TVTT Citizen Edition - A Letter from the Mayor
Author: Jahily al'Karee
Published: November 1 2020 Tar Valon Times Blog
Welcome to the TVT Takeover – Citizen Edition!
I am looking forward to you seeing what our Citizens have put together to kick off this exciting new series for the Tar Valon Times!!
My name is Jahily al'Karee and I have served over the past 18 months as the Mayor of TarValon.Net. This has given me the opportunity to “meet” every new member who registers for our community. And in many cases, help them find their way around the site – from choosing avatars, to getting involved in discussion threads, to deciding on their next step, whether that’s Resident Citizenship or applying to the Tower.
The reasons people join our community are as varied as the people themselves. Some find us through our Library and realize that we also have book discussion forums. Others meet our members at events and decide to check things out. Quite often people have friends or significant others who are members, and are “encouraged” to join. And some people join because they just want to make friends with others who share common interests.
Our community is unique in many ways. Our library is extensive (and ever-growing), and sets a gold standard for Wheel of Time information. Our forums are full of lively discussions, about everything from the WoT series, to entertainment, sports, or fun community building. We also have fun events throughout the year; and have recently added more virtual real-time options — game nights, Zoom chats, and a newly updated and growing Discord channel, just to name a few.
While we are not a role playing site, our members have the opportunity to work their way through the Tower (from Novice/Recruit) to Senior Membership as Aes Sedai or Gaidin. In our community, these roles are not tied to gender. This allows our members the most authentic expression of themselves. Anyone can be raised to Aes Sedai or Gaidin. Bonds remain restricted to between an Aes Sedai and a Gaidin.
Just as important as the reasons why people join, are the reasons why people stay. There is so much here to explore beyond a beloved book series. There are opportunities to connect with people who have similar interests, but are different from yourself. As an international community, the possibilities to reach beyond your corner of the world are limitless.
Our introduction page really says it best: We are Tar Valon, the City and the Tower, and we … recognize those around us as true friends and family. We host live functions, attend real gatherings, and this site is where we communicate, entertain, cooperate, and play. Join us!
Although my term as Mayor is coming to an end, I look forward to what’s next for our community — how it grows as each new member adds their gifts and talents. I hope to see you here soon!
Up next in the Tar Valon Times Takeover Series is The Gray Ajah. So keep an eye out for that in the first week of December.
This article was published as part of the Tar Valon Times Takeover Series, Citizen Edition.