present when Elayne reveals that the Tower has always known about the Kin. She faints at the news (ACoS, Ch. 31).
- 1000 NE: Janira and the rest of the Knitting Circle escort Nynaeve and Elayne to the angreal cache in the Rahad (ACoS, Ch. 38).
- 1000 NE: Janira is murdered by a gholam in the angreal storehouse (ACoS, Ch. 38).
- Janira reminded Mat of a hawk (ACoS, Ch. 38).
""The Light shine on us," she breathed, hurrying to bend over Janira. One touch, and she straightened, wincing painfully. He could have told her the woman was dead. Nynaeve seemed to take the death personally." Mat and Nynaeve (A Crown of Swords, Chapter 38)
"But he was never going to admire Melore's bosom again; Reanne knelt to straighten her limbs and close her eyes, while Tamarla performed the same service for Janira." Mat (A Crown of Swords, Chapter 38)