Jahar Narishma

Jahar Narishma is an Arafellin Asha'man. He is a bit older than Rand but looks really young (LoC, Ch. 18). He has large dark eyes and wears his hair in two long braids with bells (LoC, Ch. 42). He had the ability to channel and Taim upon learning of him visited Rand (LoC, Ch. 28) so that he could tell him about Jahar. After Dumai's Wells, Rand picks him as one of his bodyguards (ACoS, Ch. 2). Though Rand becomes ever less trusting, he does trust Narishma to an extent and even sends him to collect Callandor. It is stated in the Prophecies of the Dragon on Callandor "Who draws it out shall follow after.", though what this means is not clear (TPoD, Ch. 14). After the attack on the Sun Palace, Rand tells Min not to trust anyone from the Black Tower apart from Narishma, Flinn and Hopwil. In his absence, Narishma becomes afraid of the other Asha'man at the Black Tower and allows Merise to bond him for protection (WH, Ch. 25). They stay with Rand while he cleanses the taint and the aftermath.
Strengths and Talents
At Dumai's Wells, he is strong enough to Travel (LoC, Ch. 55).
He has taken enough sword training to assume the Leopard in the Tree stance when Cadsuane arrives (ACoS, Ch. 18).
He can Heal little more than minor cuts (TPoD, Ch. 23)
- Taim comes to Cairhien to tell Rand that he found a new recruit called Jahar Narishma (LoC, Ch. 28).
- Narishma is present when Rand comes to the Black Tower to address the Asha'man and give them their pins (LoC, Ch. 42). He is still a soldier at that time.
- Narishma is among the Asha'man led by Taim to rescue Rand at Dumai's Wells (LoC, Ch. 55).
- Rand chooses Narishma and eight other Asha'man to accompany him to Cairhien (ACoS, Ch. 2).
- He accompanies Rand to see the Sea Folk, but does not go with him to make The Bargain (ACoS, Ch. 34).
- He is present when Cadsuane brings Rand back from meeting Darlin and stops Samitsu from going to Rand (ACoS, Ch. 36).
- He doesn't trust Narishma enough to tell him that Morr and Adley had been sent to the hillforts in Illian (ACoS, Ch. 41).
- He keeps watch on Torval when he visits from the Black Tower (TPoD, Ch. 14).
- Rand sends him to Cairhien with a message for Min that Illian is taken (TPoD, Ch. 27).
- Rand promotes Narishma to Soldier. He announces he intends to cleanse saidin and sends Narishma to the Stone of Tear to fetch Callandor (TPoD, Ch. 14).
- Narishma brings back Callandor to Rand and tells him he was nearly killed by the wards Rand had placed (TPoD, Ch. 21).
- Narishma is among the Asha'man taking part in the fights again the Seanchan in Altara (TPoD, Ch. 24).
- He is forced to hide from Rand with Damer when Dashiva, Gedwyn and Rochaid attack (TPoD, Ch. 29).
- After the attack on Rand at the Sun Palace in Cairhien, Narishma, Flinn and Hopwil stay in Cairhien, because they fear they would be blamed for the attack if they return to the Black Tower (WH, Ch. 25).
- Taim has him and the others listed as deserters. Logain's men do not believe this (WH, Prologue).
- Narishma is bonded by Merise Haindehl, one of the Aes Sedai following Cadsuane (WH, Ch. 25).
- He is among Cadsuane's party when they follow Rand to Far Madding (WH, Ch. 23).
- After liberating Rand from his prison they accompany him to Shadar Logoth (WH, Ch. 35).
- While Rand is cleansing the saidin with Nynaeve, Jahar is linked with Elza Penfell and Merise. Together they use Callandor to drive off the Forsaken (WH, Ch. 35).
- Rand promotes Narishma to full Asha'man, but Merise will not let him accept the dragon pin (CoT, Ch. 23).
- Merise and her three warders go the camp of the Salidar Aes Sedai, with an offer from Rand that sisters may bond up to forty seven Asha'man (KoD, Ch. 23).
- Merise and Narishma accompany Rand to the meeting with the false Daughter of the Nine Moons. Narishma is injured during the battle, then healed by Merise (KoD, Ch. 27).
- Narishima is one of only three full Asha'man in Rand's camp (TGS, Ch. 1).
- He watches as Merise interrogates Semirhage (TGS, Ch. 5).
- Rand teaches him balefire (TGS, Ch. 23).
- He takes Dobraine to Tear (TGS, Ch. 29).
- He goes with Rand to the meeting with Tuon (TGS, Ch. 35).
- He goes with Rand when Rand tries to meet the Borderland rulers (TGS, Ch. 44).
- Rand sends him to tell the Borderland rulers he will meet them. He asks Rand if this is prudent (ToM, Ch. 13).
- He opens the gateway to Far Madding when Rand goes to meet the Borderland rulers (ToM, Ch. 51).
- He is one of the Asham'man chosen to go with Lan (AMoL, Ch. 7)
- When Lan's army is attacked by Dreadlords, Lan sends Narishma to Elayne for re-enforcements (AMoL, Ch. 10)
- After the armies join, he and Merise join Egwene in fighting Taim (AMoL, Ch. 37)
- After Egwene's death, he rejoins the Borderlanders (AMoL, Ch. 39)
- He Heals Lan after Lan kills Demandred (AMoL, Ch. 39)
"No, not one of the Forsaken in disguise, not unless he's managed to disguise himself as a boy not much past twenty. His name is Jahar Narishma, and he has the spark, though it has not come out yet. Men usually show later than women" (Taim, Lord of Chaos, Chapter 28)
"What lovely eyes" (Cadsuane, A Crown of Swords, Chapter 18).
"Most women and no few men thought him just a pretty boy, but those too-big eyes sometimes seemed more knowing than any others." (Rand, The Path of Daggers, Chapter 14).
"It took a while to figure out what I had to do, You didn't tell me everything. You nearly killed me." (To Rand, about fetching Callandor, The Path of Daggers, Chapter 15).
"First, Jahar Narishma stalked in trying to stare inside everybody's skull the way he does, and vanished after handing me a scrap of parchment" (Min, The Path of Daggers, Chapter 27).
"Fifty-one sisters have been bonded by Asha'man already and four of us are bonded to Aes Sedai. Forty-seven makes the difference. There were five of us but one died defending his Aes Sedai. Remember his name. Eben Hopwill. Remember him!" (Knife of Dreams, Chapter 23).
"I was a cobbler’s son, Nynaeve Sedai. I know not the ways of lords and ladies. Besides, I’m not a Borderlander anymore" (The Gathering Storm, Chapter 41).
I was a cobbler’s son, and yet I was trained with the sword, spear, bow, axe and sling. Even before joining the Asha’man, I could best four out of five trained southern soldiers in a duel. We live to defend. And yet they left. Now, of all times. With thirteen Aes Sedai.” He glanced at her with those dark eyes of his. “I want to trust them. I know them for good people. But good people can do the wrong thing. Particularly when men who can channel are involved" (The Gathering Storm, Chapter 41).