From Tar Valon Library
Author: Kyria d'Oreyn
Maraconn is a High Lord of Tear. He has blue eyes, thin lips and a pointed, oiled beard in the fashion of Tairen nobility (TFoH, Ch. 46; TPoD, Ch. 24).
He is one of the most dangerous High Lords to plot against Rand, but he does not trust the other High Lords enough to ally with them against Rand (TSR, Ch. 21). Rand thinks that he is a fool (TPoD, Ch. 24).
- Rand sends him and six other High Lords with the Tairen army to Cairhien to restore order and feed the hungry (TSR, Ch. 21).
- On the morning after the battle against the Shaido, Maraconn is among the High Lords who want to speak to Rand (TFoH, Ch. 45).
- After Rand arrives at the Sun Palace, he is one of the High Lords to swear fealty to him (TFoH, Ch. 46).
- He awaits Rand in the Sun Palace, among other Tairens and Cairhienin, but Rand Travels to Caemlyn instead (LoC, Ch. 19).
- When Rand meets with some of the nobles, Min has a viewing that Maraconn will die a bloody death in battle (LoC, Ch. 50).
- Rand takes him along to the meeting with one band of soldiers loyal to "Lord Brend"/Sammael (TPoD, Ch. 13).
- Rand Travels with his party, including Maraconn, to the north of Illian; he stays with Weiramon (TPoD, Ch. 21) and rides with him into battle against the Seanchan. Afterwards, he is seen squatting in front of the fires together with Kiril Drapaneos (TPoD, Ch. 23).
- He follows Semaradrid into the final battle against the Seanchan (TPoD, Ch. 24).
"A little way from Bashere's party, Torean and Maraconn rode with their heads together, likely venting spleen at having Semaradrid placed over them." (Rand; The Path of Daggers, Chapter 24)