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Author: Estyrien al'Halien


Melitene is Tuon's der'sul'dam (CoT, Ch. 4).

Furyk Karede chose Melitene to be the one to lead the sul'dam and damane in the search for Tuon after she disappeared (CoT, Ch. 4).

Melitene has more grey in her long hair than black (CoT, Ch. 4; KoD, Ch. 36).


  • 1000 NE: Melitene accompanies Tuon across the Aryth Ocean (CoT, Ch. 4).
  • 1000 NE: Karede approaches Melitene for sul'dam and damane to aid him in his search for Tuon (CoT, Ch. 4).
  • 1000 NE: Karede and Melitene begin their search for Tuon (CoT, Ch. 4).
  • 1000 NE: Melitene, linked to Mylen through an a'dam, accompanies Karede into Mat's camp to "rescue" Tuon (KoD, Ch. 36).
  • 1000 NE: Melitene accompanies Tuon back to the Tarasin Palace (KoD, Ch. 36).
  • 1000 NE: Melitene is present during the meeting at which Beslan swears fealty to Tuon (TGS, Ch. 19).
  • Melitene brings Elaida now known as Suffa in front of Tuon. After an outburst by Elaida she asks the Empress for forgiveness. She then quiets Elaida and has her open a Gateway. Showing Tuon that they now have Traveling.(ToM, Ch. 47)


  • It is said that Melitene is "experienced in more than her craft" (CoT, Ch. 4).