The Great Hunt: Chapter 5

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Author: Atarah al'Norahn

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The Shadow in Shienar

Chapter Icon: Sunburst

Points of view: Moiraine, Geofram Bornhald, Liandrin, Padan Fain


Moiraine and Suian talk, Bornhald heads through Tarabon, Linadrin threatens Amalisia and someone frees Padan Fain.


Moiraine's Point of View:

Characters: Moiraine, Siuan;

Setting: The Fal Dara keep;

The chapter opens with silence surrounding Moiraine and Siuan as they consider the possibility of being stilled. Moiraine finally breaks the silence and says that Leane would never betray Siuan. Siuan counters with, "Would she think it betrayal? Is it betrayal to betray a traitor?" Moiraine simply says that they must do what they must do, and that the Prophecies must be fulfilled. Siuan begins to speak of Amyrlins who have been stilled in the past, of which there are only two, both of them from the Red Ajah: Tetsuan and Bonwhin. She adds that she has no wish to be the third to lose the staff and stole.

Moiraine demands to know if Siuan wishes to give up. The Amyrlin replies that she will not give up, but says that she does not want to watch everything slide out of their hands. "We had a plan! A plan, Moiraine! Locate the boy and bring him to Tar Valon, where we could hide him, keep him safe and guide him." She continues to say that in ten years, she has only received two messages from Moiraine. Moiraine tells her that the Pattern pays no heed to the plans of humans, and that they are dealing with a ta'veren that is stronger than even Artur Hawkwing. "The winds of destiny are blowing, Siuan, and we must ride them where they take us."

There is silence for a while, before Siuan reaches out to run her hands over a flat, gold cube; it contains the Horn of Valere. She mentions how Agelmar had pushed it into her hands as soon as he could, not knowing whether to consider it a curse or salvation. From the Horn of Valere, talk turns to the Last Battle and the Karaethon Cycle. Siuan is afraid that perhaps Logain, or Mazrim Taim, is the real Dragon Reborn...and then what? Logain is already gentled, she reminds Moiraine, and there are already sisters in Saldaea to capture Taim. Moiraine informs her that neither of them is the Dragon Reborn.

Once discussion of the Horn of Valere has ended, Moiraine presents the broken cuendillar seal to the Amyrlin. Siuan is reluctant to admit that it is one of the seals on the Dark One's prison, but she knows that it is.

The talk next turns to Rand. Siuan tells Moiraine that she saw him in the courtyard, and asks if he can channel. Moiraine informs her that yes, he can. She also says that for the moment, he is safe to those around him, and that she has purposely let him think that she doesn't care what he does or where he goes. Moiraine suggests that they send Mat and Perrin to carry the Horn of Valere to Illian. She adds that there is a problem. The problem is that Mat carries a dagger from Shadar Logoth, and Siuan is aghast. They decide to attempt to Heal Mat in Fal Dara instead of taking him to Tar Valon. Going back to the topic of taking the Horn to Illian, they decide that Rand will eagerly take the chance to get away from Aes Sedai for a while, and that he will most likely want to accompany his friends. They talk for a short while about how Illian will follow whoever bears the Horn of Valere, and then Moiraine leaves.

Geofram Bornhald's Point of View:

Setting: Tarabon

Characters: Geofram Bornhald, Pedron Niall, Einor Saren

Bornhald is leading a column of Whitecloaks through Tarabon. As he rides, he recollects a recent interview with Pedron Niall. During the interview, he had been instructed to lead a full legion of Whitecloaks through Tarabon, and to silence anyone that saw them. He is to go to the village of Alcruna, where he will receive his final orders. As he thinks, a group of Questioners is led up to him. "I have been sent here to meet Questioners?" he asks himself. He asks Einor Saren, who is in charge of the present Questioners, why he is in Tarabon with two thousand men, and Saren answers his question. "There are towns and villages across Almoth Plain with none in authority above a mayor or a Town Council. It is past time they were brought to the Light. There will be many Darkfriends in such places." He is also informed that they may have to fight against 'strangers' who might be Darkfriends; these 'strangers' are the Seanchan. Bornhald can't help but think that he and his men are being used like stones on a board.

Liandrin's Point of View:

Setting: The Fal Dara keep

Characters:Liandrin, Lady Amalisa; Padan Fain

Liandrin is making her way through the women's apartments to meet Lady Amalisa. Amalisa greets her gracefully, and Liandrin sharply sends all of the women that are with Amalisa from the room. When Amalisa tries to ask what is going on, Liandrin asks her if she walks in the Light. "That is an insult, Liandrin Sedai. I am Shienaran, of a noble House and the blood of soldiers. My line has fought the Shadow since before there was a Shienar, three thousand years without fail or a day's weakness." Liandrin informs Amalisa that she is of the Red Ajah, and that her job is to hunt all corrupted men...not only men who can channel, but also Darkfriends. "High and low do I hunt. High even before low."

Amalisa finally realizes what Liandrin is saying, and begs Liandrin not to believe that Agelmar is a Darkfriend. "Please, Liandrin Sedai, say you do not mean Agelmar. It cannot be him." Liandrin strikes out with theOne Power, using a special trick from her childhood that causes Amalisa to feel the prick of needles. She tells Amalisa that no one wants to see her and Agelmar to be named Darkfriends, and that Amalisa must obey her so that this will not happen. Amalisa swears to do whatever Liandrin says.

Liandrin begins to question Amalisa, saying that Moiraine came to Fal Dara with a Darkfriend. Amalisa replies that he is now in the dungeons, and that he did not come with Moiraine, but arrived after her. Liandrin asks if it is true that Moiraine speaks with him (Padan Fain) often, and Amalisa says that she only speaks with him sometimes. Next, Liandrin asks where the three young men that Moiraine brought with her are. Amalisa replies that she does not know, and says that they are nice boys and cannot be Darkfriends. "Not Darkfriends, no. Worse. By far more dangerous than Darkfriends, my daughter. The entire world is in danger from them," is Liandrin's response. She tells Amalisa that her servants must search everywhere, every crack and cranny, for the boys. Amalisa replies that she will see that it is done. Next, Liandrin asks if Amalisa has ever heard of the Black Ajah. Amalisa panics, swearing that she does not believe in its existence. Liandrin finally informs her that it is real, that there are Black sisters within Fal Dara, and that she must beware all Aes Sedai except for her.

Liandrin finally leaves and goes on about the 'explicit orders' that she has been given by an unnamed person.

Padan Fain's Point of View:

The door to the outer guardroom opens, but it is not who he expects it to be. Finally, he tells the unknown intruder to hurry up; obviously, it is someone or something that has come to rescue him. The chapter ends with Padan Fain whispering that the battle is never over.



Where are the Seals?

The Aes Sedai haven’t known any location since the Trolloc wars. Did they know before then?

The one in the Eye of the World would always have been unknown, but the others could have been lost during that time.

What is Rand’s own blood and why is it like rock beside clay?

Part of Rand blood is Aiel. Who are known for their hardness.

Why did the Hall want Moiraine called back?

What had she been up to and why did some of them want her sent to a retreat?

What are the crimes Moiraine and Siuan have committed that could see them stilled?
What did Moiraine do that could see her handed over to the Reds?
Who are the returned armies, are they really Artur Hawkwing’s?
Who is the Black Ajah Liandrin says is walking Fal Dara?
What were Liandin's orders and who gave them to her?
How rare are ta’veren?

They must exist, as Siuan knows she has the talent, and also that they are rare.

Who goes to see Fain and why?

Whoever it is, they release him.


First Mentions

Tetsuan, Bonwhin, Pedron Niall, Eamon Valda, Einor Saren

First Appearance

Pedron Niall, Einor Saren


  • Is everything ever made of cuendillar really recorded in the White Tower? This seems unlikely.


This section contains Notes on this Chapter which may contain spoilers. Please expand to view.


Where are the Seals?

The Aes Sedai haven’t known any location since the Trolloc wars? Did they know before then?
This is possible. The one in the Eye of the World, the one in Rhuidean and the one in Seanchan would be unknown, but the others could have been lost during that time.

What is Rand’s own blood and why is it like rock beside clay?

Part of Rand blood is Aiel. Who are known for their hardness. It is unlikely that Moiraine knows he is also Tigraine's son.

Why did the Hall want Moiraine called back?

What had she been up to and why did some of them want her sent to a retreat?

What are the crimes Moiraine and Siuan have committed that could see them stilled?

Siuan later thinks she would be able to talk her way out of anything short of having her hands on Rand and letting him go, and she hasn't done that yet. In the end, working with Rand does seem to be why Elaida was able to persuade others to depose her

Who are the returned armies, are they really Artur Hakwwing’s?

They are the Seanchan and they are indeed the descendants of Artur Hawkwing's armies.

Who is the Black Ajah Liandrin says is walking Fal Dara?

Liandrin and Verin are both Black Ajah. Liandrin seems to be trying hard to make sure all she says is true, so it could just be her.

What were Liandrin's orders and who gave them to her?

Given what she is doing, these are likely Black Ajah orders. She was probably one of the women in the meeting Bors attended.

Who goes to see Fain and why?

Whoever it is, they release him. Ingtar is the most likely.


  • Is everything ever made of cuendillar really recorded in the White Tower? This seems unlikely.
  • Siuan thinks that a stilled Amyrlin would never be allowed free as she might become a rallying point for opposition. After she escapes, she organises the rebellion, but must do so in secret as she is treated as just a woman, and her status as former Amyrlin even counts against her.
  • Suian claims only two Amyrlins have been stripped of staff and stole. This isn't true. Shein Chunla for instance. Only two have been openly deposed and stilled, but this is not what she says.

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