Kitiarah Lamseen

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Kitiarah Lamseen
Real Name Stephanie
Location USA
Birthday May 19
TarValon.Net Information
Affiliation Gray Ajah
Rank Aes Sedai
Join Date January 24, 2008
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Gray Ajah

Kiti squirrel.gif
  • Squirrel

Gray Guide

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Tower Sworn Interview

March 5, 2009

Why did you choose Gray?

First and foremost, they accept me in all my faults. They made me feel I truly had found my home. It felt natural being with them, I didn't have to "try".

Are you like the Grays in the Books?

I believe I am,though, when I approach a subject that needs delegation that involves friends, I pull no punches. Which, can sometimes be painful for them. Odd, I'm more delicate when it comes to those who aren't my friends and family. I think mostly this is because, I know my friends and family are closer to me and know me. I do love to find compromise. Life may not be fair, but if we try, we can always find a balance. It's convincing people that not everything is Black and White. That is why..We have Gray!

Do you love politics and do you like to discuss a lot?

Polictics, oh, WoW. Let's not get me started. I discuss more politics with my 15 yr old son. That is always intense. I find most of my friends, or family don't really want to get into the discussions with me about politics.

How was your time as Citizen/Novice/Accepted?

All stages of my time here started out the same. I was nervous. This was the first forum boards I had ever joined. I wasn't sure what to expect or really to do or say to people. I did make some friends as a Citizen, actually, I made a lot of friends and thru all of our stages, we have remained so. That makes things so much easier. I know if it wasn't for them, I would not be here now. I learned quite a bit about so many different things. I also learned more about myself. I can't say which was my favorite time, Citizen, Novice or Accepted, the time seems to bend and blend. I have a favorite quote, which holds true for all that happens in my life.

"We do not remember days. We remember moments"

What things do you do for

I'm currently with the Online Events Team. I am part of the Gray Ajah Newsletter. I taught a class, but RL eated me during that. I also make siggys and if new members have problems with avi's and siggys I gladly help them in PM's to walk them thru the process of hosting, adding,etc..I was on the Welcome Committee for Anni 2009. What an experience.

How did you get to read the Series?

I started reading it at a friends house out of boredom. Everytime I went to his house, I would pick the EoTW up and start reading it, unfortuneatly, I moved away and then couldn't remember the Authors name. :tug Finally, I happened across EoTW in the library and found that it had the entire series. When I got to the last published book, I flipped and went searching. YaY, for finding you all!

Who is your mentee, if you have one?

one day.

Who is your favorite character of the Series? Favorite Nation?

I can't choose. It's too hard. I enjoy all the characters equally. My favorite Nation, Aiel.

Have you ever attended any Real Life Functions? Did you like them if you did, and why? (Why do you think people should come to any future functions?)

Oh yes, I attended Fall Ball 2008 at Walt Disney World. Then Anni 2009 in Washington. I loved both experiences. I was nervous at first,at Fall Ball, because I had never done anything so bold, as to meet people from the internet in RL. I got over that pretty quickly, when I realized just how great everyone was/is and then I felt normal, like I belonged there. Anni was even better than FB!! I am going to make a tradition out of Anni! The experience is something everyone should have, you don't really fully comprehend how much your family here at means to you until you meet them face to face. People you used to shy away from, you end up embracing and not wanting to let go of, the ones you already love, well, it becomes almost painful to let them go when it comes to leave. It's a very liberating, joyful, and may I say, addictive experience.

What kind of music do you like?

I love all kinds of music, though rap is at the bottom of the list.

What are your favorite movies?

Practical Magic, LotR, Underworld, Boondock Saints..I have a lot of favorites.

What is the craziest/stupidest thing you've ever done?

When I was 17, I had a bout of boredom, so I called my dad and told him I was going for a long walk. I lived in Grand Rapids,Michigan at the time. He asked where I was headed to and said, "I think I'm going to Indiana.". I packed some stuff in a backpack and took off. I walked/hitch hiked from Grand Rapids to Gary,Indiana. That was fun and full of crazy experiences. One of the best times in my life.

What job do you have?

At the moment, I don't have a job. Usually though, I am a server/waitress. I love working with people. My passion for a Career would be in Photography though.

Do you have a pet?

As many pets as I have, I should be living on a farm. I have 3 dogs,like 7 cats, fish, and a Prarie Dog!

What languages do you speak?

I speak English/American and I am slowly, very slowly, learning Swedish.

What profession did you want to have when you were a kid?

I don't think I remember, I know that I always loved pictures. Not being in them but taking them. My dad gave me a polaroid camera when I was young and I wore it out. So, I guess I've always wanted to do photography.

Lanfear or Moghedien?


Seanchan or Shara?


Candles or lamps?

Candles FTW!

Party or lounging at home?

That depends on my mood.

A short bio about yourself.

I am a Mom of 4 kids. I have 1 daughter and 3 sons. I don't have my daughter and that is a thorn in my side and a heartbreak in my life.I have been married and divorced. I am currently engaged. My sons are the reason I get up everyday and take one breath at a time. Sometimes, they are the reason I hold my breath. I have been all over the United States and found that my favorite place to be is in an area with both the mountains and the sea combined. That is my ultimate happy place. "When I grow up", I want to travel. I've never left the states and that is something I plan to remedy. I live simply, love passionately and try to learn from my mistakes.

Aes Sedai of the Gray Ajah