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[[File:Bel Tine 2017 Sig 05.jpg]]   [[File:Bel Tine 2017 Sig 06.jpg]]
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===[[Bel Tine 2016|Bel Tine]]===
'''The Brown Ajah Gives You the Tingles''' - Winner of Best Theme &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;[[File:2016 Sig Badge.png]]
You might not know this, but Brown Ajah Aes Sedai tend to enjoy reading. We often share what we're reading with our fellow Brown Ajah members. We are educated peoples. We have refined tastes. We dance down the literary path together, hand in hand. Together we discover the best books. Together we follow words and pages to grand new adventures of the mind.
This Bel Tine, we invite the rest of you to join us in our grand reading adventures.
'''Poetry Contest'''
'''Free Verse Winner:''' Sela Narian
"Spring, My Enemy"<br>
Blossom, you are a terrorist<br>
Sending pollen on the wind like chemical warfare<br>
My head blubbers in misery<br>
Burning tears of stupid Spring and stupid sinuses<br>
and stupid Suz, leaving the house without taking an allergy pill<br>
I cannot breathe<br>
Oh god<br>
Where is my inhaler???<br>
At least there’s a baseball game.<br>
Go Cubs.<br>
'''Limerick Winner:''' Shaerlyn Storna
There was a young man with great class<br>
who never had rolled in the grass<br>
until a young maid<br>
helped him get laid<br>
by pegging him hard in the butt.
'''Haiku Winner:''' Shaerlyn Storna
solid baseball bat<br>
underneath high school bleachers<br>
pounded in the butt
|[[File:Karaelyn Bel Tine 2016.png]]
|[[File:Cassie Bel Tine 2016.png]]
|[[File:Eluial Bel Tine 2016.png]]
|[[File:Jenalla Bel Tine 2016.png]]
|[[File:Keara Bel Tine 2016.png]]
|[[File:Leira Bel Tine 2016.png]]
|[[File:Loraella Bel Tine 2016.png]]
|<center>[[Alexstrasza Ruskea|Alexstrasza]]</center>
|<center>[[Cassie Dainar|Cassie]]</center>
|<center>[[Eluial Aldaran|Eluial]]</center>
|<center>[[Jenalla Selar|Jenalla]]</center>
|<center>[[Keara Careen|Keara]]</center>
|<center>[[Leira Galene|Leira]]</center>
|<center>[[Loraella Melodie|Loraella]]</center>
|[[File:Rijomu Bel Tine 2016.png]]
|[[File:Sela Bel Tine 2016.png]]
|[[File:Serenla Bel Tine 2016.png]]
|[[File:Shaerlyn Bel Tine 2016.png]]
|[[File:Yelenia Bel Tine 2016.png]]
|[[File:Zashara Bel Tine 2016.png]]
|<center>[[Rijomu Sezain|Rijomu]]</center>
|<center>[[Sela Narian|Sela]]</center>
|<center>[[Serenla Tamowith|Serenla]]</center>
|<center>[[Shaerlyn Storna|Shaerlyn]]</center>
|<center>[[Yelenia Hylraren|Yelenia]]</center>
|<center>[[Zashara Sho'am|Zashara]]</center>
[[File:Bel Tine 2016 Sig Banner.png]]
===[[Bel Tine 2015|Bel Tine]]===
'''Inspirational Quotes to Make Your Day Better''' - Winner of Best Theme  [[File:Inspirational Badge 01.png]]&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;[[File:Inspirational Badge 02.jpg]]&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;[[File:Inspirational Badge 03.jpg]]
...or something like that.
|<center>[[Aintza Bisera|Aintza]]</center>
|<center>[[Alexstrasza Ruskea|Alexstrasza]]</center>
|<center>[[Aryela Dashtahd|Aryela]]</center>
|<center>Adolf Hitler</center>
|<center>Stephen Hawking</center>
|<center>Chris Brown</center>
|<center>[[Ashlyn Sindal|Ashlyn]]</center>
|<center>[[Avery d'Itkarya|Avery]]</center>
|<center>[[Cealestis Lumen|Cealestis]]</center>
|<center>Joseph Stalin</center>
|<center>Monica Lewinsky</center>
|<center>Vincent van Gogh</center>
|<center>[[Eluial Aldaran|Eluial]]</center>
|<center>[[Jeffan Caliarthan|Jeffan]]</center>
|<center>[[Leira Galene|Leira]]</center>
|<center>Ron Jeremy</center>
|<center>Anne Frank</center>
|<center>Magic Johnson</center>
|<center>[[Lillian O'Neeus|Lillian]]</center>
|<center>[[Sela Narian|Sela]]</center>
|<center>[[Shaerlyn Storna|Shaerlyn]]</center>
|<center>Helen Keller</center>
|<center>Francis Scobee</center>
|<center>Lee Harvey Oswald</center>
|<center>[[Stasia t'Andrei|Stasia]]</center>
|<center>[[Venric Methalion|Venric]]</center>
|<center>[[Venric Methalion|also Venric]]</center>
|<center>Alex Trebek</center>
|<center>Jedi Jesus</center>
|<center>[[Yelenia Hylraren|Yelenia]]</center>
|<center>[[Zashara Sho'am|Zashara]]</center>
|<center>Neil deGrasse Tyson</center>
|<center>Joseph Kony</center>
Not all of the Ajah was feeling inspirational. A few chose to brighten the day by being creepy bugs instead.
|<center>[[Keladria Tulin|Keladria]]</center>
|<center>[[Rijomu Sezain|Rijomu]]</center>
|<center>[[Serenla Tamowith|Serenla]]</center>
===[[Shaoman 2015|Shaoman]]===
'''Theme Not Found'''
|[[File:Everyone - Theme Not Found.png]]
|<center>[[Community Page: Brown Ajah HQ|Everyone]]</center>
|[[File:Theme Not Found Sig.png]]
===[[Bel Tine 2014|Bel Tine]]===
'''Shirtless Putin''' - Winner of Best Theme [[File:PutinBadge03.png]]
The Brown Ajah longs for the days when men were men and bare chests were bare chests and no one was afraid to grab a frickin wild goose out of the skies and ride that sucker to St. Petersburg. Riding a woolly mammoth? Child's play. I ride man-eating bears through the river every day of my life, bare-chested, and I've never even caught the sniffles. Once an asteroid was about to hit the earth and I climbed to the top of the Kremlin, jumped on it, and saved the world from destruction. All in a day's work. That's right: Vladimir Putin can do anything, without even putting on a shirt. What's that? You don't like my speedo? I don't like your face, and neither does the KGB, and look at that, your mother just disappeared. So long, suckers. Time to gallop through the mountains of Siberia on top of a giant kitten.
|<center>[[Adolla Ceryia|Adolla]]</center>
|<center>[[Alexstrasza Ruskea|Alexstrasza]]</center>
|<center>[[Aryela Dashtahd|Aryela]]</center>
|<center>[[Avery d'Itkarya|Avery]]</center>
|<center>[[Cealestis Lumen|Cealestis]]</center>
|<center>[[Elia LePhant|Elia]]</center>
|<center>[[Elorenya d'Rahien|Elorenya]]</center>
|<center>[[Eluial Aldaran|Eluial]]</center>
|<center>[[Keara Careen|Keara]]</center>
|<center>[[Keladria Tulin|Keladria]]</center>
|<center>[[Lillian O'Neeus|Lillian]]</center>
|<center>[[Rinwyn Sihrera|Rinwyn]]</center>
|<center>[[Sela Narian|Sela]]</center>
|<center>[[Serenla Tamowith|Serenla]]</center>
|<center>[[Shaerlyn Storna|Shaerlyn]]</center>
|<center>[[Stasia t'Andrei|Stasia]]</center>
|<center>[[Taika Vinh|Taika]]</center>
|<center>[[Venric Methalion|Venric]]</center>
|<center>[[Zashara Sho'am|Zashara]]</center>
===[[Shaoman 2014|Shaoman]]===
'''The Hawkeye Initiative''' - Winner of Best Theme, Best Avatars, and the Spamathon [[File:HawkeyeBadge02.png]]&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;[[File:HawkeyeBadge01.png]]&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;[[File:Shaoman 2014 Spam Winner.png]]
Hawkeye looked up suddenly, "I sense a disturbance in the force."
"You're a Jedi now? Awesome!" said Stark, offering up a high five.
"No, not that kind of force. The forces of nature."
"What, like a tsunami? I don't even think Aquaman is here..." Banner chimed in.
"No! Like gravity! Mass, density, and thermodynamics! Basic rules of anatomy!"
"You're not making any sense," said Clark "If there was something wrong with those things, we would be contorted into bizarre, unrealistic poses. But we're all pretty normal, just a bit.. super."
"No!! It's not here... it's..." Hawkeye paces restlessly, cocking his head this way and that as if honing in on a sound. Suddenly he stops and throws open a door.
The scene before our heroes is truly horrific. Their friends and companions are there, but some terrible force is torturing them. Wonderwoman, Catwoman, Jean Gray, and their female compatriots are all there, and there is only the sound of quiet, pained whimpering. Rather than clothing, each of them is wearing almost nothing, which makes no sense, as these women fight side-by-side with their male companions against the forces of evil. Their spines have been broken in several places. Their breasts and behinds are weirdly inflated and buoyant beyond all reason.
Some of them have torture devices strapped to their feet as well. Tall, shoe-like objects with a single long spike at the heel. While the spike might make a good improvised weapon, the male heroes can see what these "shoes" really do is twist their feet, legs, and hips into a painful posture which is totally impractical for any kind of crime fighting.
"My god. You were right, Hawkeye!" Bruce exclaims.
"What's happened? Why isn't it affecting us?" Deadpool asks.
"I can answer that."
The male superheroes all turn to look at the speaker. Elayne Trakand.
"You see, I was working on a device to... ummm.. enhance... well. Nevermind. I was working on an invention just now, and it experienced a spontaneous, forceful ejection of matter from a central point."
"You mean it blew up?" asks Banner.
"Errm... yes. That." Elayne continues, "It may have a localized effect on certain laws of nature. I'll need to reassemble the device to reverse it, but the pieces I need are in that room."
"So we go in and get them out," growls Wolverine.
"Will that.. ahh.. will we... That means we'll be affected like them?" asked Cable.
"It doesn't matter! If they can survive this twisting of nature, so can we. We have to save them!" yelled Nick Fury.
"Alright," Hawkeye takes the initiative, "Let's go save our friends."
|<center>[[Alexstrasza Ruskea|Alexstrasza]]</center>
|<center>[[Ashlyn Sindal|Ashlyn]]</center>
|<center>[[Avery d'Itkarya|Avery]]</center>
|<center>[[Cealestis Lumen|Cealestis]]</center>
|<center>[[Elia LePhant|Elia]]</center>
|<center>[[Elorenya d'Rahien|Elorenya]]</center>
|<center>[[Eluial Aldaran|Eluial]]</center>
|<center>[[Laithean Cor'dazar|Laithean]]</center>
|<center>Nick Fury</center>
|<center>[[Loraella Melodie|Loraella]]</center>
|<center>[[Rijomu Sezain|Rijomu]]</center>
|<center>[[Sela Narian|Sela]]</center>
|<center>[[Serenla Tamowith|Serenla]]</center>
|<center>[[Shaerlyn Storna|Shaerlyn]]</center>
|<center>[[Stasia t'Andrei|Stasia]]</center>
|<center>[[Venric Methalion|Venric]]</center>
|<center>[[Zashara Sho'am|Zashara]]</center>
|<center>Iron Man</center>
|<center>Winter Soldier</center>
|<center>Two Batmans</center>
|<center>John Adams</center>
|<center>Han Solo</center>

Revision as of 16:22, 18 July 2017

Past Themes

2014 - 2016

2011 - 2013

2008 - 2010

2004 - 2007

Suzanne Day

Suzanne Day is the official holiday of the Brown Ajah. These are the sig banners and badges that are used each year.

Cicerosig.gif   SuzSig03.png

SuzSig02.png   Thattimeofyear.jpg

SuzBadge01.png      SuzBadge02.png      SuzBadge04.png      SuzBadge03.png

Valentine's Day

Romance Novels

This theme was used several years in a row, with most people keeping the same image.

RomanceNovelAdolla.jpg RomanceNovelAves.jpg RomanceNovelCariyad.jpg RomanceNovelCassie.jpg RomanceNovelDarim.jpg
RomanceNovelDovi.jpg RomanceNovelIsmene.jpg RomanceNovelKeara.jpg RomanceNovelLillian.jpg RomanceNovelMiriya.jpg
RomanceNovelRinwyn.jpg RomanceNovelRodi.jpg RomanceNovelSean.jpg RomanceNovelSela.jpg RomanceNovelSerenla01.jpg
RomanceNovelSerenla.jpg RomanceNovelShara.jpg RomanceNovelSoro.jpg RomanceNovelThalya.jpg



Bel Tine

With the emergence of the giant vegetables this Beltine, the Brown Ajah finally reveals their true selves! They don't just keep dust bunnies as pets, THEY ARE BUNNIES! They are now here to eat the veggies.

Adolla Bel Tine 2017.jpg Aloren Bel Tine 2017.jpg Ashlyn Bel Tine 2017.jpg Elia Bel Tine 2017.jpg Eluial Bel Tine 2017.jpg Keladria Bel Tine 2017.jpg
Leira Bel Tine 2017.jpg Lilly Bel Tine 2017.jpg Loraella Bel Tine 2017.jpg Serenla Bel Tine 2017.jpg Shaerlyn Bel Tine 2017.jpg Yelenia Bel Tine 2017.jpg

Bel Tine 2017 Sig 01.jpg   Bel Tine 2017 Sig 02.jpg

Bel Tine 2017 Sig 03.jpg   Bel Tine 2017 Sig 04.jpg

Bel Tine 2017 Sig 05.jpg   Bel Tine 2017 Sig 06.jpg