From Tar Valon Library
Author: Kyria d'Oreyn
A similar entry appears in the Wheel of Time Companion confirming the information available in the main story arc.
Pol is Merilille Ceandevin's maid. She is slender and dignified with gray hair (ACoS, Ch. 30).
- Pol gives Elayne an urgent letter from Carridin (ACoS, Ch. 30).
- She accompanies Merilille to the farm (TPoD, Ch. 1).
- When the Seanchan attack the farm (TPoD, Ch. 6), she Travels with the others to Andor (TPoD, Ch. 20).
- At the Hornwell's estate, she shares a bed with Merilille and the two Sea Folk apprentices (TPoD, Ch. 20).
- They eventually arrive at the Royal Palace (TPoD, Ch. 28).