MM: Code of Conduct

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TarValon.Net, Inc. is dedicated to creating fun, engaging experiences designed to support each other and our communities. Our ability to operate effectively in pursuit of these goals demands a safe, inclusive environment. Refusal to follow this Code of Conduct may result in termination of membership and banning from all functions and services associated with TarValon.Net, Inc.

Code of Conduct

Harassment, abusiveness, discrimination, hate speech, bullying, or contributing to a hostile environment will not be tolerated. The administration reserves the right to levy discipline against members whose conduct is deemed harmful to the community. All members of TarValon.Net have equal right to be treated with respect. Be patient with your fellow community members and give them the benefit of the doubt. In a digital environment where tone is difficult to infer, it is vital to assume positive intent.

Community Members of TarValon.Net, Inc. and visitors using our site must abide by rules governing visual representation including size and use of avatars and signatures.

Any attempt by a member to intentionally deceive by misrepresentation of their age, gender identity, or general location may result in termination of membership and banning from all functions and services associated with TarValon.Net, Inc.

Advertisement, promotion, solicitation or sales of goods or services is prohibited without prior written approval.

Violations and Accountability

Violations of the Code of Conduct may have consequences for the member, the details of which are covered in our Accountability Guide

Community members shall act at all times with due regard to public morals, conventions and TarValon.Net policies. If a member commits any act which violates the accepted standards of the community, or federal, state, regional or local laws, or which might bring the community to public disrepute, or is likely to result in actual or threatened claims against TarValon.Net, this may result in termination of membership and banning from all functions and services associated with TarValon.Net, Inc.

TarValon.Net reserves the right to refuse service or access to any individual at the discretion of TarValon.Net leadership. Refusal of service may include, but is not limited to, temporary or permanent removal of content, prevention of contribution of content, or temporary or permanent removal of membership. Withholding of services will not be determined based on protected classifications such as race, age, gender, sexual orientation, religion, country of origin, or disability.

The Code of Conduct and Membership Manual shall apply at all times in all TarValon.Net interactions (e.g. message boards, chat protocols, community-related emails, community hosted real life events, etc.).

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