The Tower in 2013

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<< 2012 | 2014 >>

The major events at TarValon.Net in 2013.


Main article: 2013 Annual Report


Admin Meeting

Main article: Spring 2013 Admin Meeting
Main article: Fall 2013 Admin Meeting

Membership Survey

Main article: 2013 Membership Survey




Main article: 2013 Raisings

Seventeen people were raised Aes Sedai and seven people raised Gaidin.


Main article: 2013 Bondings

Ten couples were Bonded and nine bonds dissolved.


Main article: 2013 Demotions

Five people demoted this year.

Outreach Activities

Main article: 2013 Outreach Activities


Main article: 2013 Official Events

March 8-11, held in Camp Copneconic, Michigan. 75 people attended.

April 19-21, held in Roswell, Georgia. 62 members attended.

October 11-13, held in Salt Lake City, Utah. 43 people attended.

August 30-October 1, held in Oostduinkerke, Belgium. 24 people attended.


Main article: 2013 Awards
Amyrlin's Awards
Main article: Amyrlin's Awards

Announced at the Anniversary Party.

Keeper's Awards
Main article: Keeper's Awards

Announced in April 2014.

Members' Choice Awards
Main article: Members' Choice Awards 2013


Main article: Administrative and Staff Positions in 2013

Lireina Dormerus t'al`Bearach replaced Leora Oldessroth as Keeper, Ubahsur Kindellaer was appointed Shatayan and replaced as Director of Administration by Calypsa al'Nicolai. Karassa Souladrin‎ stepped down as Director of Moderators and was replaced by Kelgan al'Moranwin. Arie Davion replaced Kytheria al'Shea as Director of Marketing.