Brown Bulletin September 2007
Brown Ajah Bulletin
Vol. II, Issue 2
If you have any comments, or suggestions for the Bulletin, or wish to write an article, feel free to PM Stasia Sedai, or send an email to You do not need to be a member of the Ajah. All suggestions and submissions are gladly appreciated!
Congratulations are in order!
August was certainly a busy month for the Brown Ajah!
Our first order of business is to congratulate Keara Sedai on her Raising to the Shawl! She was Raised live at Euro Party. Congratulations!
Secondly, the Browns are welcoming two new Aspiring Accepted to the Ajah! Taika Vinh and Shara Nevan are our newest Aspiring ladies! Congrats!
Big news this month- congratulations to Rinwyn Sedai, who was also Raised to the Shawl!
The Browns are also extremely sad to announce that Ismene Sedai received the Director of Research position and has left her spot as the Ajah Head. But we are also extremely pleased to announce her replacement, Serenla Sedai! Also, Allin Sedai will be taking over Serenla’s place as Heart of the Ajah.
Congrats to you all!
- Brown Birthdays
Happy Birthday to the Brown September babies!
Kheldin Gaidin- September 7th
Dovienya Sedai- September 8th
And Happy Birthday to the October babies, as well!
Wil Gaidin- October 3rd
Eilastri Sedai- October 6th
Caia Sedai- October 12th
Browns- if your birthday somehow got missed, it’s because you’re not on the list! PM Stasia to let her know!
- Tiki Drink of the Month
Blue Lagoon
3 oz. pineapple juice
1 tsp. orgeat syrup
1/2 oz. Blue Curacao
Shake with ice cubes, then strain into a glass filled with crushed ice.
- Brown Fun at D*Con
By: Ismene Sedai
Browns made quite a showing at D*Con this year!
Present and accounted for were Ismene Sedai, Sela Sedai, Cassie Sedai, Serenla Sedai, Adolla Sedai, Eniara Sedai, as well as various Accepted, including Muerandah, Shara, and Rinwyn. Warders Sean D and Wil were also at Dragon*Con. We all survived the Atlanta heat and had a terrific time getting to the numerous round-the-clock panels, parades and celebrity sightings at the convention.
The Browns had a rambunctiously random midnight gathering featuring rum, journals and good times. A hearty "thanks" to Muerandah for so generously providing us with a spot to gather. Congratulations to Sela for arranging the fabulous and much enjoyed "Eye of the World Intepretive Dance."
Did you miss out on D*Con this year?? Well, don't delay... tickets for next year's convention are already on sale.
- Brown Poll
On a bit of a different note from the normal Brown Poll, the question now goes to you, the reader.
What do you want to learn about the Brown Ajah?
PM your questions to Stasia Sedai or email them to, and your question might just be the next to appear in the Brown Bulletin!
- Brown Ajah at Europarty
By: Taika Vinh, Aspirant to the Brown Ajah
This summer’s Europarty (August 10-12 2007) was held in a small town called Driebergen (the Netherlands), which is less than one hour away from Amsterdam by train. More specifically the party was held in YMCA’s lodge some 1,5 kilometres away from the town.
The place was ideal for the party; there were dorms and showers/toilets for a rather large group and a big “dining hall” and kitchen and lots of outdoor space (with a place for campfire). The shabbiness and not-too-cleanliness was compensated by the low price and more importantly the wonderful people attending.
There were a bit less than 40 people from, and all ranks from citizens to senior members were represented. From the Ajahs, the Blues were the biggest, and only Gray was totally absent. Brown Ajah was represented by 2, Elyna Sedai, who did amazing job as organising and hosting the event with the help of Val Gaidin and also the Change family (Wen Sedai and her husband Cedric and their cute kids), and Keara Sedai, who came to the party as an aspiring Accepted but left as the newest Brown Aes Sedai.
I had a small interview with Elyna Sedai about organising the party:
Taika: What did your and Val Gaidin's job include in organising/hosting this year's Europarty? Elyna: We arranged the location in Driebergen and did about half of the groceries. Wen and Cedric did the other half, I cannot thank them enough! Even half hardly fit in my car. We made sure everyone who needed got directions and train timetables. As the assistant Treasurer, I also did all the financial work. I made breakfast both mornings (always with help from very nice people!) and opened the gate for guests going off and on most of the time (the location is fenced and the gate had to be closed all the time to prevent roaming youngsters from getting in). Val took care of explaining the house rules and we both made sure everything went well.
T: How was the job? E: Easy at first, when we started looking for a location and found one. It was difficult to think of a menu and how many groceries we would need. I have no experience at all with buying for so many! On Friday night at the party, when two Brits missed their flight and one person seemed missing it got quite stressful. Especially because the highest ranking admin who would be there (Manora) was one of the two who missed the plane! I was actually afraid I had to do all the ceremonies myself. Luckily they got on the next flight and the last guest (Keara) turned up a little later than expected, but unharmed.
T: Have you been doing similar kinds of things many times before or was this the first? E: I have hosted the first official Europarty ever, with the grand total of 5 people attending! I have also hosted a few small, unofficial parties, but never one as big as this Europarty.
T: If you've been to many other Tower rl events, how would you compare this Europarty to them? E: Because I organised this one, I felt very "in control". That felt good. Europarties I have attended always seemed to be very relaxed, with some kind of program (ceremonies, dressing up and going somewhere on Saturday) but mostly with lots of "free" time to relax and get to know the other guests. This party wasn't very different. I liked it. I wonder if more alcohol goes around on Europarties or on US parties.. hmmmm *ponders and her thoughts drift away*
Keara Sedai’s real life raising ceremony was certainly a big event for the Browns too. Unfortunately she just moved to Hungary and hasn’t been around for some time. So I didn’t get to interview her about the wonderful ceremony. But judging by the look on her face when she was summoned she really didn’t expect it!
“I was completely surprised and it has been on of the highlights of my time in Europe,” said Keara. “Europarty, in itself, was amazing, and being raised in RL made my experience at my first RL party memorable. I never thought that I would be raised in RL, but I am so grateful and glad that it did occur that way. Being raised in RL makes being raised seem more real... well obviously. As for choosing Brown... I love all of the Ajahs here, and while Brown is a diverse group of women (not all a bunch of nerdy bookworms), I think I fit the description. I'm a book Brown as well as a site Brown. I love studying, I'm continuing grad school for history, I want to be a professor and of course always a student. The Browns on the site are a wonderful group of women, relaxed and welcoming and more importantly, intelligent and interesting. My choice became pretty clear as I got to know people on the site as a novice and even a citizen.”