Black Lives Matter

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Author: Serinia Edoras
Published: June 15 2020 - Tar Valon Times Blog Link

As you’ve seen over the past few days, the site leadership team of officers and executives has been working to better understand and communicate with the membership of TarValon.Net about what is important to our community and how we develop programs to support these priorities. We have updated our organization and our programs to support those priorities, posted our Vision and Mission Statement, revised our Code of Conduct, and have been working to create more open, candid discussion forums.

Though the Statement of Diversity Support posted last week reflects our advocacy of all of our members it does not speak specifically to our support of the Black Lives Matter movement. The shocking and sickening murder of George Floyd in Minneapolis was one of many similar events in the sad history of racial injustice in the United States. It has led to important demonstrations around the world and has stimulated reflection for individuals, communities, and society. Addressing the deep issues at the heart of this vital movement will take time, and not just thoughts but committed, long-term pushes for social and legal reform. There is information available on the Servant of All forum, sharing how TarValon.Net and our members can support the goals of Black Lives Matter. Our team continues to collect more information and determine how we can combine our resources to make a direct impact. We welcome everyone to contribute their suggestions in the Servant of All forum.

We understand that this will be a long journey and that we still have a lot to learn, but we remain committed to providing resources, educating ourselves and others, and serving those in need.

Serinia Edoras

Amyrlin Seat