Difference between revisions of "Former Tower Sworn"

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(Returned Members)
(Retired Members)
(68 intermediate revisions by 3 users not shown)
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{{MM|Voluntary Demotions}}
Although a person who has attained the rank of {{gaidin}} or {{AS}} at {{TV}} will keep that rank indefinitely, occasionally a person will choose to leave the site and ask to be removed from our list of members.  Others may choose to step back and become a {{citizen}}, or leave the site and then return to the ranks.  Very occasionally a person may breach the code of conduct so severely they are banned from the site. Some of these people previously held positions at TarValon.Net, or contributed articles in the library.
Although a person who has attained the rank of {{gaidin}} or {{AS}} at {{TV}} will keep that rank indefinitely, occasionally a person will choose to leave the site and ask to be removed from our list of members.  Others may choose to step back and become a {{citizen}}, or leave the site and then return to the ranks.  Very occasionally a person may breach the code of conduct so severely they are banned from the site. Some of these people previously held positions at TarValon.Net, or contributed articles in the library.  
==Demoted Members==
People who were previously Senior Members, but took the opportunity to step back to either [[Junior Member]] level (by using the [[Guesting System]]) or {{citizen}}. 
*[[Ahmyra al'Ruley]] - Formerly an {{as}} of the {{white2}}, now an {{accepted}}
*[[Alexia Batel]] - Formerly an {{as}} of the {{green2}}, now an {{accepted}} aspiring to the {{yellow2}}; also formerly known as Lexiant A'Marie and Ziporah Batel
*[[Anujun Trahearn]] - Formerly an {{as}} of the {{red2}}, now an {{accepted}}
*[[Aénor Dhulaine]] - Formerly a {{gaidin}} of {{VC2}}, now an {{accepted}} aspiring to the {{yellow2}}; also formerly known as Euriel Than
*[[Ennairam Lamp]] - Formerly an {{as}} of the {{gray2}}
*[[Erin al'Denael]] - Formerly an {{as}} of the {{blue2}}, then an {{as}} of the {{white2}}, now an {{accepted}}
*[[Izabella Serra]] - Formerly an {{as}} of the {{gray2}}, then an {{as}} of the {{white2}}, now an {{accepted}}
*[[Jahily al'Karee]] - Formerly an {{as}} of the {{yellow2}}, now a {{novice}}
*[[Jasin Bashar]] - Formerly a {{gaidin}} of {{VC2}}, now a {{soldier}}
*[[Leese Sulan]] - Formerly an {{as}} of the {{red2}}, now a {{soldier}}; also formerly known as Ariana Sulan
*[[Morrighan Daghdera]] - Formerly an {{as}} of the {{green2}}, now an {{accepted}}
*[[Nebka Galyn]] - Formerly an {{as}} of the {{yellow2}}, now an {{accepted}}
*[[Raeviendha al'Toma]] - Formerly an {{as}} of the {{yellow2}}, now an {{accepted}}
*[[Rhianna Solstice]] - Formerly an {{as}} of the {{blue2}}, now an {{accepted}} {{aspiring}} to the {{brown2}}
*[[Syera Faelron]] - Formerly an {{as}} of the {{white2}}, then an {{as}} of the {{red2}}, now a {{soldier}}
*[[Teslyri Nicoin]] - Formerly an {{as}} of the {{red2}}, now an {{accepted}}; also formerly known as Feon Ceseth
*[[Tomeina Raieese]] - Formerly an {{as}} of the {{white2}}, now an {{accepted}}
*[[Tyeslan Al'Monhan]] - Formerly an {{as}} of the {{white2}}, now an {{accepted}} aspiring to the {{green2}}
*{{Ban}} - Formerly a {{gaidin}} of {{sds}}, now a {{citizen}}
*[[Liiane al'Rhuidea]] - Formerly an {{as}} of the {{gray2}}, now an {{accepted}}
*[[Mariasha Casindred]] - Formerly an {{as}} of the {{gray2}}, now an {{accepted}}
*[[Mellyn al'Baya]] - Formerly an {{as}} of the {{blue2}}, now an {{accepted}}
*[[Miriette Kasabian]] - Formerly an {{as}} of the {{red2}}, now an {{accepted}}
*[[Noelyn alDenael]] - Formerly an {{as}} of the {{green2}}, now an {{accepted}}
*[[Shyana al'Veara]] - Formerly an {{as}} of the {{white2}}, now an {{accepted}}
*[[Willow al'Meana]] - Formerly an {{as}} of the {{blue2}}, then an {{as}} of the {{red2}}, now a {{citizen}}-->
===Senior Members===
People who have regained Senior Member status after taking a [[demotion]].
;Aes Sedai
*[[Aintza Bisera]] - Formerly an {{as}} of the {{blue2}}, now an {{as}} of the {{brown2}}
*[[Arisaema Draconis]] - Formerly an {{as}} of the {{blue2}}, now an {{as}} of the {{green2}}
*[[Asandra al'Terra]] - Formerly an {{as}} of the {{blue2}}, now an {{as}} of the {{green2}}
*[[Jadira Paerael]] - Formerly an {{as}} of the {{blue2}}, now an {{as}} of the {{brown2}}
*[[Mirandha Laflor]] - Formerly an {{as}} of the {{blue2}} under the name [[Mirandha t'Bayana]], now an {{as}} of the {{brown2}}
*[[Yelenia Hylraren]] - Formerly an {{as}} of the {{blue2}}, now an {{as}} of the {{brown2}}
*[[Zashara Sho'am]] - Formerly an {{as}} of the {{blue2}}, now an {{as}} of the {{brown2}}
*[[Aavyn Eirinon]] - Formerly an {{as}} of the {{brown2}}, now an {{as}} of the {{blue2}}
*[[Dovienya el'Korim]] - Formerly an {{as}} of the {{brown2}}, now an {{as}} of the {{white2}}
*[[Narysse a'Jahar]] - Formerly an {{as}} of the {{brown2}}, now an {{as}} of the {{white2}}
*[[Addelyn al'Vera]] - Formerly {{as}} of the {{gray2}}, now an {{as}} of the {{red2}}
*[[Ajailyn Morrivinna]] - Formerly an {{as}} of the {{gray2}}, now an {{as}} of the {{red2}}
*[[Alyria Savoinya]] - Formerly an {{as}} of the {{gray2}}, now an {{as}} of the {{blue2}}
*[[Ariadne Davion]] - Formerly an {{as}} of the {{gray2}},  now  an {{as}} of the {{yellow2}}
*[[Elanda Tonil]] - Formerly an {{as}} of the {{gray2}}, now an {{as}} of the {{white2}}
*[[Leilwyn al'Raen]] - Formerly an {{as}} of the {{gray2}}, now an {{as}} of the {{blue2}}
*[[Kariada Kunai]] - Formerly an {{as}} of the {{gray2}}, now an {{as}} of the {{blue2}}
*[[Meilen Gevedon]] - Formerly an {{as}} of the {{gray2}}, now an {{as}} of the {{blue2}}
*[[Melearlin Valar]] - Formerly an {{as}} of the {{gray2}}, now an {{as}} of the {{blue2}}
*[[Melisande Arneil]] - Formerly an {{as}} of the {{gray2}}, now an {{as}} of the {{green2}}
*[[Velaris Ly'enn]] - Formerly {{as}} of the {{gray2}}, now an {{as}} of the {{green2}}
*[[Aryela Dashtahd]] - Formerly an {{as}} of the {{green2}}, now an {{as}} of the {{brown2}}
*[[Avery d'Itkarya]] - Formerly an {{as}} of the {{green2}}, now an {{as}} of the {{brown2}}
*[[Jenalla Selar]] - Formerly an {{as}} of the {{green2}}, now an {{as}} of the {{brown2}}
*[[Jordan Rayne]] - Formerly an {{as}} of the {{green2}}, now an {{as}} of the {{gray2}}
*[[Katina Ralstone]] - Formerly an {{as}} of the {{green2}}, now an {{as}} of the {{yellow2}}
*[[Kitan Tataru]] - Formerly an {{as}} of the {{green2}}, now an {{as}} of the {{white2}}
*[[Kyyri Moran]] - Formerly an {{as}} of the {{green2}}, now an {{as}} of the {{brown2}}
*[[Lia Kellenit]] - Formerly an {{as}} of the {{green2}}, now an {{as}} of the {{brown2}}; also formerly known as Liathiana e'Kellenit
*[[Loraella Melodie]] - Formerly an {{as}} of the {{green2}}, now an {{as}} of the {{brown2}}
*[[Manon Lumen]] - Formerly an {{as}} of the {{green2}}, now an {{as}} of the {{brown2}}; also formerly known as Cealestis al'Dyren
*[[Naedys Channirra]] - Formerly an {{as}} of the {{green2}}, now an {{as}} of the {{yellow2}}
*[[Sarramy Valtiele]] - Formerly an {{as}} of the {{green2}}, now an {{as}} of the {{yellow2}}
*[[Tyla al'Mere]] - Formerly an {{as}} of the {{green2}}, now an {{as}} of the {{gray2}}
*[[Alwyn da'Cara]] - Formerly an {{as}} of the {{red2}}, now an {{as}} of the {{blue2}}
*[[Asalyn al'Morin]] - Formerly an {{as}} of the {{red2}}, now an {{as}} of the {{yellow2}}
*[[Eveanyn al'Grace]] - Formerly an {{as}} of the {{red2}}, now an {{as}} of the {{green2}}
*[[Mieriana Souvra]] - Formerly an {{as}} of the {{red2}}, now an {{as}} of the {{blue2}}
*[[Morwynna Raevyn]] - Formerly an {{as}} of the {{red2}}, now an {{as}} of the {{white2}}
*[[Prewan Beldaim]] - Formerly an {{as}} of the {{red2}}, now an {{as}} of the {{gray2}}
*[[Rhed al'Tere]] - Formerly an {{as}} of the {{red2}}, now an {{as}} of the {{brown2}}
*[[Sindra Bell]] - Formerly an {{as}} of the {{red2}}, now an {{as}} of the {{brown2}}
*[[Anya Valerin]] - Formerly an {{as}} of the {{white2}}, now an {{as}} of the {{blue2}}
*[[Avendaella Tikvah]] - Formerly an {{as}} of the {{white2}}, now an {{as}} of the {{yellow2}}
*[[Dralyn Montsier]] - Formerly an {{as}} of the {{white2}}, now an {{as}} of the {{green2}}
*[[Elbereth Gailbridhil]] - Formerly an {{as}} of the {{white2}}, now an {{as}} of the {{green2}}
*[[Ilenna Aramiz]] - Formerly an {{as}} of the {{white2}}, now an {{as}} of the {{green2}}
*[[Kiana A'Jadein]] - Formerly an {{as}} of the {{white2}}, now an {{as}} of the {{green2}}
*[[Muirenn Lina Alianin]] - Formerly an {{as}} of the {{white2}}, now an {{as}} of the {{green2}}
*[[Nymeria Donnachaidh]] - Formerly an {{as}} of the {{white2}}, now an {{as}} of the {{blue2}}
*[[Stephen Lightheart]] - Formerly an {{as}} of the {{white2}}, now an {{as}} of the {{white2}}
*[[Alyssa Letherio]] - Formerly an {{as}} of the {{yellow2}}, now an {{as}} of the {{gray2}}
*[[Bryher al'Venna]] - Formerly an {{as}} of the {{yellow2}}, now an {{as}} of the {{blue2}}
*[[Neisa Alibrylla]] - Formerly an {{as}} of the {{yellow2}}, now an {{as}} of the {{blue2}}
*[[Ubahsur Kindellaer]] - Formerly an {{as}} of the {{yellow2}}, now an {{as}} of the {{white2}}
*[[Pylar al'Stnap]] - Formerly an {{as}} of the {{yellow2}}, now an {{as}} of the {{brown2}}
*[[Deleios Cherchenuit]] - Formerly a {{gaidin}} of {{dm}}, now an {{as}} of the {{red2}}
*[[Kelgan al'Moranwin]] - Formerly a {{gaidin}} of {{DM}}, now an {{as}} of the {{white2}}
*[[Jeffan Caliarthan]] - Formerly a {{gaidin}} of {{SDS}}, now an {{as}} of the {{blue2}}
*[[Stephen Lightheart]] - Formerly a {{gaidin}} of {{SDS2}}, now an {{as}} of the {{white2}}
*[[Bao the Wyld]] - Formerly a {{Gaidin}} of {{VC}}, now a {{Gaidin}} of {{mdd}}; also formerly known as Azrael al'Letifer
*[[Micah Junfir]] - Formerly a {{Gaidin}} of {{VC}}, now a {{Gaidin}} of {{DM}}
*[[Whil al'Gwin]] - Formerly a {{Gaidin}} of {{VC}}, now a {{Gaidin}} of {{mdd}}
*[[Alora Sionn]] - Formerly an {{as}} of the {{blue2}}, now a {{gaidin}} of {{VC2}}
*[[Murasaki al'Aevon]] - Formerly an {{as}} of the {{blue2}}, now a {{gaidin}} of {{MDD2}}
*[[Qamra Daielin]] - Formerly an {{as}} of the {{blue2}}, now  a {{gaidin}} of {{DM2}}
*[[Reniel Killan]] - Formerly an {{as}} of the {{green2}}, now a {{gaidin}} of {{VC2}}; also formerly known as Loreniel Killan
==Absent Members==
==Absent Members==
Line 131: Line 9:
==Retired Members==
==Retired Members==
‎People who are known to have left the site.
‎People who are known to have left the site.
*Adanys Wynterwulf - Formerly an {{as}} of the {{white2}}
*Aidan Pendragon - Formerly an {{as}} of the {{white2}}
*Aidan Pendragon - Formerly an {{as}} of the {{white2}}
*Caia al'Tamad - Formerly an {{as}} of the {{brown2}}
*Amara Danicek - Formerly an {{as}} of the {{white2}}
*Cinnamin Draconna - Formerly an {{as}} of the {{brown2}}
*Cyn Wyndbourne - Formerly a {{Gaidin}} of {{Sds}}
*Cyn Wyndbourne - Formerly a {{Gaidin}} of {{Sds}}
*Dracaenaa al'Landgraf - Formerly an {{as}} of the {{brown2}}
*Dracaenaa al'Landgraf - Formerly an {{as}} of the {{brown2}}
Line 147: Line 25:
*Lyuna Ishizu - Formerly an {{as}} of the {{red2}}
*Lyuna Ishizu - Formerly an {{as}} of the {{red2}}
*Mirindyin Zakura - Formerly an {{as}} of the {{gray2}}
*Mirindyin Zakura - Formerly an {{as}} of the {{gray2}}
*Nadine Andara - Formerly an {{as}} of the {{green2}} and before that an {{as}} of the {{brown2}}
*Nairah Tarak - Formerly an {{as}} of the {{blue2}}
*Nairah Tarak - Formerly an {{as}} of the {{blue2}}
*Noura Sofen - Formerly an {{as}} of the {{white2}}
*Noura Sofen - Formerly an {{as}} of the {{white2}}
*Paedrig Al'Dar - Formerly a {{Gaidin}} of {{Sds}}
*Paedrig Al'Dar - Formerly a {{Gaidin}} of {{Sds}}
*Raleien din Arsenia - Formerly an {{as}} of the {{white2}}
*Raleien din Arsenia - Formerly an {{as}} of the {{white2}}
*Rexis - Formerly a {{Gaidin}} of {{DM}}
*Rioldina al'Juriel - Formerly an {{as}} of the {{white2}}
*Riley Maconnar - Formerly a {{Gaidin}} of {{DM}}
*Ryquan Malardius - Formerly a {{Gaidin}} of {{VC}}
*Ryquan Malardius - Formerly a {{Gaidin}} of {{VC}}
*Seandre ay'Luthien - Formerly an {{as}} of the {{blue2}}
*Seandre ay'Luthien - Formerly an {{as}} of the {{blue2}}
*Seraphim al'Doran - Formerly an {{as}} of the {{gray2}}
*Serelda Mirecle - Formerly a {{as}} of the {{red2}}
*Serelda Mirecle - Formerly a {{as}} of the {{red2}}
*Serena Alanshi - Formerly an {{as}} of the {{green2}}
*Serena Alanshi - Formerly an {{as}} of the {{green2}}
*Selexia Cohn - Formerly an {{as}} of the {{red2}}
*Selexia Cohn - Formerly an {{as}} of the {{red2}}
*Shienar Rexix - Formerly a {{Gaidin}} of {{DM}}
*Shirlyn Cheade - Formerly an {{as}} of the {{white2}}
*Shirlyn Cheade - Formerly an {{as}} of the {{white2}}
*Twibli Abaru - Formerly an {{as}} of the {{blue2}}
*Sienna Hanon - Formerly an {{as}} of the {{white2}}
*Stephen Lightheart - Formerly an {{as}} of the {{white2}} and before that a {{gaidin}} of {{SDS2}}
*Tinnlin Fundon - Formerly a {{Gaidin}} of {{VC}}
*Tinnlin Fundon - Formerly a {{Gaidin}} of {{VC}}
*Xavier Wester - Formerly a {{Gaidin}} of {{DM}}
*Xavier Wester - Formerly a {{Gaidin}} of {{DM}}
===Returned Members===
===Returned Members===
Senior Members who officially retired from the site but returned to work their way up the ranks again.
Tower Sworn who officially retired from the site but returned to work their way up the ranks again.
*'''Senior Members'''
*'''Tower Sworn'''
**[[Asandra al'Terra]] - Formerly an {{as}} of the {{blue2}}, now an {{as}} of the {{green2}}
**[[Asandra al'Terra]] - Formerly an {{as}} of the {{blue2}}, now an {{as}} of the {{green2}}
**Colin Mathair - Formerly a {{gaidin}}, now a {{gaidin}} of {{MDD}} under the new name [[Jalen te'Kreg]]
**[[Atane Valthon]] - Formerly a {{gaidin}} of {{DM2}}, now a {{gaidin}} of {{VC2}}
**[[Elia LePhant]] - Formerly an {{as}} of the {{red2}}, formerly known as Aleure Tokani; now an {{as}} of the {{Brown2}}
**[[Da'mas Tamoryn]] - Formerly a {{Gaidin}} of {{VC2}}, now a {{gaidin}} of {{DM2}}
**[[Erin al'Denael]] - Formerly an {{as}} of the {{Brown2}}, briefly known as Gwenlyn Lian; now an {{accepted}} under her original name
<!--**[[Elia LePhant]] - Formerly an {{as}} of the {{red2}}, then an {{as}} of the {{Brown2}}-->
<!--**[[Erin al'Denael]] - Formerly an {{as}} of the {{Brown2}}, briefly known as Gwenlyn Lian; now an {{as}} under her original name-->
**[[Jalen te'Kreg]] - Formerly a {{gaidin}}, now a {{gaidin}} of {{MDD2}}
**[[Jaryd Kosari]] - Formerly an {{as}} of the {{blue2}}, now an {{as}} of the {{green2}}
**[[Jenarra Tikvah]] - Formerly an {{as}} of the {{gray2}}, now an {{as}} of the {{gray2}}
**[[Jenarra Tikvah]] - Formerly an {{as}} of the {{gray2}}, now an {{as}} of the {{gray2}}
**Jundna al'Daelys‎ - Formerly a {{gaidin}} of {{MDD}}, now a {{gaidin}} of {{MDD}} under the new name [[Pip al'Dealys]]
**[[Lealenya Terim]] - Formerly an {{as}} of the {{brown2}}, now an {{as}}
**[[Melana al'Cairera]] - Formerly an {{as}} of the {{blue2}}, now an {{as}} of the {{green2}}
**[[Melana al'Cairera]] - Formerly an {{as}} of the {{blue2}}, now an {{as}} of the {{green2}}
**[[Ninya Evoneigh]] - Formerly an {{as}} of the {{blue2}}, now an {{as}} of the {{green2}}
**[[Pip al'Dealys]] - Formerly a {{gaidin}} of {{MDD2}}, now a {{gaidin}} of {{MDD2}}
**Logain Hawkings - Formerly a {{Gaidin}} of {{VC2}}, now a {{gaidin}} of {{DM}} under the new name [[Da'mas Tamoryn]]
**[[Sandriel Andarin‎]] - Formerly an {{as}} of the {{blue2}}, now an {{as}} of the {{blue2}}
**[[Sandriel Andarin‎]] - Formerly an {{as}} of the {{blue2}}, now an {{as}} of the {{blue2}}
**[[Tallan Daar]] - Formerly an {{as}} of the {{green2}}, now an {{as}} of the {{brown2}}
**[[Tallan Daar]] - Formerly an {{as}} of the {{green2}}, now an {{as}} of the {{brown2}}
**Tel Janin - Formerly a {{gaidin}} of {{DM}}, now a {{gaidin}} of {{DM}} under the new name [[Tel Jagin]]
**[[Tel Jagin]] - Formerly a {{gaidin}} of {{DM2}}, now a {{gaidin}} of {{DM2}}
**[[Zashara Da'sainne]] - Formerly an {{as}} of the {{gray2}}, now an {{as}} of the {{Brown2}}
**[[Zashara Sho'am]] - Formerly an {{as}} of the {{gray2}}, now an {{as}} of the {{brown2}}
*'''Junior Members'''
**[[Atane Valthon]] - Formerly a {{gaidin}} of {{DM2}}, now a {{soldier}}
**Cimorene Traconnen - Formerly an {{as}} of the {{yellow2}}, now a {{citizen}} under the new name [[Willow Elbereth]]
**[[Adanys Wynterwulf]] - Formerly an {{as}} of the {{white2}}, now a {{citizen}}
**[[Maddie Vitalia]] - Formerly an {{as}} of the {{brown2}}, now a {{citizen}}, also formerly known as Madelaine Vitalia
**[[Willow Elbereth]] - Formerly an {{as}} of the {{yellow2}}, now a {{citizen}}
**[[Miridyth Al'Landerin]] - Formerly an {{as}} of the {{green2}}, now a {{novice}}
**[[Miridyth Al'Landerin]] - Formerly an {{as}} of the {{green2}}, now a {{novice}}
Line 194: Line 72:
**Valasia a'Leran - Formerly an {{as}} of the {{red2}}-->
**Valasia a'Leran - Formerly an {{as}} of the {{red2}}-->
[[Category:Former Senior Members| ]]
==Banned Members==
{{Main|Banned Members}}
*Caia al'Tamad - Formerly an {{as}} of the {{brown2}}
*Eli Soljourn - Formerly a {{Gaidin}} of {{DM}}, then demoted to {{Soldier}}
*Emerald ní Róhan - Formerly an {{as}} of the {{white2}}
*Nadine Andara - Formerly an {{as}} of the {{green2}} and before that an {{as}} of the {{brown2}}
*Riley Maconnar - Formerly a {{Gaidin}} of {{DM}}
*Seraphim al'Doran - Formerly an {{as}} of the {{gray2}}
*Twibli Abaru - Formerly an {{as}} of the {{blue2}}
[[Category:Former Tower Sworn| ]]

Latest revision as of 23:15, 1 April 2024

The TarValon.Net Membership Manual contains additional information on this topic.

Although a person who has attained the rank of Gaidin or Aes Sedai at TarValon.Net will keep that rank indefinitely, occasionally a person will choose to leave the site and ask to be removed from our list of members. Others may choose to step back and become a Citizen, or leave the site and then return to the ranks. Very occasionally a person may breach the code of conduct so severely they are banned from the site. Some of these people previously held positions at TarValon.Net, or contributed articles in the library.

Absent Members

People who have not been at the site in years, but who are not known to have officially retired. Thus, they would be entitled to their rank if they chose to return.

Retired Members

‎People who are known to have left the site.

Returned Members

Tower Sworn who officially retired from the site but returned to work their way up the ranks again.

Banned Members

Main article: Banned Members