Gleeman's Merit
From Tar Valon Library

One of the new Merit Badges introduced in Fall of 2016. It falls under the "Online Spirit" category. A gold merit is earned after running four Mafia or Assassins games, with a requirement that at least one is a Mafia game and a silver is earned after running 2 games of any type. It can only be earned once.
Golds Awarded
- Alenya Al'Roran
- Alor Sionn
- Ariadne Davion
- Asandra al'Terra
- Barmacral Tigana
- Cahalan Sothron
- Eluial Aldaran
- Hal Bahalla
- Jocasta Braithe
- Kitan Tataru
- Leira Galene
- Roheryn ni Galghandhrei t'al'Djinn
- Stephen Lightheart
- Thaddius al'Guy
- Zashara Sho'am