Forum Visibility
From Tar Valon Library
This page explains displayable forums by rank. You can learn more about each rank by clicking it. Take into account some ranks have an Age Requirement.
For readability:
- Subforums are marked in a darker color and indended. Some subforums are not visible to anyone, this is why they are marked differently.
- The Forum Containers that take up several columns in the table, mean that they do not contain any threads, but only other subforums. (Such as Discussion Halls and Events)
- The term Visitors encompases anyone who is viewing the forums, but has not created an account, or hasn't logged in.
- The term Registered User encompases all users who have created a forum account, but have not reached the Citizen level yet.
TarValon.Net Community
Forum/Subforum name | Description | Level of Membership that see the forum | Moderated by |
Site Announcements | Announcements regarding our community, its members, and administration. | Visitors, Registered users, Citizenry, Tower Initiates, Tower Sworn | Officers, Directors, Mayor, Mistress of Accepted and Soldiers, Mistress of Novices and Recruits |
Hiring | All Departmental Hirings for Positions can be found here. | Visitors, Registered users, Citizenry, Tower Initiates, Tower Sworn | Officers, Directors, Mayor, Mistress of Accepted and Soldiers, Mistress of Novices and Recruits |
Introductions | This is a forum for introductions. If you are new to TarValon.Net, come to this forum and introduce yourself! | Visitors, Registered users, Citizenry, Tower Initiates, Tower Sworn | Mayor |
Ask the White Tower | TarValon.Net's help section. | ||
FAQ & Member Information | TarValon.Net's help forum. Please clearly put your question in the topic. This is the fastest way to get help. | Visitors, Registered users, Citizenry, Tower Initiates, Tower Sworn | Officers, Directors, Community Group Administrators, Mayor, Mistress of Accepted and Soldiers, Mistress of Novices and Recruits |
Graphic Projects and Requests | Request Graphics! Make Graphics! Any task posted here is open to anyone, of any skill level. | Registered users, Citizenry, Tower Initiates, Tower Sworn | Marketing Project Manager |
Community Feedback | A forum for feedback from the community, discussion of important topics that have to do with membership, etc. | Only people who have opted in can see this forum. To opt-in you must contact your Membership Administrator. To be eligible to opt-in you need to have at least three months of continuous activity on the forums. | Officers, Directors, Tower Mediators |
Events | These sub-forums are dedicated to real-life events and conferences our members attend and in which we participate. | ||
Local Events | Check here for local functions in your area! These smaller ad hoc events are not planned or administered by the Events staff, and TarValon.Net takes no responsibility for them. | Registered users, Citizenry, Tower Initiates, Tower Sworn | Director of Events and Conferences, Mistress of Revels |
Official Conferences | Forum used to plan TarValon.Net's participation at the annual JordanCon conference/convention held each April near Atlanta, Georgia. | Registered users, Citizenry, Tower Initiates, Tower Sworn | Director of Events and Conferences, Mistress of Revels, Conference Coordinator |
Anniversary Party (North America) | A forum used to plan TarValon.Net's Anniversary Party each year. | Registered users, Citizenry, Tower Initiates, Tower Sworn | Director of Events and Conferences, Mistress of Revels (North America) |
Euro Party | A forum used to plan TarValon.Net's Euro Party each year. | Registered users, Citizenry, Tower Initiates, Tower Sworn | Director of Events and Conferences, Mistress of Revels (Europe) |
Spring Fling (North America) | A forum used to plan TarValon.Net's party in the Spring. | Registered users, Citizenry, Tower Initiates, Tower Sworn | Director of Events and Conferences, Mistress of Revels (North America) |
South Pacific | A forum used to plan for a party in the South Pacific. | Registered users, Citizenry, Tower Initiates, Tower Sworn | Director of Events and Conferences, Mistress of Revels (South Pacific) |
Servant of All | A forum to share your experiences in being a true Aes Sedai as well as find opportunities to do so. | Visitors, Registered users, Citizenry, Tower Initiates, Tower Sworn | Director of Outreach, Servant of All Coordinator |
The City of Tar Valon
Forum/Subforum name | Description | Level of Membership that see the forum | Moderated by |
General | An all-purpose forum. General announcements can be found here, along with topics of conversation about the mundane world and our lives in general. | Registered users, Citizenry, Tower Initiates, Tower Sworn | Primarily modded by Forum Moderators |
City Square | Administrative forum for the Citizens of Tar Valon. City related news, issues and discussions, important information for new Citizens, and home of the Mayor. | ||
The Blue Cat Inn | A private forums for the members of the Citizenry. Tower Initiates and Tower Sworn cannot see this forum, but Officers, Directors and those serving on the City Council can. | Citizen, including Resident Citizen | Mayor |
The Apartments | Area where Resident Citizens and Senior Members may mingle. | Resident Citizens, Tower Sworn | Mayor |
The Olde Warder and Hen | Our oldest tavern! Come have a pint of ale and enjoy yourselves. A place for Citizens to get to know the membership groups. | Citizen, Accepted and Soldiers, Tower Sworn. | Forum Moderators |
Forum Games | This forum is dedicated to various structured, time-limited teamwork games like mafia. | Registered users, Citizenry, Tower Initiates, Tower Sworn | Director of Online Events |
Frivolous Fun | This forum is dedicated to fun quizzes, jokes, and other entertaining diversions | Registered users, Citizenry, Tower Initiates, Tower Sworn | Primarily modded by Forum Moderators |
Virtual Events | The place to plan online events and gatherings. | Registered users, Citizenry, Tower Initiates, Tower Sworn | Director of Online Events |
Discussion Halls | Here you'll find areas dedicated to all areas of conversation. | ||
News & Politics | Discussion about current news and politics | Only people who have opted in can see this forum. To opt-in you must contact your Membership Administrator. | Self moderated forum |
Spirituality & Religion | Discussion about religions and any form of spirituality | Only people who have opted in can see this forum. To opt-in you must contact your Membership Administrator. | Self moderated forum |
Gender Discussion | A forum on gender discussion, open to all members | Only people who have opted in can see this forum. To opt-in you must contact your Membership Administrator. | Self moderated forum |
Education & Employment | Discuss anything and everything related to your job or education in this forum | Registered users, Citizenry, Tower Initiates, Tower Sworn | Forum Moderators |
Sports & Entertainment | A forum for entertainment of all kinds, from sports to stage shows to TV to movies to radio and beyond | Registered users, Citizenry, Tower Initiates, Tower Sworn | Forum Moderators |
Science & Technology | For discussion of science, concepts, computers, computer parts, tech support. All advice is issued on an amateur basis and not as a service of TarValon.Net | Registered users, Citizenry, Tower Initiates, Tower Sworn | Forum Moderators |
Home & Garden | For discussion about all things related to cooking, gardening, entertaining, pets, home improvement, etc. | Registered users, Citizenry, Tower Initiates, Tower Sworn | Forum Moderators |
Health & Fitness | For discussion about all things related to health, exercise, and personal fitness | Registered users, Citizenry, Tower Initiates, Tower Sworn | Forum Moderators |
Makerspace | Discussions on crafty pursuits | Registered users, Citizenry, Tower Initiates, Tower Sworn | Forum Moderators |
Non-WOT Literature and Fiction | This section of the Library is dedicated to discussing literature not associated with The Wheel of Time. | Registered users, Citizenry, Tower Initiates, Tower Sworn | Forum Moderators |
Costume/Cosplay | A place to discuss the making and wearing of costumes, primarily costumes about Wheel of Time. | Registered users, Citizenry, Tower Initiates, Tower Sworn | Director of Events and Conferences |
The Library
Forum/Subforum name | Description | Level of Membership that see the forum | Moderated by |
The Classroom | Classes on a variety of Wheel of Time and TarValon.Net related subjects. | Registered users, Citizenry, Tower Initiates, Tower Sworn | Director of Research and Records, Headteachers |
The Head Librarian's Desk | The Office of our Director of Research and Records. Here you can find help regarding navigating and/or editing TarValon.Net's Library. | Registered users, Citizenry, Tower Initiates, Tower Sworn | Director of Research and Records |
Book Discussion | Discussion forums for The Wheel of Time and other books. | ||
Wheel of Time Discussion - New Readers | A spoiler free forum for discussing the Wheel of Time books when reading for the first time. | Visitors, Registered users, Citizenry, Tower Initiates, Tower Sworn | Director of Research and Records, Forum Moderators |
Wheel of Time Discussion - Spoilers | A forum where we discuss the Wheel of Time books with all the spoilers! Preferable, you must have read the books to participate, but read at your own risk! | Visitors, Registered users, Citizenry, Tower Initiates, Tower Sworn | Director of Research and Records, Forum Moderators |
Brandon Sanderson | A place to discuss the works of Brandon Sanderson. | Visitors, Registered users, Citizenry, Tower Initiates, Tower Sworn | Director of Research and Records, Forum Moderators |
Wheel of Time on Prime | Discussion regarding Wheel of Time TV Show. Beware of spoilers, the forum is not spoiler free. | Visitors, Registered users, Citizenry, Tower Initiates, Tower Sworn | Director of Research and Records, Forum Moderators |
The White Tower
Forum/Subforum name | Description | Level of Membership that see the forum | Moderated by |
The Hall of Initiates | For initiates of the Tower. | ||
The Office of the Mistress of Novices & Recruits | You've found the Mistress of Novices and Recruits office. If you've been sent here, this is where you're meant to go. | Tower Initiates, Tower Sworn | Mistress of Novices and Recruits |
The Dormitory | A quiet place for Tower Initiates of the Tower to get away from the prying eyes of Aes Sedai. Well, for the most part, anyhow. | Tower Initiates, Tower Sworn | Mistress of Novices and Recruits, Mistress of Accepted and Soldiers |
Abandoned Corridor | A private space for Tower Initiates to mingle. | Tower Initiates, Mistress of Novices and Recruits, Mistress of Accepted and Soldiers | Mistress of Novices and Recruits, Mistress of Accepted and Soldiers |
The Office of the Mistress of Accepted & Soldiers | Accepted or Soldier report here. Only when the Mistress is wearing a complete pair of slippers, is it safe to enter. If she's wearing boots, watch out. | Accepted and Soldiers, Tower Sworn | Mistress of Accepted and Soldiers |
Within the Tower | For Tower Sworn or Guesting Accepted and Soldiers. | ||
Senior Members | A forum for all Tower Sworn to hang out together. | Tower Sworn | Director of Membership, Mistress of Novices and Recruits, Mistress of Accepted and Soldiers |
Forbidden Stables | This is a "ssshhh..." forum only for Tower Sworn | Tower Sworn | Director of Membership, Mistress of Novices and Recruits, Mistress of Accepted and Soldiers |
The Parlor | Private forum for the meeting of Tower Sworn who identify as female. To gain access to this forum, you need to contact your Membership Administrator. | Tower Sworn who have opted in | Director of Membership |
The Clubhouse | Private forum for the meeting of Tower Sworn who identify as male. To gain access to this forum, you need to contact your Membership Administrator. | Tower Sworn who have opted in | Director of Membership |
The Lounge | Private forum for the meeting of Tower Sworn who are non-binary. To gain access to this forum, you need to contact your Membership Administrator. | Tower Sworn who have opted in | Director of Membership |
The Crossroads | Private forum for Unaffiliated Aes Sedai and Gaidin | Unaffiliated Tower Sworn | Director of Membership |
Ajah/Company Sitting Room/Guest Room | A semi-private forum for each Ajah or Company, where their bondmates and Guesting or Aspired Tower Initiates and Tower Sworn get to hang out. | Guesting and/or Aspiring Tower Initiates and Tower Sworn, Aes Sedai of the Ajah, Gaidin of the Company and their bondmates. | Head of Ajah, Heart of Ajah, Company Commander, Honor Guard |
Ajah/Company Chambers | The Private rooms within the Ajah or Company, only for the Tower Sworn raised into it | Aes Sedai of the Ajah or Gaidin of the Company. | Head of Ajah, Heart of Ajah, Company Commander, Honor Guard |
TarValon.Net Administration
There is a section of the forums dedicated to Departmental forums and sub-forums, but they are not included in this page, since they are not separated by rank, but by job title.