Melvar t'Demae al'Caarn

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Melvar t'Demae al'Caarn
Real Name
Location Sweden
TarValon.Net Information
Affiliation Dai M'Hael
Rank Gaidin
Join Date May 1, 2003
Bonded to Inanna Landred
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Official Event Attendance

Tower Sworn Interview

May 16, 2010

When were you raised to Gaidin of the Dai M'Hael?

ooh... lets see *counts on finger* a long time ago. atleast 6 years ago

Why did you choose Dai M'Hael?

The plan... and Doc tricked me

How was your time as Citizen/Recruit/Soldier?

one word. Fun we foled around playing pranks on everyone and as soon as mother left the city for a while we took over the tower and repainted everything *remeniss*

How long have you been a member of

sice it was on ezBoards.. i'd say 7 or 8 years the?

What things do you do for

well seeing as i'm mostley lurking around i can't say that i do so muck for the community.

How did you get to read the Series?

me and my family was going on vacation and the day b4 we where leaving we went to the liberery to get something to read in the car on the way there and such... my mom intended the book to keep me occupied most of the time on the vacation; we where going fishing and well there is a lot of un occupied time whilse not fishing. anyways i picked up a book in the liberery that looked intresting on the cover. apparentley that was book 3 of the series but hey i didn't care, i just needed something to kill time with. when we arived at the fishing place five hours later the book was done. the next day we had to go to the local liberery to pick up the following book. when we came hom a week later i had read 4 books in total :P i was hooked. after that i have read the series 5 times. exluding the last two books on read them once

Who is your mentee, if you have one?

O_O cna't remember but i changed in the middle there somewhere. i got a mentor that wasn't online at the same time as me seeing as how he was from teh us and i'm from sweden the time diffrents was to big. but seeing as how it is a while ago that ia had one i cna't for the life of me remember who it was

Who is your favorite character of the Series? Favorite Nation?

i'd have to say Mat or Thom... well mat is just funky everyone knows taht.. and well i see alot of myself in Thom. not the crocked back and busted knee.. well maybe the knee but mostley the mind the scheams and all. i apply alot of that in my day >:)

Have you ever attended any Real Life Functions? Did you like them if you did, and why? (Why do you think people should come to any future functions?)

Yes i have and it was so much fun all of them. only been to one official but that one rocked. Tarvalon have contributed to alot of fu in my life so far. a few years bac we where a gang that got together a few times a year and let it rip. we where in the uk a few times and in the netherlands once i think and it was soo much FUN i have seen and experienced alot of things that i would never have thought about twice if it wasn't for them parties... so i would say if you want to experience something fun and most of the time out of the ordenery... go to a tower party

What kind of music do you like?

i listen to pretty much anything to some extent. exept swedich folkmusic... have a problem with that for some reson. it all depends on my mode what i like

What are your favorite movies?

the boondock saints (disclamer on the spelling) matrix ONE not two and three ^^ love actualy ^^ brilliantly fun movie that

What job do you have?

i'm from sweden so... i work at IKEA... yuck ikea is prolly a good place to work at but i'm in the custimer service... Wall of complaints . been there for 7½ yeahrs now it is starting to get to me big time

Do you have a pet?

Yes a kitty cat. the cutes old man in the world *nods* i tis a black and white one with white socks and white nose but a fould morning temper. :P

What languages do you speak?

swedish = native english = barley seeing as how i live woth osaka sedai and she is from belgium and didn't speak alot of swedish when she moved here we spoke english at home and well even though she is fluent in swe now we still speak eng at home... but i'm not good at it :P not even after 11 yeahrs of it in school and then some. just look at my spelling

What profession did you want to have when you were a kid?

that was so long ago i cna't remember. but i think it was professional couch tester.

Thom or Juilin?

easy Thom

Sword or Spear?

Have a Katana in the closet so i'd have to say sword there

Day or night?

late day going on night

Candy or cookies?

cookies and muffins every day of the year

A short bio about yourself.

hoy hoy... i think i have taken most of it in the previous questions... but you asked so ^^

i'm twenty some years.. bourn in 1982 in a lil hell hole of the north of sweden, but to my good fortune we moved south when i was 4 years. i work at IKEa even though i read electronics in school on my free time i "play" with RC planes and cars (RC = remote controlled) i live with osaka sedai and our lord and master the cat Björn in the city of Gävle in what some would call the north of sweden but any sane person would call it the center of the world.

thank you and have a nice day