Integration Focus Group
From Tar Valon Library
The Integration Focus Group was created after the Spring 2014 Admin Meeting to discuss possible options for moving forward with Integration. The group was composed of the Spring 2014 Hall of the Tower, the Executive Branch, the Board Members, and representatives from the Junior Member groups for a total of 47 people, as two people were present in dual capacities. It ran from May 1, 2014 to October 18, 2014, with the people representing their community groups staying on through the change in the Hall.
- 1 Board of Directors
- 2 Executive Branch
- 3 The Hall of the Tower
- 3.1 Blue Ajah Representatives
- 3.2 Brown Ajah Representatives
- 3.3 Dai M'Hael Representatives
- 3.4 Gray Ajah Representatives
- 3.5 Green Ajah Representatives
- 3.6 Mahdi'in d'ma Dieb Representatives
- 3.7 Red Ajah Representatives
- 3.8 San d'ma Shadar Representatives
- 3.9 Val'Cueran Representatives
- 3.10 White Ajah Representatives
- 3.11 Yellow Ajah Representatives
- 4 Junior Member Groups
Board of Directors
Executive Branch
- Amyrlin Seat Seat: Vivianna L'antreau
- Keeperof the Chronicles: Lireina Dormerus t'al`Bearach
- Shatayan: Ubahsur Kindellaer
- Archivist: Serenla Tamowith
- Department of Administration: Calypsa al'Nicolai
- Department of Community Outreach: Tree
- Department of Events and Conferences: Sonea Ilandred
- Department of Marketing: Ariadne Davion
- Department of Membership: Sa'areah Britthorn
- Department of Moderators and Operators: Kelgan al'Moranwin
- Department of Research and Records: Toral Delvar
- Department of Technology: Erin al'Denael
The Hall of the Tower
Some members of the Hall were unable to serve during the entire duration of the group. Group members who were replaced have been noted below.
Blue Ajah Representatives
- Shariyan Al'Feay: May 1 - October 18
- Kerna Shedrian: May 1 - August 26
- Adina al'Mari: August 26 - October 18
Brown Ajah Representatives
- Manon Lumen: May 1 - June 1
- Sela Narian: June 1 - June 22
- Shaerlyn Storna: June 22 - October 1
- Shara Nevan: May 1 - June 1
- Elorenya d'Rahien: June 1 - October 18
Dai M'Hael Representatives
- Jaim al'Bearach: May 1 - October 18
- Naeris Vell'sean: May 1 - October 18
Gray Ajah Representatives
- Siera al'Cere: May 1 - October 18
- Taelinn Dolivras: May 1 - October 18
Green Ajah Representatives
- Kethaana Nia Khamara: May 1 - October 18
- Eireann Namar: May 1 - August 8
- Melisande Arneil: August 8 - October 18
Mahdi'in d'ma Dieb Representatives
- Jeryn Lekar: May 1 - October 18
- Venric Methalion: May 1 - October 18
Red Ajah Representatives
- Anirfyan Dayen: May 1 - October 18
- Calypsa al'Nicolai: May 1 - June 23
- Ealandrelle Melyma: June 23 - October 18
San d'ma Shadar Representatives
- Kaldam Luciere: May 1 - October 18
- Doneavan al'Keavin: May 1 - July 12
- Sean al'Dragoran: July 12 - October 18
Val'Cueran Representatives
- Daegan Al'Calder: May 1 - October 18
- Gedhan Audax: May 1 - October 18
White Ajah Representatives
- Kitan Tataru: May 1 - October 18
- Chalisea t'Venatrix: May 1 - July 27
- Natalya Laragan: September 19 - October 18
Yellow Ajah Representatives
- Khisanth al'Danya: May 1 - October 18
- Niere al'Aman: May 1 - October 18
Junior Member Groups
Citizen Representatives
- Aran Cherubim: May 1 - October 18
- Zandera Sommers: May 1 - September 4
- Elatheara Bal A' Vilzaine: September 4 - October 18
Novice Representatives
- Ashlyn Sindal: May 1 - October 18
- Leira Galene: May 1 - October 18
Accepted Representatives
- Sabriane Diamodred: May 1 - October 18
- Avery d'Itkarya: May 1 - October 18
Recruit Representatives
- Dravid ter'Mand: May 1 - October 18
- Jeem al'Cazar: May 1 - October 18
Soldier Representatives
- Ty al'Djinn: May 1 - October 18
- Deleios Cherchenuit: May 1 - October 18