Lawdrin Mendair
From Tar Valon Library
Author: Kyria d'Oreyn
Lawdrin Mendair was one of the Redarms in Mat's Band of the Red Hand (ACoS, Ch. 37).
- When Mat, Nalesean, Vanin and the Aes Sedai left Salidar, a dozen Redarms, including Mendair, accompanied them (LoC, Ch. 44). During their trip to Ebou Dar, Mendair had five flasks of brandy with him, because he liked to drink one too many. Upon arriving at their destination, the Redarms stopped at The Wandering Woman, while the Aes Sedai moved into the Tarasin Palace (LoC, Ch. 47).
- Later, they moved from the inn to the barracks in the Tarasin Palace (ACoS, Ch. 28).
- When they arrived at the six story building where the angreal stash was hidden, Mat sent Harnan, Mendair and five other Redarms to guard the back. All except for Harnan were killed by the gholam (ACoS, Ch. 38).