2021 Annual Report

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<< 2020 | 2022 >>

The 2021 Annual Report was released in 2023, much later than anticipated, due to different reasons related to the staff availability.

A wiki format report is under preparation.

A PDF format is available.



1926 Rosalie Ridge Dr NE

Huntsville, AL 35811

Property of TarValon.Net, Incorporated

Compiled and edited by Seryse ni Cousland

With assistance from Erin al'Denael

State of the Tower - Amyrlin/CEO Welcome

2021 was a difficult year for the Tower. COVID restrictions remained in place resulting in all in person events being canceled for a second year in a row. Additionally, as the year waned the tower officer structure was reorganized with the resignation of the Keeper leading to a split of the Keeper role into two roles with the Keeper managing the more technical side of the site and the new Cordamora role managing the membership side of the site. Finally, the Amyrlin Seat also announced her resignation at the end of the year meaning that 2022 would be a year of new officers and new directions.

Cassie Dainar was presented with the Philanthropist of the Year award.

Aintza Bisera and Alora Sionn were co-awarded the Unsung Servant award.

Ilverin Matriam was recognized as the Volunteer of the Year.

Siera al'Cere was recognized as the Member of the Year.

Yours in the Light,
Serinia Edoras
The Watcher of the Seals
The Flame of TarValon.Net
The Amyrlin Seat

Statement from the Board of Directors

On behalf of the Board of Directors for TarValon.Net, I wish to offer our sincerest thanks to the membership for their continued support of our site. 2021 was a difficult year for many of us. The Covid-19 pandemic kept us from our usual gatherings, as we canceled our in-person gatherings for another year. It forced us to think creatively about how to support each other virtually, using Discord and Zoom to gather together to enjoy each other's company. As 2021 wound down, the world began to open up again, and the decision was made to plan for Anni Party 2022, to be held near Chattanooga, Tennessee, in November, and EuroParty 2022 in England in September. The Board is hopeful that the world will continue to move forward and out of pandemic status, and we'll once again be able to gather together to celebrate the 21st anniversary of TarValon.Net.

2021 was a year of change for the board. Elizabeth Beattie, Melissa Craib Dombrowski, and Amanda McTaggart resigned from their positions on the Board after many years of selfless service to the site. Thank you so much for your time, energy, and talents. Melissa and Amanda have agreed to act as consultants to the Board, bringing with them institutional knowledge that is invaluable to us.

In years past, the Board would reach out to individuals and ask them to consider being on the Board. With so many individuals on the site that have given of their time and expertise, we found it very difficult to choose new members of the Board. Thus, we decided to change this particular procedure, and have instituted a hiring process to find new members for the Board. We would like to welcome Kristen Bowersox, Brock Baker, and Brandy Alora Sionn to the Board of Directors for TarValon.Net. They each bring a unique perspective to the Board, and we thank them for their service to the site.

Along with the changes to the Board, there were also changes to the Officer level of TarValon.Net. The Amyrlin Seat, Serinia Edoras, and the Keeper, Mieriana Souvra, both tendered their resignations, and those resignations were accepted. We thank both of these ladies for their service to the site, and wish them both the best of luck as they move forward.

A proposal was brought forward to the Board for our consideration: splitting the Keeper position into two. The rationale behind this proposal was as follows: the Keeper position, as it was, had become unwieldy and difficult to handle. In splitting the Keeper position along the lines of responsibilities: technical versus people, the Board would be better able to hire people whose talents lie with one or the other. The Board read through this proposal and agreed that this was a much-needed change to the position of Keeper. Thus, the position of the Cordamora was created, with the appropriate amendments to our Bylaws. The Keeper's responsibilities were changed to reflect the departments they would be responsible for: Events and Conferences, Technology, Marketing, and Outreach. The Cordamora thus becomes responsible for these departments: Membership, Online Events, Tower Mediators, and the Hall of Sitters and the Warder Council. However, no position works in a vacuum, and the Keeper and the Cordamora are no exception to this rule. Both positions work in tandem with each other. Interviews were held and Erin al'Denael was hired as Keeper and Morrighan Daghdera was hired as Cordamora. The Board thanks each of these ladies for giving their time and expertise to the Tower, and we look forward to working with them in the future.

All in all… 2021 was a year of change. Change for the Tower, change for individuals. The Board is hopeful that 2022 will be a year of forward progress, of calming times for our membership, and a year of joy as we look forward to gathering together in person later in 2022.

Respectfully submitted,
Crystal Dumonceaux, Chairman of the Board of Directors


This position serves as the Chief Operations Officer of TarValon.Net. It is responsible for all the Administration ("Admin") positions, and daily functions of the community.

Annual Overview

As many other departments have reported, 2021 was a tumultuous year for various reasons. Despite that, administrative operations continued.

In March 2021, Mieriana Souvra shared Keeper's Awards from 2020.

Administrators of the Year
  • Barmacral Tigana
  • Jahily al’Karee
  • Thaddius al’Guy
  • Stasia t’Andrei
Staff Members of the Year
  • Polegnyn Nemeara
  • Siera al’Cere

In June 2021, Mieriana shared the 2021 Membership Survey with the community. Results were delayed due to various circumstances, and were shared with the community in early 2022.

Mieriana Souvra resigned from her position as Keeper in October. This was announced to the community by Melisande Arneil on October 12, 2022. With Mieriana's resignation, the Board made the decision to split the Keeper role into two: one focused on site operations, and one focused on site membership.

Erin al'Denael was announced as Keeper of the Chronicles / COO on December 17, 2021.

Morrighan Daghdera was announced as Cordamora / CMO on December 17, 2021.

Looking Forward to 2022

Due to Mieriana Sourvra's resignation and the end-of-year change in leadership, goals for 2022 will be shaped by the incoming COO and CMO.

Erin al'Denael, Keeper of the Chronicles (Elect)

Tower Archivist / Secretary

The Tower Archivist is responsible for maintaining the Tower's records.

Annual Overview

The Bonding survey which we had been discussing for a while occurred, with the general sentiment being in favor of same path bonding.

The Membership Manual re-write has begun. Rather than a simple rewrite, this will involve re-organizing and streamlining the content, so we no longer tell people who are just joining that they are expected to read the entire thing.

With Anni moving to the Fall, the Member's Choice awards were also moved to the Fall so that they could be announced at Anni as has been traditional.

Looking Forward to 2022

Maintain the Membership Manual as up to date with any changes that occur as we work to reformat it.

Toral Delvar, Tower Archivist


The duties of the Shatayan / CFO include maintaining the tower general ledger; preparing the annual budget, monthly reports, and taxes; and making any payments necessary for tower events or the normal business or maintaining the website.

Annual Overview

Fiscal year 2021 saw minimal expenses and income due to the ongoing Covid pandemic. The largest expenses were related to refunds for canceled events. General expenses related to events including Anni, Euro, Fall Ball, and JordanCon were minimized or eliminated due to the pandemic.

Looking Forward to 2022

Items planned for fiscal year 2022 include introduction of a Patreon option for donations to the Tower. This will be coordinated between Shatayan and the Director of Outreach.

Financial data is given in Appendix A.

Cassie Dainar, Shatayan