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Revision as of 04:15, 4 October 2016

Avatar Kitan.jpg KitanRL.jpg
Avatar Real Life
Kitan Tataru
Real Name Tracie
Location Salt Lake City, Utah, USA
Birthday December 8
TarValon.Net Information
Affiliation White Ajah
Rank Aes Sedai
Title Tar Valon Times Staff & Sitter
Join Date December 11, 2004
Bonded to Deleios Cherchenuit
Link to Forum Profile

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Tower History

Tower Involvement






Membership Merit Gold 300.png Membership Merit Gold 300.png Senior Membership Merit Gold 300.png Local Events Merit Gold 300.png Editing Merit Gold 300.png Staff Merit Gold 300.png Template:2018-11-SeniorMembershipGold


Events Attendance Merit Silver 300.png Local Liaison Merit Silver 300.png Participation Committee Merit Silver 300.png GleemanMerit300.png

Tower Relationships




Other Tower Relationships

First Sister

Official Event Attendance

Senior Member Interview

November 20, 2014

  • Why did you choose White?

White was the Ajah that I'd kind of "written off" inside my head when I began guesting - I have always been ruled more by emotion than by logic (though I think I'm getting better as I age).

The first time I guested with White I was surprised by how comfortable I felt there, but I felt like I couldn't really belong because of the logic stereotype. So I left White and continued guesting, but just couldn't find my place in any of the other Ajahs. Finally I had a conversation with the Amyrlin, and while I don't remember exactly what she or I said, suddenly it clicked for me...White was my place. As crazy and unlikely as it could be, White is my place!

When I went to 10th Anni and met so many Whites, I knew 110% that I'd made the right decision in Aspiring. White is where I belong. It took me a heck of a long time to get there...but I'm there now, and that's what's important :)

  • Are you like the Whites in the Books? Are you a logical woman with no time for emotion in her life?

I don't think I'd be a book White. Whether I like it or not, I have emotions...sometimes strong ones that I find difficult to control. I'm working on it. :p

I'm also horrible at math, which I see as the ultimate form of logic. Somehow math just doesn't make sense to me.

If I were an Aes Sedai in the books, I'd probably be a somewhat fierce Yellow.

  • Do you have a favorite White Ajah character from the novels?

SPOILERS! My favorite White in the books is Seaine Herimon. I admire Seaine's resolve to do what's right by the letter of the law - that is why Seaine upholds Elaida as Amyrlin, but only until Egwene points out that some of the Sitters who voted for Elaida were Black Ajah, making that raising illegal. After receiving that new information, Seaine does the logical (but incredibly difficult) thing: She supports Egwene. Being able to change one's opinion based on new facts is a very admirable trait.

I also admire Seaine because she uncovered several Black sisters as a Black Ajah hunter. That took logic, courage, and cunning. And I admire how Seaine went to the Red Ajah quarters to recruit Pevara to be a Black Ajah hunter. Relations between the Ajahs were strained (to say the least) at that point in the books. Going into the Red quarters to speak with a Red sister was a clear act of courage.

I also admire Daigian Moseneillin. She is so weak in the Power that she just barely gained the Shawl, but her logic is impeccable, making her a perfect White. Unlike some Whites, she acknowledges that she has emotion, but she controls it. She continued fighting for the Light after losing her Warder, she showed incredible strength by refusing Healing for her grief, and she was patient with Nynaeve as she taught her the hundred weaves. Though Daigian was barely more than a servant among other Aes Sedai, due to her weakness in the Power, she still stayed among them and contributed where she could. She could have always left and gone somewhere among "normal" people, where she would be respected as an Aes Sedai and as a minor Cairhienin noble. Instead, she made the hard choice. So when I cosplay, I cosplay as Daigian.

  • How long have you been a fan of the Wheel of Time series?

I've been a fan of the Wheel of Time series since 2004. Somehow it feels like forever (in a good way).

  • How did you first get into the series?

I read part of Nynaeve's Accepted test over someone's shoulder while sitting in a waiting area in late 2003. I finally picked up Eye of the World in April 2004 during a visit to Manhattan (New York City, USA) with my college's chamber singers. As soon as I really got into the book I was hooked - though the first book's prologue did really confuse me!

  • Who is your favorite "hero"?

My favorite hero is Perrin. He's quiet and was never one to seek the spotlight, but he does what needs to be done. I am also definitely a fan of Nynaeve.

  • Favorite bad guy/gal?

Alviarin is my favorite bad gal. She's very human...you see her when she's strong and when she's weak and disgraced. I don't agree with any of her decisions, but she's a fascinating character.

  • Favorite book and scene?

My favorite book and scene is The Gathering Storm, when Egwene takes charge of the novices during the attack.

  • If you were set down in Randland, who/what would you see yourself as? An Aes Sedai? Innkeeper? Seanchan Captain?

I think I might be an Aes Sedai, Wise One, or Wise Woman/Wisdom/etc (or in training to be one of the three).

  • How did you find TarValon.Net and what convinced you to stay and become a Senior Member?

I found TarValon.Net through LiveJournal. The site has a LiveJournal community and I found the community during a search. I figured "I can't join the LJ community without knowing what the site is about," so I went to the site and joined that night.

I stayed and became a senior member because of the sense of community I found here. Tar Valon has seriously enriched my life. I go to as many RL events as I can!

  • What do you do in "real life"?

I help people who are hard-of-hearing use the phone. Google "CaptionCall" to learn more :)

  • Do you have any hobbies?

I read sci-fi/fantasy, and I'm learning to sew. I watch Netflix with my hubby too.

  • What kind of music do you enjoy listening to?

I tend to listen to Christian rock even though I'm not even close to being Christian myself. I like listening to music that has meaning. I also listen to a lot of public radio (though that's rarely musical).

  • What are some of your favorite movies / television shows?

I like Doctor Who a lot :D

  • Aside from The Wheel of Time, what are a few of your favorite books/series?

My favorite series, hands down, is the Old Kingdom trilogy by Garth Nix (the books are Sabriel, Lirael, and Abhorsen). If you haven't read it, go read it. Now!

  • What profession did you want to have when you were a kid?

When I was in middle and high school I wanted to be a choir teacher. I actually went to university as a choral education major, but I changed my major to English halfway through my junior year. I could have never predicted where I am now, but I'm happy with my life.