Illianer Character List
Author: Ronan Shinowa
Andris: A messenger who has been compelled by Sammael and sent to Rand with a proposal for a truce. After delivering the message he dies; the method of his death lets Sammael know what Rand's answer is to the proposed truce.
Bayle Domon: A ship captain and trader along the Manetherendrelle and Arinelle rivers; he plies his trade between Illian and Saldaea, collecting old objects in his travels. Later, Bayle finds himself a smuggler with a small fleet of ships along the Tarabon coast line. Egeanin buys Bayle, making him her property and then makes him her so'jhin. Soon after, Bayle and Egeanin are married and are travelling with Mat and the Band.
Bili: A bouncer at the Inn "Easing the Badger" in Illian and the nephew of the innkeeper Nieda Sidoro.
Demetre Marcolin: Demetre serves as the First Captain of the Illianer Companions, an elite unit within the Illianer army. He also served under Tam al'Thor at the time Tam held the rank of Second Captain of the Companions during the Ail war.
Eagan Padros: The leader of a group of Illian soldiers loyal to Lord Brend/Sammael. Eagan tries to assassinate Rand and is killed by two of the Asha'man, Gedwyn and Rochaid.
Emara: An Accepted of the White Tower with the Salidar rebels.
Erian Boroleos: An Aes Sedai of the Green Ajah. Erian is part of Elaida's Embassy to the Dragon Reborn in Cairhien. Erian has two remaining Warders, Rashan and Bartol. For now Erian can be found close to Rand, under Cadsuane's watchful eye.
Ershin Netari: A nobleman from Illian and a member of the Council of Nine who rides with the army Rand takes to turn back the Seanchan who are moving to invade Illian. Ershin rides under the command of Lord Semaradrid of House Maravin.
Garfin: A one armed Illianer who taught Androl the sword and the Flame and the Void.
Gorin Rogad: Gorin is a false Dragon from Illian who raised an army of thousands and laid siege to Illian before the Illianers brought him down and burned him alive. Gorin claimed being the Dragon Reborn, even though it is said that he could not channel the One Power.
Gregorin Panar den Lushenos: A nobleman from Illian and a member of the Council of Nine. After Rand defeats Sammael, Gregorin greets Rand and presents him with the Laurel Crown of Illian and the throne of Illian, as well, Rand makes Gregorin his Steward in Illian. He agrees to send armies to the Field of Blood
Jeordwyn Semaris: A nobleman from Illian and a member of the Council of Nine who rides with the army that Rand takes to turn back the Seanchan who are moving to invade Illian. Jeordwyn rides under the command of Lord Davram Bashere of Saldaea.
Jeorg Damentanis: A merchant from Illian acquiring gems in Saldaea from a Malkieri gem dealer. Soon after the deal is done, a young Aes Sedai walks in and makes the following statement. "My name is Nynaeve ti al'Meara Mandragoran. The message I want to send is this. My husband rides from Worlds End toward Tarwin's Gap, toward Tarmon Gai'don. Will he ride alone?"
Kiril Drapaneos: A nobleman from Illian and a member of the Council of Nine who rides with the army that Rand takes to turn back the Seanchan who are moving to invade Illian. Kiril rides under the command of the High Lord Weiramon of House Saniago.
Magla Daronos: An Aes Sedai of the Yellow Ajah. Magla is a Sitter for the Hall in Salidar. Before joining with the rebels she also sat for the Yellow in the Hall of the White Tower. Magla is a part of Romanda's clique in Salidar. She keeps her seat after reunification.
Marac: A nobleman in Illian. Lord Marac is a member of the Counsel of Nine. He is a newly chosen Counsel member to replace Lord Brend.
Master Azereos: A merchant and patron at "The Golden Wheel", an inn in Far Madding.
Mattin Stepaneos den Balgar: The king of Illian. After Rand starts gathering the largest military force the world has ever seen on the border of Tear and Illian, Mattin negotiates with both Pedron Niall, Lord Captain Commander of the Children of the Light, and Elaida do Avriny a' Roihan, the Amyrlin Seat of the White Tower, on matters of protection. When Elaida finds out, she orders Mattin to be kidnapped and brought to the White Tower, where he is still being held as a "guest".
Moria Karentanis: An Aes Sedai of the Blue Ajah and a Sitter for her Ajah in the Salidar Hall. Moria was elected to be a Sitter after the rebels split from the Tower. When the group that is sent to investigate what occurred at Shadar Logoth returns she calls the Hall to sit and after hearing the report is one of the three Sitters to suggest an alliance with the Black Tower. After hearing Rand's offer to bond Asha'man, Moria stands in support of the offer. She was executed after being exposed as a member of the Black Ajah.
Nicoli Merseneos den Ballin: The putatative first king of Illian
Nieda Sidoro: An Innkeeper in Illian at "Easing the Badger". Nieda is the aunt of Bili. Nieda is one of Moiraine Sedai's eyes-and-ears and has been for twelve years. Moiraine orders Nieda to leave Illian after Darkhounds track Perrin to her inn.
Nuhel Dromand: One of Myrelle Berengari's three Warders. Nuhel was originally bonded to another Aes Sedai but after her death, Myrelle took on his bond and saved him from the almost certain death that all Warders can look forward to if their Aes Sedai die. Nuhel's battle brothers in Myrelle's service are Croi Makin and Avar Hachami.
Pavil Geraneos: A merchant from Illian acquiring gems in Saldaea from a Malkieri gem dealer in the company of Jeorg Damentanis.
Spiron Narettin: A nobleman from Illian and a member of the Council of Nine who Rand sends to the east in protection of Illian when he takes his army west to meet the Seanchan.
Tormon: A merchant from Illian who brings news to Andor from New Braem that a Borderlander army is massed to the north of Caemlyn in New Braem. This is the army that the rulers of the Borderlands bring south in search of Rand.
Valinde Nathenos: An Aes Sedai of the White Ajah and a member of the Salidar rebels. Valinde is part of the embassy that the rebels in Salidar send to Rand in Caemlyn. She returns to Salidar with the new novices from the Two Rivers.