Guiyall Rithmaire

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Guiyall Rithmaire
Real Name Andrew Herrick
Location Fort Worth, Texas, USA
Birthday April 4th, 1985
TarValon.Net Information
Affiliation Dai M'Hael
Rank Gaidin
Join Date December 6, 2004
Bonded to Skaya Tristian
Link to Forum Profile

Tower History

Tower Involvement




Other Recognition



Membership Merit Gold 300.png Senior Membership Merit Gold 300.png


Events Participation Tournament

Tower Relationships




Other Tower Relationships

First Brother to Deoan Kakarot & Jeffan Caliarthan

Official Event Attendance

Senior Member Interview

May 15, 2010

When were you raised to Gaidin of the Dai M'Hael?

I was raised to DM Gaidin in June of 2007 and in then started lurking lol.

Why did you choose Dai M'Hael?

Because of my fellow Gaidin there partly. They have a patience and lightheartedness that fits my personality to a T. I also am big about planning ahead and thinking tactically regarding situations much like the Company description, which is what first drew me to look at DM.

How was your time as Citizen/Recruit/Soldier?

It was quite a lot of fun. I followed in my mentor's footsteps and became one of the male novices. I also had the pleasure of being raised to Soldier at 5th Anniversary, which I will always treasure. I wouldn't give any of it back for the world.

How long have you been a member of

I've been a member of TV for almost 6 years now. Sometimes it seems like just yesterday lol.

What things do you do for

At the moment I add to the lurking gaidin. I would like to become a bigger part of the site though, whether it be helping new members feel welcome or just do what I can to make the site a better place.

How did you get to read the Series?

My dad brought the abridged audio tapes home and they piqued my curiosity. I ended up buying the books to see what I had missed and was hooked.

To whom are you bonded, if you're bonded?

Not yet... though I'm sure it's part of the plan somewhere.

Who is your mentee, if you have one?

Still haven't taken on that responsibility yet... I should probably get on that...

Who is your favorite character of the Series? Favorite Nation?

I would have to say Perrin or Thom. I've always felt that, aside from being thinking things through before speaking, I am very similar to Perrin. I like Thom because no matter what he just keeps on going and is a strong man.

Have you ever attended any Real Life Functions? Did you like them if you did, and why? (Why do you think people should come to any future functions?)

I have and I love them. It makes the feeling of family that much more real. The more I have gone the more I want to go back. It's a great way to put a face to a name and interact on an entirely different level.

What kind of music do you like?

I like pretty much every type of music in some variety. I'm probably caught listening to indie rock most of the time, though I do tend to vary with mood.

What are your favorite movies?

hmmm I would have to say I favorite the Star Wars original trilogy, LoTR, and pretty much every comic book film put out so far.

What job do you have?

I work as a customer service representative in the mortgage business. I get to explain things like escrow to customers. It's thrilling... if only lol.

Do you have a pet?

Not as of yet, though I have had my eyes out for one...

What languages do you speak?

English, though I can speak Spanish like a 3 year old.

What profession did you want to have when you were a kid?

I wanted to be a paleontologist. Of course I'm obviously still a kid seeing as I still don't know what I want to be when I grow up.

Thom or Juilin?

Definitely Thom.

Sword or Spear?

That depends on the situation and what I'm having to use it against. Both are good weapons in their own element.

Day or night?

Im a night owl, though my job likes to tell me differently.

Candy or cookies?

Cookies omnomnomnomnom..

A short bio about yourself.

I am a big softy. I'm easy to amuse but I like to have serious conversations as well. I love to help people and I would do anything for a friend. And well I'm hard to explain unless you meet me in person lol.