New Spring: Chapter 5
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Author: Atarah al'Norahn

Chapter Icon: Wheel and Serpent
Point of View: Moiraine
Setting: An army camp outside of Tar Valon
Characters: Moiraine, Siuan, Meilyn, Elaida, Steler, Katerine, Merean
Moiraine and Siuan begin taking names
Seated at the tables, Moiraine and Siuan prepare to begin recording information. At first, women seethe around them in a very disorderly manner, until Siuan weaves Air and Fire to enhance her voice and orders them to be quiet. There are women from all stations in life, from noblewomen to farmers' wives. One of the women, Susa Wynn, has a child that is too old to have been born recently, but Moiraine writes her name down anyway. Susa is very thin and most likely starving, and her child is sick. Feeling sympathy for the woman, Moiraine gives her money so that she can take her son to a Wise Woman.
Some time later, once noon has passed and Moiraine and Siuan have eaten, two Aes Sedai, Meilyn and Elaida, show up, effectively ruining the camp's belief that Moiraine and Siuan are Aes Sedai. Meilyn reminds them to be back at the Tower before dark, and then she and Elaida leave.
The women waiting in line are now not nearly as respectful as they had been earlier, and several times Moiraine and Siuan have to shout and threaten. When they get down to about a dozen women, Steler tells them that it is time to leave. Women from the camp hold him and the other guards back while Moiraine and Siuan quickly finish.
They manage to get back to the Tower before sunset. In the Accepted's quarters, Katerine Alruddin, another Accepted, is waiting for them, and tells Moiraine that Merean, the Mistress of Novices, wishes to see her. When Moiraine arrives at Merean's study, she is told that three of her uncles, King Laman and two of his brothers, were killed that day. Merean also says that because of this, Moiraine does not have to go out the next day. Moiraine argues that if she stays behind, she will be alone, but Merean is still doubtful. Upon returning to her room, Moiraine skips supper and instead prays for her uncles' souls.
That night, she has nightmares about the Dragon Reborn. She ends up spending the rest of the night in Siuan's room.
- First Appearance
Andro, Careme Mowly, Cyril Wynn, Danil, Elaida, Ellya Mowly, Malvin, Meilyn, Merean, Meri do Ahlan a'Conlin, Sedrin a'Conlin, Susa Wynn
- First Mention
Aldecain, Andro, Careme Mowly, Cyril Wynn, Danil, Ellya Mowly, Jac Wynn, Katrine do Catalan a'Coralle, Laman, Malvin, Meilyn, Meri do Ahlan a'Conlin, Moressin, Sedrin a'Conlin, Susa Wynn
Character Development
- Moiraine
- Moiraine would have sent Susa away if Siuan hadn't made her have a second look
- Siuan
- Moiriane thinks she is not having difficulties and has taken charge easily
- Suian stops Moiraine from sending Susa away
- She works out the woman was likely in the Tower before Moiraine does
- Suian never gives in to anything
- Why does Elaida defer to Meilyn
Moiraine seems very surprised by her behaviour
- Who is the woman who speaks to them about Susa Wynn?
She seems very self possessed for someone put out of the Tower as a Novice because she could not channel.
This section contains Notes on this Chapter which may contain spoilers. Please expand to view.
- Why does Elaida defer to Meilyn
We soon find out that this is because Meilyn is stronger in the Power. We could wonder if this is the first time Moiraine has seen an Aes Sedai defer to another in that way - We know it comes as a shock when she does find out about the hierarchy, and that later, the Kin had no idea, so either Aes Sedai generally avoid doing it in front of Novices and Accepted, which seems very hard given how obsequious an Aes Sedai might be too someone much stronger, or that they train them not to pay attention to strength and Aes Sedai behavior so much it is only because this is so out of character for Elaida thay they notice.
- Who is the woman who speaks to them about Susa Wynn?
We see her again, and she is once more very confident. It is likely that she is just a woman like Sharina who has run her own life and so is strong and self possessed, even around Aes Sedai or Accepted