Classic Interviews
Author: Calen Velervron, October 2017
The Tar Valon Times wanted to have a special "classics" edition for the paper. I searched far and wide for some expert opinions on the history of the tower. I would like to thank Ninya Sedai, Eli Gaidin, Arie Sedai, and the Amyrlin Seat for taking the time to respond. I asked a few questions of each of them about the past and current state of the tower. Below are the answers!
Ninya Sedai
1) What is the biggest change you have watched occur in the tower since the day you joined?
I have seen so many, how can I choose?? :lol I joined the Tower just before the City and Citizens were introduced, so that was a huge change. Eleyan Sedai stepping down as Amyrlin was a single instance of something that the Tower had previously taken for granted suddenly changing to be more fluid, which did cause some subtle culture changes. I've also seen us transform from a relatively simple fan site to being a legal nonprofit entity that makes very real contributions to our RL global community, and I think that was the biggest change of all. :)
2) What is something that was common at the time you entered the tower that would be surprising now?
Senior Members used to send Junior Members to do penance for the silliest things. Forgetting to use titles, posting in the wrong area, being a smart was kinda crazy town, but also fun and immersive. It made being a novice more interesting, for sure. The penances were usually lighthearted and funny- compose a limerick extolling the virtues of Rabid Novice Julie, draw an apology in Paint, post about pants 15 times, that kind of deal. That culture has almost entirely vanished over the last ten years or so.
3) When you joined the tower how many members did we have?
I joined in late February 2003, and as of April 1st we had 263 members per the Annual Report. Since we temporarily closed membership applications while building the City from March to May (I squeaked in with less than a week to spare!), that number is probably accurate to my join date, as well.
4) What is the single most shocking/exciting event or occurrence you can remember in the tower's past?
There were two!
The first - being invited to host the Heifer International fundraiser linked with Brandon Sanderon completing the series. We raised a crazy amount of money (I believe it was over $50,000) and a bunch of our members got to have their names appear in the final books. How cool is that?
The second - The Wheel of Time glitterati who attended our 10th Anniversary. Brandon Sanderson stayed up playing Magic with fans to all hours of the night, some of Team Jordan joined our site, and we got to interact directly with Harriet McDougal. It was a fantastic fandom experience, one I hope we get to repeat sometime soon.
5) What is one thing you are especially proud of in the tower's history, or you thought was extraordinary?
I am particularly proud of our transition from "fansite" to "non profit." It has opened so many opportunities for us to develop and grow as an organization and I see our members stepping up to the plate as "Servants of All" in big and small ways all the time.
6) What is your favorite memory or funny story from the history of the tower?
I think...anything and everything to do with the Denver-based Anniversary parties I've been to. There's something about Estes Park and the groups of people who came together for those events that just stands out as special and magical to me. They are overall my favorite memories of the Tower; I can't wait to get involved in our RL event side once more so I can add more.
7) Can you tell me about something you particularly miss that the tower no longer does?
Hmm...I personally do not enjoy the division between Sitting Room and Chamber for community groups, and personally wish we could revert back. I understand the arguments for and against so please don't take this as a "man I'm so PO'd that this happened" kind of comment. ;) However, my memories indicate having us all in one forum led to a greater sense of community and belonging for everyone; I wish we could have that back.
8) Can you tell me about integration?
I think "integration" is a silly name, to be honest. :p However, the actual thing that happened was fantastic and I'm so glad we did it! I have watched many people who felt stifled before find their homes and get comfy in ways they could not before. I haven't personally seen a single negative side effect so far. :)
Eli Gaidin
1) What is the biggest change you have watched occur in the tower since the day you joined?
Probably a toss up between when we finally allowed Integration (men Sedai and women Gaidin) or when Eleyan stepped down as Amyrlin Seat.
2) What is something that was common at the time you entered the tower that would be surprising now?
Pranks and punishments. Junior Members would intentionally break rules in silly ways and be sent to their community admin to be punished, also in a silly way. People had a lot of fun with them, but we've grown too big for them to be common any more.
3) When you joined the tower how many members did we have?
I don't know a specific number, but significantly fewer than today.
4) What is the single most shocking/exciting event or occurrence you can remember in the tower's past?
Besides the Integration mentioned above? Probably when they introduced Guesting and Aspiring. Once upon a time, when you became an Accepted or a Soldier, you simply joined your group. No visiting everyone for weeks (or longer).
5) What is one thing you are especially proud of in the tower's history, or you thought was extraordinary?
Probably the fundraisers. I know that's technically not one event, but how we all come together to help when needed always makes me proud.
6) What is your favorite memory or funny story from the history of the tower?
My first Anni party. It was partly completely overwhelming to meet so many new people all at once as well as comforting to finally spend time in person with my online family.
7) Can you tell me about something you particularly miss that the tower no longer does?
I think more than something we used to do that we no longer do, what I really miss is the members that have moved on with their lives and are no longer here. Lots of friends that are gone.
Arie Sedai
1) What is the biggest change you have watched occur in the tower since the day you joined?
I think we can all note the activity. There was a youthful aspect to the members, excitement with each book coming out. I came in around when the ancient guard became the old guard, and now a newer guard.
2) What is something that was common at the time you entered the tower that would be surprising now?
Not entirely. I came from one very large online community to another, the biggest difference between the two were the RL in person meet-ups, but the friendships were just as strong.
3) When you joined the tower how many members did we have?
No clue! XD
4) What is the single most shocking/exciting event or occurrence you can remember in the tower's past?
I married one of the Tower's beloved male Channelers. That's pretty darn exciting.
5) What is one thing you are especially proud of in the tower's history, or you thought was extraordinary?
Becoming the Director of Marketing, and having it become such a successful department while I held it is by far my proudest moment(s). I adored my staff, the friends I made and the cool things we made. Letting go was hard, but I believe that I had served my purpose there.
6) What is your favorite memory or funny story from the history of the tower?
I always adore online shenanigans. Most recently the prank war between dorm rooms with glitter and such while I was still a Soldier. I hope they never go away.
7) Can you tell me about something you particularly miss that the tower no longer does?
So this might seem odd, but I miss the RL stuff we do being things we did online. The shenanigans of being silly together online because there was no way we could afford those plane tickets to visit each other. Not that I'd take away that RL connection; quite the opposite - I'd love to be able to afford to do more!
And finally, Rhed al'Tere, the Amyrlin Seat
1) What is the biggest change you have watched occur in the tower since the day you joined?
Well...all of them. I remember when we added the city, and I remember when we started the guesting system, and I (obviously) remember Integration. I also remember when we became incorporated as a nonprofit. I think the only change that was before my time was the addition of the companies.
2) What is something that was common at the time you entered the tower that would be surprising now?
When you were raised to Accepted, you chose your Ajah. So, when I was raised at second Anni, I chose the Red Ajah, and I was therefore a member of the Ajah
3) When you joined the tower how many members did we have?
Not many. Few enough that the Mother approved every raising herself.
4) What is the single most shocking/exciting event or occurrence you can remember in the tower's past?
The most shocking event was when we learned our CFO had stolen funds. We are an amazing community, though, and we came back strong from that, and the Tower still stands.
5) What is one thing you are especially proud of in the tower's history, or you thought was extraordinary?
I thought it was extraordinary that Harriet McDougal and Brandon Sanderson attended our Tenth Anni party.
6) What is your favorite memory or funny story from the history of the tower?
I went to second Anni in Tennessee having no idea what to expect, whether I'd get along with these people, or they'd be axe murderers, or they'd judge me because I didn't drink. Well, I did, and they weren't, and they didn't. There are so many moments from that event that I remember, and treasure. Padra, Marlinya, and I walking in the early morning before anyone else was awake. Marlinya telling me to pretend to drink the champagne she bought for the Novice toast. Washing dishes with Lyoness, like "real" novices. Being raised to Accepted, and being a little worried Mother was going to take my head off with the sword. Valasia, the Mistress of Novices, "beating" me with a branch. Driving home, and being in the middle of nowhere, and thinking, "I'm Accepted, I'm Accepted, I'm accepted."
7) Can you tell me about something you particularly miss that the tower no longer does?
I honestly can't think of anything that we used to do that I want back. I think back fondly on things like the guilds, and the little clubs we had (Duckfriend for life!). But I see those things as having had their time, and their place, and they served their purpose
Thank you to everyone again and I hope the good memories continue!