From Tar Valon Library
Author: Leora Oldessroth
Nethan is one of the Warders of Merise Haindehl of the Green Ajah (WH, Ch. 23).
- Nethan accompanies Merise to Far Madding (WH, Ch. 23).
- Nethan accompanies Merise and Rand to Shadar Logoth where Rand intends to clean saidin; he immediately rides out into the forest to scout (WH, Ch. 35).
- Nethan travels with Merise to the estate of Lord Algarin in Tear; he watches as Jahar and Lan spar in the courtyard (CoT, Ch. 23).
- Nethan accompanies Merise when she takes Rand's proposal of bonding forty-seven Asha'man to the Salidar Aes Sedai (KoD, Ch. 23).
- Nethan is with Merise and Rand when Rand is ambushed by Semirhage (KoD, Ch. 27).