Red Ajah Character List
Author: Rhed al'Tere
Amira Moselle: She was a Sitter but stepped down and was replaced by Elaida. She was killed at Dumai's Wells.
Barasine: Barasine is mentioned by Logain as one of the sisters who persuaded him to declare himself the Dragon Reborn. He said "one named Barasine talked a good deal." She is in the Tower during Egwene's captivity and is raised to Sitter to replace Duhara.
Bonwhin Meraighdin: One of three Amyrlins to be stripped of the staff and stole, Bonwhin tried to manipulate Artur Hawkwing to control the world.
Cariandre: Cariandre is one of the Aes Sedai that guards Mattin Stepaneos.
Chisaine Nurbaya: Chisaine was one of the sisters sent by Elaida to capture Rand al'Thor. She was captured and held captive by the Aiel at Dumai's Wells. She was among the last to swear fealty to Rand.
Covarla Baldene: Covarla was one of the sisters sent by Elaida to kidnap Rand al'Thor. She escaped capture at Dumai's Wells and carried the news of the others' captivity to Elaida. She has been Aes Sedai as long as Elaida has been alive.
Desala Nevanche: Desala was one of the Sisters at Southharbor who captured Leane. She was one of the Red Sisters sent to the Black Tower to put the proposition of Red Sisters bonding Asha'man as Warders to Mazrim Taim.
Duhara Basaheen: Duhara is a Sitter for the Red Ajah. She is described as having coppery skin and big dark eyes. She is sent to Caemlyn to be advisor to Elayne and exposed as Black Ajah while out of the Tower. She is killed during the Last Battle.
Elaida do Avriny a'Roihan: A minor Murandian noble who took against Siuan Sanche when she thought Siuan had gotten her in trouble when Siuan was an accepted. She organized the coup that deposed Siuan and was raised in her place. She remained Amyrlin as the Ajahs began to isolate themselves and was only removed after being captured and made damane.
Galina Casban: An Aes Sedai of the Red and Black Ajah, taken by the Shaido and made to swear on an Oath Rod to obey them. They took her back to the Waste when they left the Westlands.
Gyldan: Egwene saw Gyldan in her Accepted test. Gyldan was Black Ajah, and Elaida's closest confidante. (She is likely fictional.)
Innina Darenhold: Innina was part of Elaida's embassy to kidnap Rand al'Thor. She was captured at Dumai's Wells and was one of the last to swear fealty to Rand.
Jamilila Norish: An Aes Sedai of the Red Ajah in the Tower during the siege by the Rebels. She vanished after Egwene was raised Amyrlin.
Janine Pavlara: Janine was part of Elaida's embassy to kidnap Rand al'Thor. She was captured at Dumai's Wells and was one of the last to swear fealty to Rand.
Jenare: Jenare was with Toveine on their way to the Black Tower. She was bonded by Kajima.
Javindhra Doraille: A sitter for the Red. She is overseeing the task of returning those who fled the Tower after Elaida deposed Siuan Sanche. She was one of the Red Sisters sent to the Black Tower to put the proposition of Red Sisters bonding Asha'man as Warders to Mazrim Taim. She is unconcerned when Taim forbids them from leaving as she has been Turned to the Shadow.
Jezrail: She was one of the Red Sisters sent to the Black Tower to put the proposition of Red Sisters bonding Asha'man as Warders to Mazrim Taim.
Katerine Alruddin: A member of the Red and Black Ajah, captured at Dumai's Wells, but freed by Darkfriends, she returned to the Tower and became a confidant of Elaida's, eventually replacing Silviana as Mistress of Novices, before fleeing when Egwene was raised Amyrlin. She was killed in Tel'aran'rhiod.
Laigin Arnault: Laigin was a part of the embassy to kidnap Rand al'Thor. She died at Dumai's Wells.
Lemai: Lemai was in Toveine's party to the Black Tower. She was captured; now she and Desandre (Yellow) rank high among the fifty-one sisters captured.
Liandrin: A Taraboner Aes Sedai who was a Darkfriend before she even went to the Tower. She fled the Tower when Egwene returned from Falme to avoid exposure and was later shielded by Moghedien after a failed attempt to persuade the other Black Ajah not to heal her. She was given to Suroth as a da'covale.
Lirene Doirellin: Lirene was exiled from the Tower at the same time as Toveine Gazal. Before exile, she had been a Sitter. Elaida called her back to the Tower after 15 years; Lirene is now a meek and nervous woman.
Melare: She was one of the Red Sisters sent to the Black Tower to put the proposition of Red Sisters bonding Asha'man as Warders to Mazrim Taim.
Memara: Memara is sent by the White Tower to be an advisor to Queen Tenobia of Saldaea. She failed.
Nesita: A member of the Red and Black Ajah. Nesita is mean as a snake with an itch.
Notasha: An Aes Sedai of the Red Ajah present in the Tower when the Seanchan attacked.
Patrinda: Patrinda is an Aes Sedai of the Red Ajah who is one of the sisters to maintain Egwene's shield after Elaida beats her and declares her a Darkfriend.
Pevara Tazanovni: A Sitter for the Red Ajah, Pevara is recruited by Seaine (White) to help search for the Black Ajah in the White Tower. She was out of the Tower when Egwene was raised, having gone to the Black Tower to ask to be allowed to bond Asha'man. She forcibly bonds Androl in a moment of panic and is in turn bonded by him.
Raechin Connoral: A woman chosen Sitter while Javindhra and Pevara are out of the Tower.
Sashalle Anderly: She was at Dumai's Wells stilled by Rand and later healed by Damer Flinn. She swore fealty to Rand. She is leading the Aes Sedai that remain in Cairhien.
Silviana Brehon: Silviana was Mistress of Novices under Elaida until being imprisoned after demanding Elaida be deposed. She was named Keeper of the Chronicles by Egwene.
Tarna Feir: Tarna was Elaida's Keeper and was out of the Tower when Egwene was raised, having gone to the Black Tower to ask to be allowed to bond Asha'man. She underwent a personality change after Mazrim Taim Turned her to the Shadow.
Tesien Jorhald: Tesien is an older Aes Sedai; she was very senior to Pevara when Pevara was first raised. Tesien cut Pevara off from friends outside the Red Ajah.
Teslyn Baradon: Teslyn is Illianer who was a Red Sitter before Elaida forced her to resign and go to Ebou Dar with Jolene. She was captured by the Seanchan and made damane, before being rescued by Mat. She turned against Elaida and has returned to the Tower, but was not comfortable there and fought alongside the Dragonsworn in the Last Battle rather than the Aes Sedai.
Tetsuan: Tetsuan was an Amyrlin, predating Bonwhin. She was stripped of staff and stole. She is rumored to have been involved in the betrayal of Manetheren during the Trolloc Wars.
Toveine Gazal: An Aes Sedai who was exiled from the White Tower for fifteen years due to "some unpleasantness after the Aiel War" until Elaida assigns Toveine to lead a group of sisters to the Black Tower to detain the men there. Toveine is bonded against her will to Logain after he captures her and her group. She is Turned to the Shadow by Mazrim Taim.
Tsutama Rath: The Head of the Red Ajah. Tsutama was exiled from the White Tower at the same time as Toveine Gazal. Before exile, she had been a Sitter. Elaida called her back to the Tower after fifteen years; Tsutama was thought to be a meek, nervous woman, but has shown herself strong and controlling since taking control of the Reds.
Turese: An Aes Sedai of the Red Ajah without the Ageless look that guards Egwene while she is a prisoner in the Tower.
Vayelle Kamsa: Vayelle was part of the embassy that kidnapped Rand al'Thor. She was captured at Dumai's Wells and was one of the last to swear fealty to Rand.
Viria Connoral: A woman chosen Sitter while Javindhra and Pevara are out of the Tower.