Towers of Midnight: Chapter 37
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Chapter Icon: A black head on a white background facing a white head on a black background
Points of View: Egwene, Gawyn, Perrin
Egwene fights Mesaana and the Black Ajah in Tel'aran'rhiod while Gawyn defends her from Bloodknives in the Real world. Perrin fights Slayer.
Gawyn's Point of View:
Setting: Caemlyn
Gawyn realises that he can only go to Egwene as her Warder, to serve her and decides to return. Birgitte refuses to let him see Elayne and he reasons that Egwene must be sleeping. He remembers that the Bloodknives will attack during a time of weakness and decides to go immediately to Tar Valon.
Egwene's Point of View:
Setting: The White Tower in Tel'aran'rhiod
Characters: Amys, Bair, Brendas, Egwene, Leane, Morvrin, Saerin, Siuan
Saerin and Morvrin tell Egwene that they were discussing a false plan to bring order to Arad Doman when the Black Ajah attacked, killing Carlinya and Shevan. Egwene tells them to leave, but Saerin tells her she can't. Amys also realises they can't leave and Yukiri notices a purple dome outside. Amys disappears and returns a few seconds later telling them she can move back to the Musician's Way but cannot leave the city. She tells most of the women to go to the Musician's Way, and Amys, Bair, Melaine and Leane to go to her bedroom.
Perrin's Point of View:
Setting: Tar Valon in Tel'aran'rhiod
Perrin and Slayer talk. Slayer tells him that Luc hates him deeply, but that he is indifferent.
Gawyn's Point of View:
Setting: The White Tower
Characters: Celark, Gawyn, Mazone
Gawyn runs to Egwene's room, collecting Celark and Mazone on the way. He arrives just in time to thwart a Bloodknife attack and soon finds himself fighting two of them. He sends Mazone for reinforcements and he and Celark try to fight, but the Bloodknives quickly decapitate Celark. He sees a flicker of movement from the corner of his eye and sees Mazone's body and a third Bloodknife entering the room.
Perrin's Point of View:
Setting: Tar Valon in Tel'aran'rhiod
Characters: Hopper, Slayer, Perrin
Perrin and Slayer fight in tel'aran'rhiod. Slayer steals the Dreamspike from him and runs off. Hopper appears and attacks him, but he manages to move away. They chase after him.
Egwene's Point of View:
Setting: The White Tower in Tel'aran'rhiod
Characters: Bair, Egwene, Evanellein, Mesaana, Nynaeve, Sedore
Egwene kills Mestra and imagines Evanallein stupid. While she is trying to decide what to do, Mesaana arrives and tries to control Egwene, who is forced to flee to her room. She meets Nynaeve there and they go to one of the Tower gardens. They separate and Egwene kills Sedore, pleasing Nynaeve. They head on, missing Bair who had disguised herself as a wall. The wall next to them explodes, to reveal six women weaving fire.
Perrin's Point of View:
Setting: The White Tower in Tel'aran'rhiod
Perrin and Hopper run through the White Tower, encountering Egwene. He tells her it is dangerous and she shouldn't be there. She tells him she doesn't have time and binds him with ropes. He releases them with no difficulty. A woman bursts from a nearby room and sends balefire at them, but he simply imagines it not there and it stops. The wall above the woman falls on top, likely killing her. He runs off, leaving her spluttering.
Gawyn's Point of View:
Setting: The White Tower
Characters: Gawyn
Gawyn fights the bloodknives, killing one but receiving many cuts before he realises that if he removes the light, there will be no shadows. He puts the lantern out and strikes, killing the first, then taking a wound before killing the last. He collapses.
Mesaana's Point of View:
Setting: The White Tower
Mesaana punishes Katerine and thinks of how useful the Dreamspike would be. She is annoyed that the Dreamspike prevents her from moving to the place she had intended for her trap and instructs Katerine to capture Egwene, first placing a weave on her.
Perrin's Point of View:
Setting: The White Tower in Tel'aran'rhiod
Characters: Hopper, Perrin, Slayer
Slayer tosses a wounded Hopper off the White Tower. Perrin tries to catch him, but Slayer stabs him in the stomach. He keeps hold of Perrin, but Perrin is able to escape and saves Hopper. Slayer aims an arrow to finish Perrin, but Perrin sees an opening to a nightmare behind them and jumps into it, taking Slayer with him.
This section contains Notes on this Chapter which may contain spoilers. Please expand to view.
- If Slayer is in the dream in flesh, how is he able to jump around like those who are there in dream form only?
- Who was the woman killed by Perrin and Egwene?
She is described as "tall, slender necked woman with raven hair".