TarValon.Net's April 2021 Recap

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Author: Ilverin Matriam
Published: April 30 2021 Tar Valon Times Blog Link

With March bringing the Spring, it is safe to say that April brought many new beginnings for some people,
good weather for others, and overall activity on TarValon.Net’s boards.


Some announcements that happened in the month of April include:

  • April merit badges were announced, and we want to congratulate everyone who has received a merit. We would also like to thank you all for your service! All the merits for April were announced in the thread here.
  • One of TarValon.Net’s official free weeks happened between April 15th and April 22nd – Bel Tine! Many of the membership groups came out to play in our free week designated forum – the Faire Grounds.
  • The winners from Bel Tine were announced in our General forum. Congratulations to the Junior Members on their awesome Bel Tine theme this year! Congratulations to the Spirit of Bel Tine – Arella Mathara, Linkelivar Miou'Mai and Maibella ni Rhoiden t'al'Varrak; and big thank you goes to Aleita Taviah, the Rockstar of this year’s Bel Tine for her awesome work in making this freeweek a true success!
  • The Spring Hall is now in Session! Congratulations to all! Thank you everyone for your service!
  • Couple of new very interesting classes started this past month! You can check them out in the Classroom forum!

– All About Mediation with Calen Gaidin and Alyria Sedai. Check out the class thread here.
– Yu-Gi-Oh card game with Lok Sedai. Check out the class thread here.
– Rune casting with Gedhan Gaidin has just started, so you can sign up in the thread here.


The Department of Marketing had a lot of open positions in the month of April:

  • Social Media Team members, skilled in navigating and who enjoy either one of the social media platforms, are always needed. The application process was closed on April 19, but if you’re interested in applying the Marketing Director Aleita Sedai will be happy to hear from you. Check out the requirements in this thread.
  • After the position got vacated with Jahily al'Karee’s promotion to Tar Valon Times Editor in Chief, the Department was in need of a new Assistant Editor. Deadline for this position was extended to April 30, check it out here.
  • The Department of Marketing is cooking something really nice – a TarValon.Net based trading card game! Therefore Aleita Sedai was hiring people who would work on it for the next 12 months. You can check the thread here.
  • The Department of Marketing is also constantly hiring for Graphics Development Team, so if you’re interested, check out the requirements here.


As mentioned above, big congratulations go to our new Editor of the Tar Valon Times – Jahily al’Karee! The Tar Valon Times reporters are very happy to have Jahily in this role after she did an awesome job as an Assistant Editor.

The Department of Marketing has also hired new people to join different teams. Congratulations to:
Madhar al'Thera who is a new Tar Valon Times reporter!
Kethaana “Nia” Khamara who will be sharing information on our social media as part of the Social Media Team!
Lok Sionn is joining Lyndo Shiranui and Miliham Rastoubel, and together they will be developing a new TarValon.Net trading card game as part of the Card Game Development team!
Another big congratulations go to the new Classroom Headteachers! That’s right, now we have TWO Headteachers. Congrats to Calen Velervron and Teslyri Nicoin!


In addition to people getting new positions, there were also several members raised in the membership ladder this month:

We are very happy to welcome into the Tower our newest Novice Melorea al’Taehor . We wish you luck with your Novice training!

There have also been three raisings to the Ring. Congratulations to Accepted Kenith Sna’aps, Accepted Brynden von Brazilius, and Accepted Jahily al’Karee!


Stasia t'Andrei, Sedai from the Brown Ajah, and Azi al'Thone, Gaidin from San d'ma Shadar Company, have chosen each other to stand together to fight against the Shadow (and maybe play some video games together)! Come say Congrats here!

Elyss Koh'inor, Sedai from the Gray Ajah, and Dravid ter'Mand, Gaidin from Val'Cueran Company, have also sworn in front of the Amyrlin Seat that they will protect each other and fight against the Shadow, but will also read some good books! Come say Congrats here!

Congratulations to all on your bonds!

And now we’re ready for May — kicking off with the Dai M'Hael Takeover next week, The Eye of the World re-read, new content from several ongoing TVT series, and more!