Maintaining Events Pages
This page is very much a work-in-progress.
Keep an eye on the Departmental Sub-Forums, Events, and Site Announcements to stay on top of event information as it is announced.
Main Page
1. Use the template Template:EventPage to create pages as new events are announced.
- Remove sections that aren't applicable (for example, Fall Ball doesn't have an Amyrlin's Tournament).
2. Add a "Next Year" link to the previous year's page, as well as the previous year's Attendance List, linking to the current year's page/list: "Next Year (20XX)".
3. Main pages go into two categories: a yearly party category (for example, [[Category:2019 Parties]] ) and a party type category (for example, [[Category:Anniversary Parties]] ).
4. The Local Liaison and Location should be announced at the same time as the event. The dates often come later.
5. Logo: As soon as the logo is published, upload it through the toolbox menu. Logos go into [[Category:Party logos]].
6. Reviews: These are often found in the Tar Valon Times, but you can also ask attendees to write one in the relevant event forum.
- It's a good idea to ask before the event, so people can be thinking about it ahead of time. Bump the request thread soon after the event, while people are still checking the forum and it is fresh in people's minds.
7. Packet: As soon as the packet is published, upload it through the toolbox menu. Packets go into [[Category:Event Packets]].
- IMPORTANT: Remove any member phone numbers or other contact information from the packet before uploading it.
8. Schedule: Add the schedule on its own page as soon as it has been published (it is found within the packet). Schedules go into [[Category:Event Schedules]] and a party type category (for example, [[Category:Fall Ball]] ).
9. Staff: Check with the M. of Revels and Local Liaison, and update the relevant areas after the event, in case staff changed last-minute.
- If there are more committees than the ones listed in the template, add them alphabetically to the ones already listed.
10. Ceremonies: Include Raisings, Bondings, First-Sibling ceremonies, and Weddings.
11. Philanthropy: Include the name of the focus as well as a link to their website, any raffles and fund raisers that may have been held, and how much was raised (both money and physical donations such as food or supplies).
12. Contests: Include winners as well as other participants, since participation counts towards merits.
- The names of the Battle of Prowess and Battle of Cunning often change from year to year. Be sure to include the name of the competitions.
13. Attendance: After including the number of attendees, add information about how many guests were not official Tower members if applicable, as well as if there were other countries represented besides the host country.
14. If you have questions, email or CC the Director of Events and Conferences (
Attendance Page
1. Add attendees after the event is over, checking with the M. of Revels and Local Liaison for the official list. This avoids including members who had to cancel last-minute.
- If attendee is Raised at event, their rank and title should be listed as New Rank and Title / Old Rank and Title (for example, {{Accepted}} / {{Novice}} ).
- If attendee is Raised at event, add them to Real Life Raisings under the relevant year.
2. make attendance template
3. Add event to Who's Who pages, under Official Event Attendance.
4. Add event to Attendance Merits spreadsheet and add all attendees.
- If the event causes an attendee to become eligible for the Silver or Gold Attendance Merit or the Globetrotter Merit, notify the Archivist ( and the Awards Historian (
5. Add event and all attendees to relevant |Community Group Event Attendance pages.
- If the attendee is bonded, add to their bondmate(s)'s community group page as well, even if their bondmate(s) did not attend.
- If the attendee is an Aspirant, add to the relevant community group page.
6. Attendance pages go into three categories: a yearly party category (for example, [[Category:2019 Parties]] ), a party type category (for example, [[Category:Anniversary Parties]] ), and [[Category:Attendance Lists]].
Picture Album
1. categories
2. If people post links to photo albums in the event forum, ask them if they're willing to have those links added to the event page. The photos need to be publicly accessible.
Contact the MoR, Local Liaison, and Events Committee Head if there is one for information about event-related merits Events Participation Merit, and send them to the Archivist ( and the Awards Historian ( Update the relevant areas after the event, in case staff or attendees changed last-minute.
1. Attendance
2. Contest winners, and all the participants
- Amyrlin's Tournament
- Trivia
- Da'Covale
- Costume contest
- Committee members
4. Staff
5. Local Liaison
6. Logo artist
Other Pages Which Need to be Updated
1. Event Logos - be sure to get the name of the artist, and send the information to the Archivist ( and the Awards Historian (
2. Department of Events and Conferences (History)
5. Category:Community Group Event Attendance
7. Euro Party, South Pacific Party, JordanCon (why is there not one for anni or fall ball?)
Anniversary Party
1. Everything from Template:EventPage should be included.
Euro Party
1. If the event is small, there may not be full committees, just Heads.
2. There may or may not be official contests. For example, Britain and Ireland Party 2017 had the Highland Games. which were the equivalent of the Amyrlin's Tournament. If the tournament is renamed, update the name accordingly in the Contests section.
Fall Ball/Spring Fling/Aussie Party
1. If the event is small enough, there will not be committees, but be sure to check with the MoR and Local Liaison.
2. There will not be official contests, but any informal contests can be included for informational purposes.
1. Logos and other images on the event page can include the official JordanCon logo, badge art, etc.
2. For Local Liaison, put None.
3. There is not an official Tower Packet, although in 2019 JCon make a "New Member Packet" so that can be included for informational purposes.
4. For the Schedule, the only official Tower event is the Toast.
5. There will be no Committees.
6. The Con picks charities each year for their Philanthropy focus.
7. While Contests like trivia, costume contest, etc. do not count for merit purposes, if the winners are Tower members, they can still be included for informational purposes.
8. JordanCon posts official photo albums, which can be linked on the Picture Galleries page.
9. Check with Conference Coordinator ( for official attendance list.
10. For any questions, feel free to email or CC the Director of Events and Conferences (