Euro Party 2012

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Euro Party 2012
Location Warnsveld, the Netherlands
Date August 17-19, 2012
Local Liaison Naeris Vell'sean

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TarValon.Net held Euro Party 2012 in Warnsveld, the Netherlands, August 17-19. Guests numbered 14 in all, and included members from the USA, England, Netherlands, Belgium, France, Germany, Sweden, and Norway.


By: Imzadi Hopewind for the Tar Valon Times

Some of us met at the airport, and when we all had arrived, we started on our journey to the party site. First we took one train, then changed to a local train and then took a bus few stops. When we reached the final bus stop, we met Taelinn and Alyssa, who took some of our baggage to the campsite. Then we walked a long way until we reached our destination.

When most of us had arrived, we started to get things set up and to get to know people that we hadn't met before. We settled ourselves into the three rooms, which consisted of a quiet room, a party room and a boys' room.

We found out pretty quickly that a location near horses (there were plenty of beautiful horses at the site) generates lot of flies... so much so that we had to get some fly swatters to make them go away.

After dinner, Enya had a bubble show for us. She told about how a bubble works and how to make them big or in different shapes like squares and such. It was pretty to watch. If you ever spend time with Enya, ask her to do the bubble show for you.

Then we had our official toast, where each member made their own toast. After that, we just enjoyed the nice weather outside and watched the stars. The stars were really visible at the site; I guess because we were far away from a big city with lots of lights. It's been a long time since I've seen that many stars.

Next morning started slow and we had brunch (great pancakes) and then we got ready for a laser tag party at the old prison close to the site. We had to use two cars and make two trips to get all of us to the prision. It was really hot there (for us that arer used to temperatures around 18-20 C)--Naeris told us that it was around 30-35 C during the weekend. No wonder we were sweating a lot while having a lot of fun with laser fighting! (Go Big Yellow) So it was nice to have a drinking break in the middle, or we might all have passed out! We were divided in 2 teams throughout most of the activity: yellow team and red team. We finished the laser fighting with all against all, and Chiyuki was the winner! During the team rounds, it was yellow that won most of the battles.

Then we all drove home and rested a little before getting ready for the BBQ party. Some played some Wii games while others prepared food for dinner. We sat outside for our dinner, so we avoided some flies. (there were fewer outside than inside, anyway!) We enjoyed hamburgers and salads and drinks. When we were done, it was time for group pictures. We had a lot of fun taking pictures.

Suddenly, Mother summoned me out of the blue. I was really suprised. I went through the ceremony and was raised to Aes Sedai. When it was time to choose an ajah, I chose the Gray (big suprise?). Then it was time for all to take pictures of me in my new shawl. I had actually carried it all the way from Norway without knowing it! The Gray Ajah tricked me. But that's another story. The party lasted the rest of the night, with brownies made by Mother, some karaoke, and more starwatching before it was bedtime.

Next morning it was our last day of Europarty, so we ate breakfast, packed, cleaned out the place, and said goodbye to new and old friends. Then it was time to travel home: first by car, train, train, plane, and finally bus before I was home about 12 hours later. Some others kept up with the party until next day before they headed home as well.

I'll miss being near all the people I got to know at Europarty 2012, but it won't be long until I see Tar Valon people again!





Main article: Euro Party 2012 Attendance List

Fourteen people attended.


Main article: Euro Party 2012 Picture Gallery