Amyrlin's Awards

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The Amyrlin's Awards are unique annual awards that are given for superlative service to the community. These are awarded by the Template:Amyrlin Seat personally, and are the highest honors we bestow.

Volunteer of the Year: Awarded for outstanding contribution in an official role

Philanthropist of the Year: Awarded to someone who consistently contributes to the fundraising goals of the community

Unsung Servant: For an outstanding contribution in an unofficial capacity

Member of the Year: The highest honor, for all round contribution


Members of the Year: Toral Delvar and the mystery member


Members of the Year: Vivianna L'antreau and Melana al'Cairera
Philanthropists of the Year: Caerwyn Jolan and Cassie Dainar
Volunteer of the Year: Serenla Tamowith
Unsung Servant: Darian Coralis
Servants of All: Kerna Shedrian and Naeris Vell'sean


Member of the Year: Serinia Edoras
Philanthropists of the Year: Deoan Kakarot and Tian el'Nvidia
Unsung Servant: Tree al'Rotture
Volunteer of the Year: Alyria Savoinya


Member of the Year: Defen Estrator
Philanthropist of the Year: Ubahsur Kindellaer
Unsung Servant: Riley Maconnar
Volunteer of the Year: Toral t'Simoua Delvar


Member of the Year: Yelenia Hylraren
Unsung Servant: Ninya Evoneigh


Members of the Year: Dralyn Montsier and Zhareen din Narelle
Philanthropists of the Year: Tinnlin Fundon, Muerandah d'Acre and Martele d'Acre


Member of the Year: Val a'Shain
Philanthropist of the Year: Padraigin al'Teirik
Unsung Servant: Faeril Munlear and Branwyn al'Leara
Volunteer of the Year: Caia al'Tamad


Unknown: Valorian Edoras
Members of the Year: Karassa Souladrin and Kariada Kunai


Contributor of the Year: Randle al'Ren
Philanthropist of the Year: Arisaema Draconis



Unknown: Valorian Edoras