San d'ma Shadar (Award Winners)
From Tar Valon Library
Members of San d'ma Shadar that have won Amyrlin's Awards, Officer Awards or Members' Choice Awards.
Amyrlin's Awards
- 2024
- Philanthropist of the Year: Ty al'Djinn
- 2019
- Volunteer of the Year: Brandon Tat'vakja
- 2018
- Philantropist of the Year: Wil Cambrae
- Unsung Servant: Elanda Tonil
- 2014
- Philantropist of the Year: Nethanel al'Tere
- 2012
- Philantropist of the Year: Sean Dragoran
- 2011
- Philantropist of the Year: Caerwyn Jolan
- Unsung Servant: Darian Coralis
- 2002
- Philantropist of the Year: James Davion
Officer Awards
- 2017
- Staff Member of the Year: Elanda Tonil
- 2015
- Extraordinary Service of the Year: Pol Rohanson
- 2014
- Moderator of the Year: Ty al'Djinn
- 2013
- Moderator of the Year: Halan Leion
- 2012
- Administrator of the Year: Azi al'Thone
Members' Choice Awards
- 2023
- Most entertaining poster in forums or chat: Willam Cambrae
- Best Duo: Ty al'Djinn (with Roheryn ni Galghandhrei t'al'Djinn)
- 2019
- Best Bonded Couple: Wil Cambrae and the Brown Ajah
- Most Entertaining Member: Wil Cambrae
- 2017
- Most Likely Just to Take Their Shirt Off: Locus Sarania
- Outstanding Gaidin Involvement: Brandon Tat'vakja
- 2016
- Most Likely Just to Take Their Shirt Off: Locus Sarania
- 2015
- Most Likely to Make Our New Amyrlin Pull Her Hair Out: Nethanel al'Tere
- 2014
- Most Entertaining In Chat: Wil Cambrae
- Most Representative of Company: Doneavan al'Keavin
- Best Use of Puns or Lame Jokes: Azi al'Thone
- Best Beard: Sean al'Dragoran
- Most Likely to Become Pickled: Azi al'Thone
- 2013
- Most Entertaining in Chat: Azi al'Thone
- Best Bonded Couple: Azi al'Thone & Lireina Dormerus t'al`Bearach
- Funniest Member: Azi al'Thone
- Most Likely to Survive the Last Battle: Doneavan al'Keavin
- 2012
- Most Entertaining Board Poster: Azi al'Thone
- Most Entertaining in Chat: Darian Coralis
- Most Entertaining in Chat: Wil Cambrae
- Funniest Member: Pol Rohanson
- Outstanding Soldier Involvement: Pol Rohanson
- Outstanding Gaidin Involvement: Azi al'Thone
- 2011
- Gaidin Most Representative of Company: Soronhen Ciryaher
- Outstanding Recruit Involvement: Azi al'Thone
- 2010
- Most Entertaining in Chat: Wil Cambrae
- 2008
- Gaidin Most Representative of their Company: Doneavan al'Keavin
- 2003 and 2004
- Best Company Headquarters: San d'ma Shadar
- 2002
- Most Vehement Tower Defender: Jakeb Morsin t'al'Thorn
- Most Valuable Student: Cyn Windbourne